(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 23751 筆資料,顯示第 5801 到 5900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
curve fitting 曲線擬合;曲線貼合
curve of pursuit 追擊曲線
curve of saturation 飽合曲線
curved beam 曲樑
curved isobars 彎曲等壓線
curved plates 彎曲板
curved shear web 曲剪力腹板
curved surface 曲面
curved windscreen 曲形風檔
curvic coupling 彎曲聯結器
curvilinear coordinates 曲線座標
curvilinear flight 曲線飛行
cushion 墊子
cusp 尖點;岐點;月角
customer 顧客
customer bleed duct diameter 外通管路直徑
customer bleed orifice diameter 外通管路最小直徑
customer design 顧客需求設計
customer furnished information 顧客供應資料
customer support 顧客支援
customs (CUST) 海關
cut back 取消
cut length 切割長度
cut off 截止
cut-back nozzle 斜口噴嘴
cut-off altitude 切斷高度
cut-off angle; optimum 熄火點彈道傾角
cut-off high 切斷高壓
cut-off low 切斷低壓
cut-off port 止燃孔
cut-out 切口;劃出;停機;斷流
cut-out switch 斷流開關
cutoff velocity 截止速度
cutting-off process 切斷過程
CW Doppler radar 等輻波都卜勒雷達
cyanide poisoning 氰化物中毒
cyanogen 氰氣(劇毒)
cyanometry 天空藍度(測定)術
cyanosis 蒼藍症;發疳
cycle 循環;週
cycle crack growth rate 週期性裂紋成長率
cycle efficiency 循環效率
cycle flow 循環流動
cycle; limit 極限環
cyclic control stick 週期變矩桿
cyclic pitch 週期變矩
cyclic pitch control (rotorcraft) 週期變矩操縱(旋翼機)
cyclic process 循環過程
cyclic rate 循環率
cyclic slip 循環滑移
cyclogenesis 氣旋生長
cycloiropia 旋轉斜視
cyclolysis 氣旋消滅
cyclone 氣旋
cyclone cellar 防風窖
cyclone family 氣旋群
cyclone path 氣旋路徑
cyclone separator 迴旋分離器
cyclone wave 氣旋波
cyclonic centers 氣旋中心
cyclonic rain 氣旋雨
cyclonic scale 氣旋幅度
cyclonic shear 氣旋風切
cyclonic storm 氣旋風暴
cyclonic thunderstorm 氣旋雷雨
cyclonic wind 氣旋風
cyclophoria 旋轉隱斜視
cyclostrophic flow 旋轉氣流
cyclostrophic wind 旋轉風
cyclotron 迴旋加速器
cyclotron resonance 迴旋共振
cyclotropia 旋轉斜視
cylinder 汽缸;圓柱體;圓筒
cylinder bank 汽缸排
cylinder barrel 汽缸身
cylinder fin 汽缸散熱片
cylinder head 汽缸頭
D'Alembert's paradox 達蘭伯詭論
D'Alembert's principle 達蘭伯原理
D-gun 雷管槍
D-ring D形環(開傘扣環)
daily extremes 日極值
daily inspection (DI) 每日檢查
daily mean 日平均
daily meeting 每日會議
daily range 日較差
daily range of temperature 溫度日較差
daily variation 日變化
daily weather chart 每日天氣圖
daily weather map 每日天氣圖
Dalton's law 道爾頓定律
damage 損傷;損害;損壞
damage assessment 損壞情況評估
damage cycle 損壞週期
damage detection period 損壞偵測時距
damage detection threshold 損壞偵測閾限
damage limitation 損害降低
damage modes and effect analysis 損壞模態與效應分析
damage tolerance 損壞容忍度;容損
damage tolerance design 容損設計