(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 31674 筆資料,顯示第 28201 到 28300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
throat thickness 喉厚(銲接)
throat-dingle 縱帆前上角索孔
throttle 1節流2節流閥
throttle butterfly valve 節流蝶閥
throttle control 節流操縱
throttle gate 節流門
throttle link 節流連桿
throttle operating mechanism 節流閥控制機構
throttle valve 節流閥
throttle valve 節流閥
throttling calorimeter 節流式熱量計
throttling governing 節流調速
throttling turbine 節流渦輪機
through beam 通樑
through beam 全通樑
through bolt 貫穿螺栓
through bolt 貫穿螺栓
through bracket 全通肘板
through bracket 全通腋板,貫通托架
through cock 直旋塞
through coupling 直接聯結
through plate 連通板
through plate center keelson 連通內龍骨
through strake 直通板列
through strake 直通板列
through way valve 直通閥
through way valve 直通閥
throw 1動移2曲柄軸
throw of crank shaft 曲柄半徑
throw of eccentric 偏心距
throw of governer 調速器行程
throw of piston 活塞行程
thrower 發射裝置,投擲器,噴射器
throwing 投擲,投擲量
throwing of elevator 水平舵擺動量
throwing of rudder ?垂直?舵擺動量
thrust 推力
thrust ball bearing 止推滾珠軸承
thrust bearing 推力?軸?承,止推?軸?承
thrust bearing 推力?軸?承,止推?軸?承
thrust block 推力?軸?承,止推?軸?承
thrust block 推力?軸?承,止推?軸?承
thrust block plate 推力?軸?承底板
thrust block recess 推力軸承龕
thrust block ring 推力?軸?承環
thrust block seating 推力?軸?承座
thrust box 推力?軸?承箱
thrust box 推力?軸?承箱
thrust break-down 推力突降
thrust center 推力中心
thrust center 推力中心
thrust characteristic 推力特性
thrust coefficient 推力係數
thrust collar 推力?軸?
thrust collar 推力?軸?環
thrust constant 推力常數
thrust constant 推力常數
thrust deduction coefficient 推力減少率
thrust deduction coefficient 推力減少率
thrust deduction factor 推減因數,推減因子
thrust deduction factor 推?力?減?少?因數
thrust deduction fraction 推?力?減?少?因數
thrust horsepower (THP) 推力馬力
thrust horsepower (THP) 推力馬力
thrust increment 推力增量
thrust load coefficient 推力負荷係數
thrust meter 推力計
thrust of duct 導管推力
thrust of impeller 葉輪推力
thrust pad 推力墊,止推墊
thrust shaft 推力軸
thrust shaft 推力軸
thrust shaft collar 止推軸環
thrust shoe 推力履片
thrust washer 止推墊圈
thrust-deduction fraction 推減係數
thruster 推力裝置
thruster tunnel 推力器管道
thumb nut 指捻螺帽
thumb nut 蝶形螺帽,元寶螺帽
thumb screw 蝶形螺釘
thumper source 電磁聲源
thunder arrester 避雷針
thwart 槳手座,艇座,?艇中?坐板
thwart stanchion 橫座板支柱
thwartman 槳手
thwartship ?船的〕橫向
thwartship bracing plank 坐板支材(小艇)
thwartships bulkhead 橫?向?艙壁
thyratron 閘流管
thyristor-Leonard system 閘流體一連納德系統
ticker 斷流器,蜂鳴器
tidal boat 滿潮開航船
tidal valve ?塢閘?潮閥
tide table 潮汐表
tideborne 氣墊船排水狀態
tie angle bar 帶角材
tie angle bar 牽拉角型材
tie bar 繫桿,牽桿
tie bar 繫桿,牽桿,拉桿