
英文名稱 中文名稱
57021199 pitch attitude 俯仰姿態
57021200 pitch axis 俯仰軸
57021201 pitch back 上升迴轉
57021202 pitch control 螺距控制
57021203 pitch damping 俯仰阻尼
57021204 pitch down (ward) 下俯
57021205 pitch fiber 瀝青纖維
57021206 pitch indicator 俯仰指示器
57021207 pitch over 仰轉
57021208 pitch programmer 俯仰預置器
57021209 pitch rate 俯仰率
57021210 pitch ratio 螺距比(螺旋槳)
57021211 pitch speed 螺距速率
57021212 pitch under 下俯
57021213 pitch up (ward) 上仰
57021214 pitch/roll attitude warning system (PRAWS) 俯仰滾轉姿態警示系統
57021215 pitch; feathering 順槳螺距
57021216 pitch; high 高螺距
57021217 pitch; low 低螺距
57021218 pitch; mean geometrical 平均幾何螺距
57021219 pitch; standard 標準螺距
57021220 pitch; zero-thrust 無推力螺距
57021221 pitch; zero-torque 無扭力螺距
57021222 pitching effectiveness 俯仰操作效率
57021223 pitching moment 俯仰力矩
57021224 pitot heat 空速管加溫
57021225 pitot intake 皮托管進氣口
57021226 pitot pressure 動靜壓;全壓
57021227 pitot static probe 皮托管
57021228 pitot static tube 動靜壓管
57021229 pitot tube 皮托管;皮氏管;全壓管
57021230 pitot venturi tube 皮托文氏管
57021231 pitting 麻點
57021232 pitting edema 可壓凹陷的水腫
57021233 pituitary gland 腦垂體
57021234 placard speed 標示速率
57021235 plague 鼠疫
57021236 plain bearing 普通軸承
57021237 plain connecting rod 平連桿
57021238 plain nut 平螺帽
57021239 plain weave 平織
57021240 plan view 平面圖
57021241 planar midwing 平面中置翼
57021242 Planck's law 普朗克定律
57021243 plane atmosphere wave 平面大氣波
57021244 plane flying 平面飛行
57021245 plane of action 作用面
57021246 plane of incidence 入射面
57021247 plane of motion 運動面
57021248 plane of oscillation 振盪(平)面
總共 23751 筆,顯示第 16251 到第 16300 筆