(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 4801 到 4900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cockpit 座艙;駕駛艙
cockpit air intake 座艙進氣道
cockpit alert 座艙警戒
cockpit canopy 座艙罩
cockpit control unit 座艙控制單元
cockpit cowling 座艙整流罩
cockpit entry 駕駛艙項目
cockpit entry door 駕駛室入口門
cockpit flight signal 座艙飛行訊號
cockpit illumination 座艙照明
cockpit inspection 座艙檢查
cockpit light 座艙燈
cockpit looking aft 向後望去的駕駛艙
cockpit procedure trainer (CPT) 駕駛艙操作訓練器
cockpit resource management (CRM) 駕駛艙資源管理
cockpit roof 座艙頂
cockpit television set 座艙電視機
cockpit voice recorder (CVR) 座艙通話記錄器
coco exercise 機場作戰演練
cocuring 共成化;共硬化
code beacon 信號指標
code block 字組
code division multiple access 碼分多工處理
code-sharing 共用代號
codem (coded modulator/demodulator) 編碼調變解調器
coding 編碼
coefficient 係數
coefficient of absorption 吸收係數
coefficient of accommodation 調節係數
coefficient of correlation 相關係數
coefficient of discharge 流量係數
coefficient of expansion 膨脹係數
coefficient of friction 摩擦係數
coefficient of performance 性能係數
coefficient of transparency 透明係數
coefficient of viscosity 黏度係數
coefficient of volume expansion 體積膨脹係數
coefficient; additive drag 附加阻力係數
coefficient; ballistic 彈道係數
coefficient; constant temperature 恆溫係數
coefficient; contraction 收縮係數
coefficient; cross wind force 側風力係數
coefficient; drag 阻力係數
coefficient; form drag 形狀阻力係數
coefficient; hinge moment 鉸鏈力矩係數
coefficient; horizontal tail volume 水平尾容積係數
coefficient; induced drag 誘導阻力係數
coefficient; lift 升力係數
coefficient; moment 力矩係數
coefficient; parasite drag 廢阻力係數;寄生阻力係數
coefficient; pitching moment 俯仰力矩係數
coefficient; power 功率係數
coefficient; pressure drag 壓力阻力係數
coefficient; profile drag 剖面阻力係數
coefficient; resistance temperature 電阻溫度係數
coefficient; rolling moment 滾轉力矩係數
coefficient; side force 側向力係數
coefficient; slip 滑流係數
coefficient; temperature sensitivity 溫度靈敏度係數
coefficient; thrust 推力係數
coefficient; torque 轉矩係數
coefficient; total drag 總阻力係數
coefficient; vertical tail volume 垂直尾容積係數
coefficient; wake drag 尾流阻力係數
coefficient; wave drag 波阻力係數
coefficient; yawing moment 偏航力矩係數
coefficient; zero lift drag 零升力阻力係數
cognitive engineering 認知工程
cognitive flexibility 認知彈性
cognitive psychology 認知心理學
cognitive saturation 認知飽和
coherence 附著性;內聚;相參性;同調;親和性
coherent echo 同調回波
coherent monopulse Doppler radar (CMDR) 同調單脈衝都普勒雷達
coherent pulse radar 同調脈衝雷達
coherent transponder 同調應答機
cohesion 凝結力、內聚力
cohesive failure 膠合體失效
coil 線圈
coin dimple 硬幣型凹模
coin tap test 硬幣輕敲試驗
coincidence circuit 符合電路
coke-bottle fuselage 蜂腰形機身
cold air mass 冷氣團
cold air outbreak 寒潮暴發
cold body 冷體
cold current 寒流
cold drop 冷投
cold finish 冷處理
cold flow 冷流
cold front 冷鋒
cold front rain 冷鋒雨
cold front thunderstorm 冷鋒雷雨
cold high 冷高壓
cold launch 冷發射
cold low 冷低壓
cold occlusion depression 冷囚錮低壓
cold period 寒冷期
cold plates 冷卻板
cold plug 冷火星塞