(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 14001 到 14100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
mean flight time between maintenance by type 2 failure 產生型態2故障之平均時間
mean flight time between maintenance by type 6 failure 產生型態6故障之平均時間
mean flight time between remove 產生拆裝行動之平均時間
mean free path (MFP) 平均自由徑
mean free path of gas 氣體平均自由徑
mean geometrical chord 平均幾何翼弦
mean indicated pressure 平均指示壓力
mean line 中線
mean line of an airfoil profile 翼切形中線
mean man-hours to repair 平均修護工時
mean noon 平均正午
mean resistance 平均阻力
mean rounds to failure (MRTF) 平均失敗輪數
mean sea level (MSL) 平均海平面
mean solar day 平均太陽日
mean solar time 平均太陽時
mean span 平均翼展
mean square value 均方值
mean sun 平均太陽
mean temperature 平均溫度
mean terrain clearance 平均地形高度
mean time 平均時
mean time between failure requiring overhaul (MTBFRO) 平均失效翻修時間
mean time between incident (MTBIC) 平均意外時間
mean time between maintenance action (MTBMA) 平均維護時間
mean time between power loss 平均功率喪失時間
mean time between repair (MTBR) 平均修理時間
mean time between significant failure (MTBSF) 平均重大失效時間
mean time between unscheduled maintenance (MTBUM) 平均不定期維修時間
mean time to repair (MTTR) 平均修護時間
mean weight 平均重量
mean-flight-time-between-failures 平均飛行失效間隔時數
mean-time-between failure (MTBF) 平均失效間隔時間
measure of effectiveness 效能測量
measured ceiling 測定雲幕
measured thrust 測定推力
mechanical backup 機械備份
mechanical component design 機械元件設計
mechanical de-icing 機械除冰
mechanical delay 機械延誤
mechanical efficiency 機械效率
mechanical equivalent of heat 熱功當量
mechanical freedom 機件動限
mechanical ground support equipment (MGSE) 地面機械支援設備
mechanical impedance 機械抗阻
mechanical instability 機械不穩定性
mechanical lift 機械昇力
mechanical linkage 機械聯動裝置
mechanical schedule 機械排程
mechanical shifter 機械變換器
mechanical stabilizer 機械安定器
mechanical zero 機械零位
mechanics 力學
mechanics of composite materials 複合材料力學
mechanics; damage 損傷力學
mechanics; fluid 流體力學
mechanics; micro 微觀力學
mechanics; wave 波動力學
mechanization change request 機構變更需求
meclizine 暈機藥之一
median line 中線
medical attendant 醫療助理
medical certification examination 醫藥給證檢查
medical climatology 醫藥氣候學
medical disability 醫藥失能
medical evacuation (Medevac) 醫護後送
medical flight test 醫學飛行測試
medical standard 醫學標準
medical waiver system 醫學缺點免計制度
medication 用藥
Mediterranean climate 地中海氣候
medium 中型;介質
medium altitude bombing 中高度投彈
medium altitude CAT (Medcat) 中高度晴空亂流
medium and high frequency direction-finding stations (MHDF) 中頻及高頻測向台
medium and very high frequency direction-finding stations (MVDF) 中頻及極高頻測向臺
medium bank 中坡度
medium bomber 中型轟炸機
medium frequency (M-F) 中頻
medium frequency direction-finding station (MDF) 中頻測向台
medium gliding turn 下滑中轉彎
medium intensity runway lights 中強度跑道燈
medium loading 中負載
medium range (MRG) 中程;中距進
medium range air-to-air missile (MRAAM) 中程空對空飛彈
medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) 中程彈道飛彈
medium range forecast 中期預報
medium scale integration (MSI) 中型積體電路
medium scale map 中比例尺地圖
medium turn 中轉彎
medium-angle rocket projectile (MRP) 中角度火箭投射物
medium-intensity approach light system (MALS) 中亮度進場照明系統
medium-power radar (MPR) 中功率雷達
medium-range missile (MRM) 中程飛彈
medium-range unmanned aerial surveillance and target acquisition system (MRUASTAS) 中程無人空中監視與目標搜索系統
medium-resolution infra-red radiometer (MRIR) 中解析度紅外線輻射計
medium; high and very high frequency direction-finding stations (MHVDF) 中頻、高頻及極高頻測向臺
megahertz (MHz) 百萬赫
megaphone 麥克風
megathermal climate 高溫氣候