(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 16894 筆資料,顯示第 12501 到 12600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
receiver, equlization of 接收機等化
receiver, FM 調頻接收機
receiver, heterodyne 外差式接收機
receiver, high impedance front and structures of 接收機高阻化前級
receiver, homodyne 同差接收機
receiver, linear 線性接收機
receiver, linear channel 線性通道接收機
receiver, logarithmic 對數(檢波)接收機
receiver, loop 環形(天線)接收機
receiver, low impedance front end structures of 接收機低阻抗前級
receiver, low noise 低雜訊接收機
receiver, main amplifier of 接收機主放大器
receiver, master 主接收機
receiver, matched-filter 匹配濾波器接收機
receiver, Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) 最大後驗機率判定接收機
receiver, maximum-likelihood 最大相似度接收機
receiver, microwave 波形接收機
receiver, midget 小型接收機
receiver, miniature radio 袖珍型無線電接收機
receiver, minimum-distance 最小距離接收機
receiver, mobile 行動式接收機
receiver, monopulse optical 單脈衝光接收機
receiver, multirange 多波段接收機
receiver, narrow-band 窄頻帶接收機
receiver, noise limited 雜訊限制接收機,靜噪接收機
receiver, noncoherent 非同調接收機
receiver, optical communication 光通訊接收機
receiver, optimum 最佳接收機
receiver, panoramic 全掃描接收機,偵測接收機
receiver, preamplifier circuits of 接收機前置放大器電路
receiver, quantum limit of 接收機量子極限
receiver, radar 雷達接收機
receiver, superheterodyne 超外差式接收機
receiver, transimpedance front end structures of 接收機轉換阻抗前級
receiving equipment, airborne 機載接收設備
receiving pattern 接收場型
reception, beam 定向接收
reception, beat 差拍接收
reception, coherent optical 同調光接收
reception, multipath 多路徑訊號接收
rechargeable battery 充電式電池
reciprocal polynomial 互易多項式
reciprocity 互易(性)
reciprocity for antennas 天線互易性
reciprocity for circuits 電路互易性
reciprocity for microwave network 微波網路互易性
reciprocity law, thermal 熱力學互易法則
reciprocity theorem 互易定理
recognition, abnormal 不正常識別
recognition, pattern 圓形辨識
recombination, Auger 俄歇重合
recombination, carrier 載子重合
reconstructed frame 重建之圖框
reconstructed picture 重建之畫面
reconstruction error, filtered 濾波後之重建訊號誤差
reconstruction filter 重建濾波器
reconstruction of bandimited signals 有限頻寬號之重建
record telephone 錄音電話
recorded announcement 錄音之聲明,錄音之公告
recorder, card 卡片紀錄器
recorder, multichannel 多路紀錄器
recording room 錄音室
recording studio 錄音工作室
recording system 紀錄系統,紀錄裝置
recoverable satellite 可回收衛星
recovery 回復
Recovery Pending 復原擱置狀態
Recovery Response Pending 復原回應擱置狀態
recovery time 回復時間
recovery, clock 時脈回復
recovery, coherent carrier 同調載波回復
rectangular aperture antenna 矩形孔徑天線
rectangular array 矩形陣列
rectangular cavity 矩形空腔(諧振器)
rectangular chamber for antenna measurement 天線量測之矩形(吸收)室
rectangular coordinate 直角座標
rectangular guide 矩形導波管
rectangular horn 矩形號角(天線)
rectangular horn antenna 矩形號角天線
rectangular horn, optimum 最佳化矩形號角(天線)
rectangular loop 矩形迴路(天線)
rectangular microstrip patch antenna 矩形微帶補綴天線
rectangular waveguide 矩形導波管
rectangular window 矩形視窗
rectangular-to-polar graphical solution of array 陣列之直角對極座圖解法
rectifier 整流器
recurrence 重現
recursive adaptation algorithm 遞回式適應性演算法
recursive adaptive filter 遞回式適應性濾波器
recursive difference equation 遞回差分方程式
recursive filters, adaptive 適應性遞回濾波器
recursive least-squares 遞迴最小平方
recursive least-squares algorithm 遞迴最小平方演算法
redio-frequency check receiver 射頻監測接收機
Redirecting Number 新轉接號碼
Redirection Information 新轉接資訊
Redirection Number 新轉接號碼
Redirection Number Restriction 新轉接號碼限制
reduced-rate call 減價電話
reduction, noise 雜訊降低