(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 16894 筆資料,顯示第 11501 到 11600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
optical detector, responsivity of 檢光性反應率
optical detector, sensitivity of 檢光器靈敏度
optical detector, sillcon (Si) 矽檢光器
optical differential mode attenuation 光個別模態衰減
optical emission 光輻射
optical emission, spontaneous 自發光輻射
optical emission, stimulated 激發光輻射
optical energy 光能量
optical fiber 光纖
optical fiber cable 光纜
optical fiber communication 光纖通訊
optical fiber sensors 光纖感應器
optical fiber system 光纖(通訊)反應
optical fiber, angular momentum barrier of 光纖角動量勢壘
optical fiber, attenuation of 光纖衰減
optical fiber, bandwidth-length product of 光纖頻寬長度乘積
optical fiber, bend loss of 光纖彎曲損失
optical fiber, buffer jacket of 光纖緩衝外套
optical fiber, characteristics of 光纖特徵
optical fiber, cladding of 光纖外層披覆
optical fiber, core of 光纖核心
optical fiber, crack velocity of 光纖斷裂速度
optical fiber, critical radius of curvature of 光纖臨界彎曲半徑
optical fiber, drawing of 光纖抽絲
optical fiber, facture stress of 光纖折壓
optical fiber, far field intensity distribution of 光纖遠場強度分佈
optical fiber, Fresnel refection of 光纖彿涅爾反射
optical fiber, graded index 梯度析折射光纖
optical fiber, impulse response of 光纖脈衝響應
optical fiber, joint losses of 光纖接合損失
optical fiber, jointing of 光纖接合損失
optical fiber, losses of 光纖損失
optical fiber, measurements of 光纖量測
optical fiber, microbending of 光纖微曲
optical fiber, multicomponent glass 多成分玻璃光纖
optical fiber, near field intensity distribution of 光纖近場(功率)強度分佈
optical fiber, pigtail of 光纖豬尾巴(連線)
optical fiber, plastic 塑膠光纖
optical fiber, plastic lcad of 光纖塑膠披覆層
optical fiber, polarization of 光纖極化
optical fiber, preform of 光纖預形體
optical fiber, preparation of 光纖處理
optical fiber, proof testing of 光纖驗證測試
optical fiber, ray model of 光纖光線模式
optical fiber, scattering losses of 光纖散射損失
optical fiber, sillica rich glass 含多量矽玻璃光纖
optical fiber, single mode 單模光纖
optical fiber, spherical ended 球型端面光纖
optical fiber, splices of 光纖熔接
optical fiber, spun of 光纖絲
optical fiber, step index 階變折射率光纖
optical fiber, strength and durability of 光纖強度和耐久性
optical fiber, stress corrosion of 光纖壓縮皺折
optical fiber, structure of 光纖結構
optical fiber, theoretical cohesive strength of 光纖理論黏著強度
optical fiber, transmission characteristics of 光纖傳輸特性
optical fiber, triangular profile of 光纖三角剖面圖
optical filter 濾光器
optical frequency division multiplexing 光纖域多工
optical gain 光增益
Optical Intensity Modulation (OMI) index 光強度調變率
optical isolator 光隔離器
optical length 光徑長度
optical logic 光邏輯
optical loss 光損失
optical microscopy 顯微光學
optical microswitch 微光開關
optical mixer 光混合器
optical path length 光徑長度
optical phase 光相位
optical power 光功率
optical power meters 光功率計
optical region (散射之)光學區
optical repeater, integrated AlGaAs/GaAs 積體化鋁砷化鎵/砷化鎵光中繼器
optical return loss 光回波損失
optical SAR processor 光學式合成孔徑雷達(信號)處理器
optical satellite 光學衛星
optical scattering region 散射之光學區
optical signal processing 光信號處理
optical signal to noise ratio 光信號雜訊比
optical source 光源
optical spectral attenuation 光頻譜衰減
optical switching 光交換
optical taps 光分接器
optical telegraph 光電報
optical telephone 光電話
Optical Time Domain Feflectomertry (OTDR) 光時域反射儀
optical time domain feflectrometry (OTDR) for attenuation measurement 衰減量測用光時域反射儀
optical tracking satellite 光學追蹤衛星
optical transistor 光學晶體
optical wavegudie 光波導
optical-guided-wave modulator equivalent circuit 光導波調變器等效電路
optical/electronic (O/E) 光學的/電子的
optics, fiber 纖維光學,光纖
optics, geometric 幾何光學
optics, guided wave 導波光學
optics, nonlinear 非線性光學
optimal (mmse) prediction of order N N階最佳(最低均方視差)預估
optimal channel mapping 最佳通道對應
optimal control 最佳化控制