(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 20061 筆資料,顯示第 10601 到 10700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
mean effective wavelength 平均有效波長
mean energy 平均能
mean energy imparted 平均授[予]能[量]
mean energy loss 平均能量損耗
mean error 平均誤差
mean free path 平均自由徑
mean free path of electrons 電子平均自由徑
mean free path of phonons 聲子平均自由徑
mean frequency 平均頻率
mean life 平均壽命
mean line 中線;平均線
mean line system 中線制
mean linear range 平均線性範圍
mean mass range 平均質量範圍
mean of several readings 若干讀值平均值
mean position 中間位置
mean pulse frequency 平均脈波頻率
mean residual 平均殘差
mean sidereal time 平均恆星時
mean solar day 平均太陽日
mean solar second 平均太陽秒
mean solar time 平均太陽時
mean spacing of local peaks of the profile 輪廓峰間平均間距
mean spacing of the microscopic irregularities of the profile 輪廓微觀不規則平均間距
mean spherical candlepower 平均球體燭光
mean spherical luminous intensity 平均球面發光強度
mean square error 均方誤差
mean square value 均方值
mean stress 平均應力
mean value 平均值
meaningful estimate 有意義估計
meaningful measurement 有意義量測
measurability 可測性
measurable quantity 可量測量
measurable value 可測值
measurand 被測量
measuration 可測定
measure 量具;量測
measure of capacity 容量量具
measure of length 長度量具
measure of performance 性能量測
measure tank 量測槽
measured components 被測組件
measured data 測定數據
measured difference 測定差
measured frequency 被測頻率
measured quantity 被測量
measured value 測定值
measurement 量測
measurement assurance 量測保證
measurement assurance program 量測保證方案;量測保證計畫
measurement assurance test 量測保證試驗
measurement capability 量測能量
measurement chain 量測鏈
measurement channel 量測管道
measurement dissemination 量測擴散
measurement dissemination system 量測擴散系統
measurement error 量測誤差
measurement facility 量測設施
measurement field 量測領域
measurement information 量測資訊
measurement interval 量測周期
measurement method 量測方法
measurement mode 量測模式
measurement module 量測模組
measurement of displacement 位移量測
measurement of quality 品質量測
measurement procedure 量測程序
measurement process 量測過程
measurement range 量測範圍
measurement result 量測結果
measurement routine 量測例行程序;量測常式
measurement science 量測科學
measurement series 量測系列
measurement service 量測服務
measurement signal 量測信號
measurement speed 量測速度
measurement standard 量測標準
measurement system 量測系統
measurement target 量測標的
measurement technique 量測技巧
measurement technology 量測技術
measurement time 量測時間
measurement traceability testing 量測追溯試驗
measurement uncertainty 量測不確定度
measurement unit 量測單位
measuring accuracy 量測準確度
measuring anvil 量測砧
measuring apparatus 量器
measuring axis 量測軸
measuring bar 量測棒
measuring bench 量測台
measuring bolometer 輻射熱量測計
measuring bridge 量測電橋
measuring cell 量測單元
measuring chain 量測鏈
measuring chamber 量測室
measuring circuit 量測電路
measuring component 量測組件
measuring container 量測容器