(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 8892 筆資料,顯示第 7101 到 7200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Scorched-earth policy 「焦土政策」
Score function 計分函數
Score test 計分檢定
Scoring algorithm 計分演算法
Screening 篩選
Screening device 篩選工具
Screw Propeller 暗輪推進器
Screw-Cutting Lathe 螺絲釘切割車床
Sdet off 抵銷
Sealed-bid 封閉式喊價
Sealed-bid auctions 封閉式拍賣
Sealed-bid common value 等值封閉式喊價
Sealed-bid common value auctions 等值封閉式拍賣
Search 搜尋
Search experiment 搜尋實驗
Search goods 搜尋財
Search procedure 搜尋程序
Search unemployment 搜尋性失業
Search-related monopsony 搜尋相關的獨買
Seasonal adjustment 季節調整
Seasonal ARIMA models 季節性自我相關整合移動平均模型
Seasonal cointegration 季節性共整合
Seasonal component 季節性成分
Seasonal dummy 季節虛擬變數
Seasonal factor 季節因子
Seasonal fluctuations 季節變動
Seasonal index 季節指數
Seasonal time series 季節性時間序列
Seasonal unemployment 季節性失業
Seasonal unit root 季節性單根
Seasonality 季節性
Seasonally adjusted time series 季節調整的時間序列
Secant condition 橫切條件
Secant method 橫切法
Second best 次佳
Second derivative 二階導數
Second partial derivatives 第二階偏微分
Second quartile 第二四分位數
Second Theorem of Welfare Economics 第二福利定理
second-degree price discrimination 二級差別訂價
Second-hand goods 二手貨
Second-order condition 二階條件
Second-price auction 第二高價拍賣
Secondary benefit 次級效益
Secondary boycott 次級杯葛
Secondary data 次級資料
Secondary labor markets 次要勞動市場
Secondary market 次級市場
Secondary production 次要產出
Secondary reserve 次級準備
Secondary sector 第二級產業
Secondary-line injury 次要傷害
Secret price cuts 秘密減價
Secured loan 擔保放款
Securities 有價證券
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 證管會
Securities company 證券公司
Securitization 證券化
Security 有價證券
Security dematerialization 證券無實體化
Security Exchange; Stock Exchange 證券交易所
Security level 安全值
Security market line (SML) 證券市場線
Security market plane (SMP) 證券市場平面
Seemingly unrelated regression model 似不相關聯的迴歸方程式
Segmented markets (Market segmentation) hypothesis of term structure 期限結構的市場分割假說
Segmented trial 分段審判
Segregation in central city 中心都市的區位隔離
Seigniorage 鑄幣收益權
Selection bias 選擇偏誤
Selection mechanism 篩選機制
Selection of regressors 迴歸變數之選擇
Selective (targeted) employment subsidies 選擇性雇用補貼
Selective Breeding of Livestock 家禽家畜選育法
Selective credit control 選擇性信用管制
Selective intervention 選擇性干預
Self cleansing power 自淨能力
Self- correcting 自我矯正
Self- select 自我選擇(功能)
Self-employed workers 自營作業者
Self-employment approach 自雇分析法
Self-enforcing 自我執行
Self-enforcing employment contracts 自我執行的雇用契約
Self-enumeration 自己填表
Self-fulfilling Prophecy 自我兌現的預言
Self-fullfiling expectations 自我實現預期
Self-interest 自利心
Self-liquidating theory 自償性理論
Self-monitoring 自行監測
Self-selection 自我選擇
Self-selection constraints 自我選擇限制
Self-selectivity 自我選擇
Semi-input-output method (SIOM) 半投入產出法
Semi-lagged reserve accounting (SLRA) 混合準備金提存制
Semi-separating equilibrium 半分離式均衡
Semi-skilled labor 半技術工
Semiparametric 半母數
Semiparametric estimation 半母數估計
Semiparametric residuals 半母數殘差
Senior security 高受償順位債券