(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 31674 筆資料,顯示第 23901 到 24000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
secondary voltage 二次電壓
secondary winding 二次繞組,次級繞組
secret agent boat 特務船
secret block 暗滑車
section 1剖面,截面2型材
section area curve ?橫?剖面積曲線
section area curve ?橫?剖面積曲線
section assembly 分段裝配
section board 分電盤
section board 分段配電板
section boiler 分節式鍋爐
section boiler 分節鍋爐
section box 分電箱
section box 分電箱
section header 組合管集箱,組合管頭箱
section line 橫剖面型線,橫剖面型線圖
section modulus 剖面模數
section modulus 剖面模數
section steel 型鋼
section steel 型鋼
section switch 分段開關
section switch 分段開關
sectional area 剖面積,截面積
sectional area 剖面積,截面積
sectional boiler 分節式鍋爐
sectional boiler 分節式鍋爐
sectional floating drydock 分段浮塢
sectional iron 型鐵,型鋼
sectional method of hull construction 分段建造法
sectional view 剖視圖,斷面圖
sectional-header boiler 分節管集箱鍋爐
sector of light 號燈光弧
secure hand 扶手
securing arrangement 鎖固裝置
securing fitting 固定裝具
sediment box 沉澱箱
sediment box 沉澱箱
sediment chamber 沉澱櫃
seger cone 熔錐(高溫計)
segmental pivoted block 弓形支點推力軸承塊
segregated ballast 隔離壓艙水
segregated ballast tank 隔離壓載艙
segregated ballast tank (SBT) 隔離壓載水艙
segregated ballest 隔離壓艙水
segregation 1隔離2隔離艙組(油輪)
seine boat 圍網漁船
seine roller 圍網絞收滾筒
seine-net fishing boat 圍網漁船
seiner 圍網漁船,巾著網漁船
seizing 1熔執2紮縛3刮痕
seizing line 結紮索
seizing rope 紮用麻繩
seizing wire 紮用鋼絲
seizing wire 紮用鋼絲
selectable superheat boiler 可調過熱蒸汽鍋爐
selective corrosion 選擇腐蝕
selective switch 選擇開關
selector valve 選擇閥
selenium rectifier 硒整流器
selenium rectifier 硒整流器
self elevating platform (SEP) 昇降式平台
self elevation drilling unit 自動昇降式鑽油台
self elevation platform 自動昇降式平台
self inspection 自行檢查
self noise 本身噪音
self seal coupling 自封聯結器
self trimming collier 自動均載煤船
self venting 自通氣
self-acting lubricator 自動潤滑器
self-acting valve 自動閥
self-activating smoke signal 自動?發?煙?信?號
self-aligning ball bearing 自動對位滾珠軸承
self-balanced flat slide valve 自動平衡平滑閥
self-balanced flat valve 自動平衡平座閥
self-baling boat 自排水救生艇
self-checking function 自校功能
self-cleaning type oil purifier 自動式淨油機
self-closing cock 自閉旋塞
self-closing stop valve 自閉停止閥
self-closing stop valve 自鎖閉閥
self-closing valve 自閉閥
self-contained air support system 自供空氣?支援?系統
self-contained boiler 自備全套鍋爐
self-contained breathing apparatus 自給式呼吸器
self-contained compressed air-operated breathing apparatus 自給式壓縮空氣操作呼吸器
self-contained turbogenerator 自足式渦輪發電機
self-contained underwater breathing apparatus(SCUBA) 水肺
self-cooling vane 自冷葉片
self-defence ship 自衛艦
self-discharge bulk carrier 自卸式散裝貨船
self-docking dock ?可?分段?進本塢?浮塢
self-draining cockpit 自動洩水艇艉凹艙
self-elevating boat 自升式工作船
self-elevating unit 自升式平台
self-emptying installation 抽艙排泥裝置
self-excited circuit 自激電路
self-excited generator 自激式發電機
self-extinguishing resin 自熄性樹脂
self-ignition engine 壓燃式引擎
self-ignition light 自燃信號燈