(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 20061 筆資料,顯示第 18901 到 19000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
unbalanced measurement 不平衡量測
unbalanced signal 不平衡信號
unbiased estimate 公正(無偏)評價
unbiased variance 無偏變異;無偏方差
unbounded medium 無縛介質
unbounded strain gauge 非固定形應變計
uncalibrated attenuator 末校正衰減器
uncertainty 不確定度
uncertainty evaluation 不確定度評估
uncertainty of measurement 量測不確定度
uncertainty principle 測不準原理
uncertified data 無證數據
uncharged particle 不帶電粒子
uncompensated transmitter 無補償發射器
unconstrained motion 自由運動
uncontrolled oscillation 未控振盪
uncorrected mean 未修正平均值
uncorrected result 未修正結果
uncorrected time signal 未修正時間信號
uncoupled modes 無耦模
undamped frequency 無阻尼頻率
undamped oscillation 無阻尼振盪
undamped vibration 無阻尼振動
under damping 阻尼不足
under-water microphone 水下麥克風
underdense plasma 低緻密電漿
underestimation 低估
underevaluation 評價偏低
undershoot 下沖;負尖峰
underwater acoustic transducer 水下聲音傳感器
underwater acoustic velocimeter 水下聲速計
underwater laboratory 水下實驗室
underwater projector 水下發射器
underwater sensor 水下感測器
underwater viscosity 水下黏度
undesirable modulation 不良調制
undesirable radiation 不良輻射
undirectional magnetometer 無定向磁強計
undulation 波動;起伏
undulation cutoff 波動截止
undulation frequency 波動頻率
undulation number 起伏數;波動數
undulatory extinction 波動消光
unequal weighting 不等加權
unequal-arm scale 不等臂秤
unevenness 不平滑度;不均勻度
unevenness of illumination 照明不均勻
uniaxial accelerometer 單軸加速度計
uniaxial magnetic anisotropy 單軸磁異向性
unidirectional actuator 單向致動器
unidirectional current 單向電流
unidirectional flow 單向流
unidirectional heat transfer 單向熱傳導
unidirectional hydrophone 單向水聽器
unidirectional hydrophone array 單向水中聽器陣列
unidirectional magnetization 單向磁化
unidirectional microphone 單向麥克風
unidirectional potential 單向電勢
unification 統一;一致
unification standards of measurement 量測統一標準
unified atomic mass constant 統一原子質量常數
unified atomic mass unit 統一原子質量單位
unified coarse thread(UNC) 統一粗牙螺紋
unified fine thread(UNF) 統一細牙螺紋
unified frequency standard 統一頻率標準
unified screw thread 統一螺紋
unified standard 統一標準
unified system of measurements 統一量測系統
unifilar electrometer 單絲靜電計
unifilar suspension 單絲懸掛
uniform chromaticity scale diagram (ucs diagram) 均勻色品圖
uniform color source 均勻色源
uniform convergence 均勻收斂
uniform diffuse reflection 均勻漫反射
uniform diffuser 均勻漫射體
uniform distribution 均勻分佈
uniform drift 均勻漂移
uniform field 均勻場
uniform field region 均勻場區域
uniform gravitational time 均勻引力時
uniform heater 均勻加熱器
uniform illuminance 均勻光照度
uniform loading 均勻加載
uniform material 均質材料
uniform source 均勻源
uniform spacing 均勻間隔
uniform sweep rate 均勻掃描率
uniform temperature region 溫度均勻區
uniformity 統一[性];一致[性];均勻[性]
uniformity of calibration 校正一致性
uniformity of hardness 硬度均勻性
uniformity of hardness test block for Brinell 勃氏硬度塊的均勻度
uniformity of hardness test block for Rockwell and Rockwell superficial 洛氏和表面洛氏硬度塊均勻度
uniformity of hardness test block for Shore 蕭氏硬度塊均勻度
uniformity of hardness test block for Vickers 維氏硬度塊均勻度
uniformity of measurement 量測一致性
uniformity of measuring instrument 量測儀器一致性
uniformity of scale 標尺均勻性
uniformity of sensitivity 靈敏度均勻性
uniformity of temperature 溫度均勻性