(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 21801 到 21900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
traffic (TFC) 飛行;交通;航行;通信;運量
traffic channel 航行路線
traffic control 交通管制;飛行管制
traffic control instruction 航管指示
traffic control projector 航管信號燈
traffic controller 飛航管制員
traffic density 運量密度
traffic guidance loran (TG loran) 導航洛蘭
traffic information radar 飛航資訊雷達
traffic management 航路管理
traffic pattern 機場航線
traffic segregation rules 航管隔離規則
traffic volume 運量
traffic; connecting 轉機飛航
trail 拖曳
trail formation 跟蹤隊形
trailer 拖車
trailer aircraft 追蹤飛機
trailing antenna 下垂天線
trailing edge (TE) 後緣
trailing edge angle 後緣角
trailing edge flap (TEF) 後緣襟翼
trailing edge flap scheduling 後緣襟翼自動動程
trailing edge flaperon 後緣襟副翼
trailing edge slot 後緣翼縫
trailing edge vortex 後緣渦流
trailing edge; straight 直線後緣
trailing edge; tapered 漸縮後緣
trailing vortex 尾渦流
trainer equipment design specification 訓練器裝備設計規範
trainer flight simulator 訓練飛行模擬器
trainer subsystem design specification 訓練器次系統設計規範
training & software support center 訓練及軟體支援中心
training aid 輔助器材
training device 訓練裝置
training facilities 訓練設施
training hill 訓練土丘
training planning information document 訓練規劃資料文件
training program inadequacy 訓練計劃不當
training standard 訓練標準
traject 拋射
trajectory 彈道;軌跡
trajectory band 弧形帶
trajectory of principal stress 主應力軌跡
trajectory phases 彈道階段
trajectory shift 彈道變化
trajectory; actual 實際彈道
trajectory; ascending 上升彈道
trajectory; ballistic 彈道;自由落體軌跡
trajectory; bielliptic 雙橢圓彈道
trajectory; circular 圓軌跡
trajectory; coaxial 共軸彈道
trajectory; conical 圓錐線軌道
trajectory; conjugate 共軛彈道
trajectory; coplanar 共面彈道
trajectory; deorbit 脫軌彈道
trajectory; departure 起飛段彈道
trajectory; descending 下降彈道
trajectory; disorbit 脫軌彈道
trajectory; elliptic 橢圓彈道
trajectory; family of 彈道族
trajectory; free flight 自由飛行彈道
trajectory; half 半空間軌跡
trajectory; high 高彈道
trajectory; hyperbolic 雙曲線彈道
trajectory; intermediate 過渡彈道
trajectory; interplanetary 星際彈道
trajectory; interstellar 恆星際彈道
trajectory; isochronous 等時彈道
trajectory; isoenergetic 等能彈道
trajectory; low 低彈道
trajectory; lunar 環月彈道
trajectory; minimum energy 最小能量彈道
trajectory; minimum time 最短時間彈道
trajectory; nominal 標稱彈道
trajectory; parabolic 拋物線彈道
trajectory; particle 質點彈道
trajectory; powered flight 動力飛行彈道
trajectory; projectile 拋射體彈道
trajectory; reference 參考彈道
trajectory; transfer 轉移彈道
trajectory; two-terminal 雙端點彈道
trajectory; vacuum 真空彈道
tranquilizer 鎮靜劑
trans gear 分動(齒輪)箱(車)
transceiver 收發報機
transcontinental ballistic missile (TCBM) 洲際彈道飛彈
transcriber 譯密機;轉錄機
transducer 換能器;探頭
transductor 換感器
transfer 轉機;轉換;轉移
transfer ellipse 轉換橢圓
transfer function 轉移函數
transfer of control 管制交接
transfer orbit 轉移軌道
transfer orbit; bielliptical 雙橢圓轉移軌道
transfer orbit; Hohmann 赫曼轉移軌道
transferring control responsibility 轉換管制責任
transformer 變壓器
transformer loss 變壓器耗損