(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 15101 到 15200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
nose cowl 前整流罩
nose dive (spinning) 俯衝螺旋
nose dome 前整流罩
nose down 機頭向下
nose gear 前起落架
nose gear actuator 前起落架作動筒
nose gear door 前起落架艙門
nose gear door linkage 前起落架艙門聯動裝置
nose gear landing light 前起落架著陸燈
nose gear steering actuator 前起落架操縱致動筒
nose gear torsion link 前起落架防扭鏈桿
nose gear well 前起落架艙
nose gear well aft bulkhead 前起落架艙後隔板
nose gear well light 前起落架艙燈
nose gear well looking aft 向後看去的前起落架艙
nose gear well looking forward 向前看去的前起落架艙
nose gear area 前起落架區
nose gun 機頭槍
nose heavy 頭重
nose in 機頭向內停放
nose landing gear (NLG) 前起落架
nose machine gun 機鼻機槍
nose over 傾覆;拿大頂
nose piece radiator 機首散熱器
nose rib 前緣(翼)肋
nose spar 前緣(翼)樑
nose spinner 槳殼蓋;機頭罩
nose stiffener 機頭加強條
nose tail separation 前後分離
nose test boom 機頭測試管
nose up 機頭向上
nose up attitude 機頭向上姿態
nose wheel 鼻輪;前艙
nose wheel door actuating cylinder 鼻輪門致動筒
nose wheel steering control cable 前艙操縱控制鋼索
nose wheel steering release pin 鼻輪轉向釋放銷
nose wheel steering tiller 前舵操縱柄
not operational ready; ground (NORSG) 未完成戰備;停飛
not operational ready; not-ground (NORSNG) 未完成戰備;不停飛
not operational ready; spare part (NORS) 未完成戰備;缺件
notch 凹口
notch filter 凹口濾波器
notch sensitivity 缺口敏感度
notice to airman (NOTAM) 飛航公告
notice to aviator 航空員通報
notification of an aircraft accident (ACCID) 航空器失事之通知
nova 新星
novice pilot 新手駕駛員
nozzle adiabatic efficiency 噴嘴絕熱效率
nozzle angle 噴嘴角
nozzle area control 噴嘴面積控制
nozzle area ratio 噴嘴面積比
nozzle blade 噴嘴葉片
nozzle choke 噴嘴阻塞
nozzle contraction area ratio 噴嘴收縮面積比
nozzle diaphragm 噴嘴導流片
nozzle efficiency 噴嘴效率
nozzle exist angle 噴嘴出口角
nozzle exist area 噴嘴出口面積
nozzle exist pressure 噴嘴出口壓力
nozzle expansion area ratio 噴嘴擴散面積比
nozzle fuel injection 噴嘴燃料注射
nozzle guide vane (NGV) 噴嘴導流片
nozzle jet velocity 噴嘴噴流速度
nozzle position 噴口位置
nozzle pressure ratio 噴嘴壓力比
nozzle spacing 噴管間距
nozzle throat 噴嘴喉部
nozzle throat area 噴嘴喉部面積
nozzle thrust coefficient 噴嘴推力係數
nozzle; convergent 漸縮噴嘴
nozzle; convergent-divergent 斂散噴嘴
nozzle; DeLaval 第拉瓦噴嘴
nozzle; divergent 漸擴噴嘴
nozzle; duplex 雙重噴嘴
nozzle; jet 噴嘴口
nozzle; over-expanded 膨脹過量噴嘴
nozzle; pressure 壓力噴嘴
nozzle; spray 噴油嘴
nozzle; subsonic 次音速噴嘴
nozzle; supersonic 超音速噴嘴
nozzle; two-dimensional 二維噴嘴
nozzle; under-expanded 膨脹不足噴嘴
nozzle; vector 向量噴嘴
nuclear detonation detection and reporting system (Nudets) 核爆偵測與報告系統
nuclear flash 核爆閃光
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 核磁共振
nuclear propulsion 核能推進
nuclear radiation 核子輻射
nuclear reflector 核子反射器
nuclear rocket 核子火箭
nuclear safety line 核爆安全線
nuclear surface burst 表面核爆
nuclear underground burst 地下核爆
nuclear weapon (NW) 核武
nuclear weapon accident 核武意外
nuclear weapon degradation 核武衰變
nuclear weapon exercise 核武演習
nuclear yield 核彈TNT當量
nuclear; biological; chemical warfare (NBC) 核生化戰