(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 31674 筆資料,顯示第 23001 到 23100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
rotary scavenging valve 旋轉驅氣閥
rotary sheeve valve 轉筒閥
rotary sheeve valve 轉筒閥
rotary transformer 旋轉變壓器
rotary transformer 同步變壓器
rotary valve 轉閥
rotary valve 轉閥
rotary vane 轉葉
rotary vane pump 轉葉泵
rotary vane steering gear 轉翼式操舵裝置
rotary vane steering gear 轉翼式操舵裝置
rotary-cup burner 旋杯式燃燒器
rotary-drum regenerator 轉筒式再生熱交換器
rotating arm basin 旋臂水槽
rotating arm test ?船模?強制迴旋試驗
rotating arm test 迴旋臂試驗
rotating bending fatigue machine 旋轉彎曲疲勞試驗機
rotating blade 轉動葉片
rotating cap 旋轉蓋
rotating cylinder rudder 轉柱舵
rotating field 旋轉磁場
rotating guide vane 轉動導流葉片
rotating mass 轉動質量
rotating mass 轉動質量
rotating velocity ?迴?轉速?度?,旋轉速度
rotation value 轉值
rotational viscosimeter 旋轉式黏度計
rotor 轉子
rotor blade 轉子葉片
rotor bollard 轉柱繫纜樁
rotor bollard 轉子繫纜樁
rotor drum 轉子筒(渦輪機)
rotor drum 轉子筒(渦輪機)
rotor shaft 轉子軸
rotor shaft 轉子軸
rotor ship 轉筒?風力?船
rotor spindle 轉子軸
rotor spindle 轉子軸
rotor vane 轉子葉片
rotor wheel 轉子輪
rotor wheel 轉子輪
rotor winding 轉子繞組
rotor winding 轉子繞組
rough arrangement 概略佈置圖
rough material 毛料,粗製材料
rough sea 狂浪
rough sea 大浪(四級浪)
rough water 洶濤海面
rough water resistance 洶濤阻力
rough-tree rail 舷牆頂欄杆
rough-turn inspection 粗車檢查
roughened surface 粗化表面
roughness 粗糙度
roughness allowance 粗糙裕度
roughness coefficient 粗糙[度]係數
roughness height 粗糙度值
roughness resistance 粗面阻力
round bar 圓桿,圓條
round bar davit 圓柱吊架
round bilge 圓【舟必】
round bilge hull 圓【舟必】型船體
round boiler 筒形鍋爐
round bottom 圓[船]底
round file 圓銼
round gunnel 圓形舷緣
round head grooved bolt 圓頭槽螺栓
round head grooved bolt 圓頭槽螺栓
round of beam 樑拱高,樑弧高
round of bilge 【舟必】圓部
round stern 圓形艉
round stern 圓形艉
round-bilge boat 圓?屳?船
round-bottom boat 圓底船
round-tuck stern 圓底平艉
round-up of beam 樑弧高,樑拱高
rounded chine 圓?舟+必?
rounded gunwale 弧形舷緣
rounded gunwale 圓弧舷緣
roundhaul netter 圍網漁船
roundhouse 1後甲板室2艏上甲板廁所
rounding off 1捨入(數值)2修緣
route indicator 航向指示器
route of escape 逃生路徑
routine check 日常檢查,例行檢查
rove 墊片
roving 紗束
roving cloth 紗束布
row 1列2划?船?
row boat 划槳船
row of rivet 鉚釘行,鉚釘排
rowboat 划槳船
rowing regatta 划艇比賽
rowing regatta 划艇比賽
rowing vessel 划船
rowing vessel 划船
rowlock 槳架
rowlock bolster 小艇舷緣支持制水板之小木塊,槳架支承
rowlock cheek" 槳叉座
rowlock chock 槳架座
royal backstay 頂桅支索