(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 19401 到 19500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
speed factor 速率因數
speed fluctuation 速率變動
speed indicator 空速表
speed landing 高速落地
speed line 速率線
speed of light 光速
speed of revolution 轉率
speed of rotation 旋轉速率
speed range 速率範圍
speed ratio 增速比
speed/attitude control system (SACS) 速率姿態控制系統
speed; 1g stall 過載為1的失速速率
speed; abort 中斷起飛極限速率
speed; absolute 絕對速率
speed; accelerated stall 過載失速速率
speed; acceleration check 檢查加速情況速率
speed; access 存取速率
speed; acoustic 音速;聲速
speed; actual 實際速率
speed; air 空速
speed; air minimum control 空中最小操縱速率
speed; airscrew 螺旋槳轉速
speed; airscrew blade 螺旋槳圓周速率
speed; alighting 著陸速率
speed; all-burnt 燃盡速率
speed; all-engine-enroute-climb 全發航線上升速率
speed; all-out level 平飛最大速率
speed; allowable flutter 容許顫振速率
speed; angular 角速率
speed; apparent 表現速率
speed; approach 進場著陸速率
speed; aquaplaning 水漂速率
speed; arbitrary 任意速率
speed; ascending 上升速率
speed; attack 攻擊速率
speed; automatic-pilot 自動駕駛速率
speed; autorotation 自動速率
speed; average 平均速率
speed; average operating 航線平均速率;平均週轉速率
speed; average projectile 彈頭平均速率
speed; axial-flow 氣流軸向速率
speed; azimuth slew 方向急轉速率
speed; backward 後飛速率
speed; base (leg) 第四邊速率
speed; basic 基本表速
speed; best (cost) cruising 最經濟巡航速率
speed; best climb(ing) 最佳上升速率
speed; best flap retraction 最佳收襟翼速率
speed; best flare 最佳拉平速率
speed; best glide 下滑有利速率
speed; best lift/drag ratio 最大升阻比速率
speed; best range cruise 最大航程巡航速率
speed; bird impact 鳥撞擊速率
speed; blind 盲速
speed; brakes-on 剎車速率
speed; burned 燃盡時速率
speed; calculated 計算速率
speed; calibrated air 修正表速
speed; calibrated stalling 修正失速速率
speed; camshaft 凸輪軸速率
speed; catapulting 彈射速率
speed; characteristics 特徵速率
speed; choking 壅塞速率
speed; chute-deployment 安全開傘速率
speed; circuit 盤旋速率;起落航線飛行速率
speed; circular 圓周速率
speed; circular orbit 圓形軌道飛行速率
speed; circumferential 圓周速率
speed; clean (configuration) stall 淨形失速速率
speed; climb schedule 飛行計劃表規定之上升速率
speed; climbing 爬升速率
speed; climbout 起飛爬高速率
speed; closing 接近速率
speed; coasting 慣性飛行速率
speed; combat 戰鬥飛行速率
speed; combined 合速率
speed; command 指定速率
speed; commencing 起始速率;進入速率
speed; compressibility burbling 激波失速速率
speed; compressibility stalling 激波失速速率
speed; compressor 壓縮機轉速
speed; computed 計算速率
speed; constant 等速率
speed; contact 著陸速度
speed; control reversal 反效操縱速率
speed; conversion 過度飛行速率
speed; cooling 冷卻速率
speed; corrected 修正速率;換算轉速
speed; corrected compressor 壓縮器換算轉速
speed; corrected engine 發動機換算轉速
speed; cranking 曲軸搖轉速率
speed; crankshaft 曲軸速率
speed; critical 臨界速率
speed; critical closing 臨界閉傘速率
speed; critical engine failure (CEFS) 臨界發動機中斷速率
speed; critical escape 臨界離機速率
speed; critical flutter 顫振臨界速率
speed; critical opening 臨界開傘速率
speed; cross 橫向分速率
speed; cruising 巡航速率