(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 21401 到 21500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
three dimemensional boundary layer 三維邊界層
three dimemensional coordinates 立體座標
three dimemensional flow 三維流
three dimemensional motion 三維運動
three greens 起落架放下鎖妥
three impulse orbital transfer 三衝軌道轉移
three moment equation 三力矩方程式
three position key 三位轉換器
three position relay 三位繼電器
three wheel landing 三輪落地
three-axis autopilot 三軸自動駕駛
three-axis stabilization 三軸穩定
three-bladed propeller 三葉螺旋槳
three-body problem 三體問題
three-body problem; restricted 狹義三體問題
three-control aeroplane 三軸分離式控制飛機
three-phase 三相
three-phase ac 三相交流
three-phase current 三相電流
three-phase four-wire system 三相四線制
three-phase full wave rectifier 三相全波整流器
three-phase generator 三相發電機
three-phase induction motor 三相感應馬達
three-phase rectifier; double-Y 雙Y三相整流器
three-phase synchronous motor 三相同步馬達
three-phase system 三相制
three-phase three-wire system 三相三線制
three-phase Y-connection 三相星形接法
three-phase Y-load 三相星形負載
three-phase △-connection? 三相三角形接法
three-phase △-load 三相三角形負載
three-point landing 三點著陸
three-point switch 三點開關
three-pole circuit breaker 三極斷電器
three-pole switch 三極開關
three-view drawing 三視圖
three-way valve 三向閥
three-winding transformer 三繞組變壓器
three-wire connection; single phase 單相三線接法
three-wire system 三線制
threshold (THR) 跑道頭;始動數值;閾限;臨界值
threshold contrast 低限光對比
threshold crossing height (TCH) 跑道頭通過高度
threshold detect 臨限偵測
threshold frequency 低限頻率
threshold lights 跑道頭燈
threshold of hearing 最低可聽值
threshold of sound intensity 限界聲強
threshold wavelength 限界波長
threshold; sensory 感覺閾限
throat 喉部
thrombi 血栓
throttle 油門;節流閥
throttle actuator 油門傳動機構
throttle back 關小油門
throttle burst 急推油門
throttle chop 猛關油門
throttle curve 節流曲線
throttle down 關小油門
throttle jockey 油門騎師
throttle lever 油門操縱桿
throttle override 節氣閥超控
throttle quadrant 油門弧座
throttle stop 節氣閥觸止
throttle; air 節氣閥
throttle; auto (A/T) 自動油門
throttle; full 全開油門
throttle; full flight region auto (FFRAT) 全程自動油門
throttling calorimeter 節流熱卡計
throttling process 節流過程
through deck 全通式甲板
throught flight 直達飛行
throw weight 投射重量(彈道飛彈)
thrust 推力
thrust angle 推力角
thrust augmentation 推力增益
thrust augmented wing 推力增益翼
thrust augmenter 推力增益器
thrust axis 推力軸線
thrust balance 推力平衡
thrust bearing 止推軸承;推力軸承
thrust chamber 推力室
thrust chamber efficiency 推力室效率
thrust coefficient 推力係數
thrust control 推力控制
thrust cutoff 推力關斷
thrust decay 推力衰減
thrust deduction 推力減除
thrust drag 推阻力
thrust equalizer 推力平衡器
thrust equation 推力方程式
thrust equivalent horsepower 推進等值馬力
thrust face 推力面
thrust factor 推力因數
thrust force 推力
thrust horsepower (TH) 推進馬力
thrust lever 推力操縱桿
thrust line 推力線
thrust load 推力負載
thrust lost 推力消失