
英文名稱 中文名稱
57020899 passing light 通過燈
57020900 passivation 鈍化
57020901 passive air defense 消極防空
57020902 passive attitude control system (PACS) 被動姿態控制系統
57020903 passive countermeasure 被動反制
57020904 passive damping 被動阻尼;慣性阻尼
57020905 passive detection and ranging radar (Padar) 被動偵察及測距雷達
57020906 passive electronic countermeasures (PECM) 被動電子反制
57020907 passive element 被動元件
57020908 passive guidance 被動導引
57020909 passive homing 被動歸向
57020910 passive jamming 消極干擾
57020911 passive mode 被動模式
57020912 passive paralleling 被動並聯
57020913 passive radar 被動雷達
57020914 passive ranging 被動測距
57020915 passive ranging Doppler radar (pardop) 被動式測距都普勒雷達
57020916 passive satellite 被動衛星
57020917 passive sonar 被動聲納
57020918 passive stabilizer bar 被動穩定桿
57020919 passive thermal control 被動熱控制
57020920 passive warning radar (PWR) 被動警示雷達
57020921 patch; chafing 摩擦補片
57020922 patch; channel 槽形補片
57020923 patch; finger 指狀補片
57020924 patch; suspension 吊索補片
57020925 patching 修補
57020926 patent ductus arteriosis 動脈導管未閉鎖
57020927 path 航道
57020928 path control 路線控制
57020929 path finder 探路雷達
57020930 path finder project 拓荒者計劃
57020931 path length 路徑長
57020932 path line 路線
57020933 path loss 途徑損失
57020934 path of process 過程路線
57020935 path of projectile 彈道
57020936 pathfinder aircraft 探路機
57020937 pathfinder drop-zone control (PDZC) 探路機空投區管制
57020938 pathogenic organisms 致病菌
57020939 pathologist 病理學家
57020940 pathology 病理學
57020941 patrol 巡邏
57020942 patrol airplane 巡邏機
57020943 patrol bomber 巡邏轟炸機
57020944 patrol bombing airplane 巡邏轟炸機
57020945 patrol missile hydrofoil (PMH) 飛彈巡邏水翼船
57020946 patrolling inspection 現場檢驗
57020947 pattern 模型;圖型
57020948 pattern aircraft 實體模型飛機
總共 23751 筆,顯示第 15951 到第 16000 筆