(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 20061 筆資料,顯示第 2701 到 2800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
close fit 緊配合
close running fit 緊密轉動配合
close talking microphone 近講麥克風
closed loop 閉合環路;閉合回路
closed room 封閉室
closed system 閉路系統;封閉系統
closed-end tube 包端管
closed-loop gain 閉路增益
closed-tank pressure calibration 密閉槽壓力校正
closed-tube manometer 聯通管型壓力計
closure 閉合;截止;罩;蓋板
closure ring 閉合環
cloud chamber 雲霧室
cloud-velocity gauging 濁流測流(速)
cloudiness 濁度
clusec 克盧塞克{真空漏氣率之單位,等於0.01盧塞克}
clutter 散射干擾
coal meter 煤計量機
coarse adjustment 粗調
coarse balancing 粗平衡
coarse control 粗控
coarse fit 粗配合
coarse resolution 低解析度
coarse thread 粗牙螺紋
coarse tuning 組調
coating 塗層;塗料
coating thickness meter 鍍層厚度計
coating-thickness gauge 鍍層厚度規
coaxality, coaxiality 同軸度
coaxial 同軸
coaxial accelerator 同軸加速器
coaxial attenuator 同軸衰減器
coaxial bolometer unit 同軸測輻射熱組合
coaxial bolometer-coupler 同軸測輻射熱器-耦合器組合
coaxial bomb 同軸量熱計
coaxial cable 同軸電纜
coaxial cable connector 同軸電纜連接頭
coaxial capacitor 同軸電容器
coaxial delay lines 同軸延遲線
coaxial film bolometer 同軸薄膜輻射熱量計
coaxial filter 同軸濾波器
coaxial fixed attenuator 同軸固定衰減器
coaxial fixed direction-coupler 同軸固定定向耦合器
coaxial measurement target 同軸量測靶
coaxial mount 同軸頭
coaxial noise generator 同軸雜訊產生器
coaxial noise source 同軸雜訊源
coaxial peak pulse generator 同軸峰值脈波產生器
coaxial peak pulse power meter 同軸峰值脈波功率計
coaxial phase shifter 同軸移相器
coaxial rf calorimeter 同軸射頻卡路里計
coaxial system 同軸系統
coaxial termination 同軸終端
coaxial transmission line 同軸傳輸線
coaxial variable attenuator 同軸可變衰減器
coaxial variable direction coupler 同軸可變定向耦合器
coaxial wavemeter 同軸波長計
coaxial-waveguide junction 同軸波導結
cobalt-60 鈷60
code 代碼;編碼
coded signal 編碼信號
coefficient 係數
coefficient for temperature correction 溫度修正係數
coefficient multiplier 係數乘法器
coefficient of amplification 放大係數
coefficient of compressibility 壓縮係數
coefficient of contraction 收縮係數
coefficient of correlation 相關係數
coefficient of corrosion 腐蝕係數
coefficient of cubic expansion 體膨脹係數
coefficient of diffusion 擴散係數
coefficient of discharge 流量係數
coefficient of eddy diffusion 渦流擴散係數
coefficient of efficiency 有效係數
coefficient of elasticity 彈性係數
coefficient of extension 延伸係數
coefficient of friction 摩擦係數
coefficient of friction of rest 靜摩擦係數
coefficient of heat conductivity 導熱係數
coefficient of heat transfer 熱傳遞係數
coefficient of heat transmission 傳熱係數
coefficient of kinematic viscosity 運動黏度係數
coefficient of kinetic friction 動摩擦係數
coefficient of linear expansion 線膨脹係數
coefficient of performance 性能係數
coefficient of permeability 滲透係數
coefficient of polymerization 聚合係數
coefficient of resistance 電阻係數
coefficient of restitution 恢復係數
coefficient of rigidity 剛性係數
coefficient of rolling friction 滾動摩擦係數
coefficient of safety 安全係數
coefficient of section 截面係數
coefficient of sliding friction 滑動摩擦係數
coefficient of static friction 靜摩擦係數
coefficient of strain 應變係數
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱脹係數
coefficient of thermal insulation 熱絕緣係數
coefficient of thermal transmission 傳熱係數
coefficient of velocity 速度係數