(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 19901 到 20000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
physiopathic 體病性的
physiopathic syndrome 體病性症候群
physiotherapy 物理治療
phyto-photo-dermatitis 植物性日光接觸皮膚炎
phytodermatitis 植物皮膚炎
phytogenic 植物源的;植物性的
phytogenic infection 植物源的感染
pia mater 軟腦膜
piamic onychia 莓疹甲床炎
pian 熱帶莓疹
pianic osteoperiositis 莓疹骨質骨膜炎
pianide 二期莓疹
Piazza's fluid Piazza氏液
picatura de pito 美國萊什曼病
Piccardi Piccardi氏
Picchini's syndrome Picchini氏症候群
picea 雲杉屬
Pick's cell Pick氏細胞
Pick's convolutional atrophy Pick氏腦迴萎縮
Pick's syndrome Pick's, Pick氏症候群
picker acne 挖擠者痤瘡
Pickwickian syndrome Pickwickian氏症候群
picornavirus 小核糖核酸病毒
picornavirus disease 小核糖核酸病毒病
picric acid 苦味酸
picric acid jaundice 苦味酸性黃疸
pictorial aphasia 圖案性失語症
piebald 白化症的
piebald skin 白斑病;斑狀皮膚
piebaldism 斑狀白化症
piedra 毛幹結節病
pier 支柱
pier abutment 支點支柱牙
pier band 支架帶環
Pierre-Robin syndrome Pierre-Robin二氏症候群
piezogenic papule 壓力性丘疹
piezogenic pedal papule 足部壓力性丘疹
pigment 色素
pigment cell 色素細胞
pigment cell of retina 視網膜色素細胞
pigment granule 色素顆粒
pigment-producing cell 產生色素的細胞
pigmentary 色素的
pigmentary atrophy 色素性萎縮;著色性萎縮
pigmentary demarcation line 色素性分界線
pigmentary disorder 色素性疾病
pigmentary incontinence 色素失調
pigmentary purpura 色素性紫斑
pigmentary purpuric dermatosis 色素性紫斑性皮膚病
pigmentary purpuric eruption 色素性紫斑性皮疹
pigmentary thrombus 色素性血栓
pigmentatio maculosa multiplex idiopathica 特發性多發性斑狀色素沉著症
pigmentation 色素沈著
pigmented 著色的
pigmented basal cell carcinoma 色素性基底細胞癌
pigmented basal cell epithelioma 色素性基底細胞上皮瘤
pigmented cell 色素細胞
pigmented cosmetic dermatitis 色素性化妝品皮膚炎
pigmented dermatitis 色素性皮膚炎
pigmented eccrine acrospiroma 色素性汗腺頂端汗腺瘤
pigmented follicular cyst 色素性毛囊囊腫
pigmented hairy epidermal naevus 色素性多毛性表皮痣
pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy 嬰兒色素性神經外胚層腫瘤
pigmented peribuccal erythema of Brocq 色素性口圍紅斑
pigmented pretibial pathches 脛前色素斑
pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis of Gougert and Blum 古-布?姆二氏色素性紫斑性苔蘚樣皮膚炎
pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatoses 色素性紫斑性苔蘚樣皮膚病
pigmented seborrheic keratosis 色素性脂漏性角化症
pigmented spindle cell nevus 色素性梭狀細胞痣
pigmented tongue 色素舌
pigmented villonodular synovitis 色素絨毛結節性滑膜炎
pigmented xerodermoid 色素性乾皮樣病
pilar 毛的
pilar cyst 毛髮囊腫
pilar hamartoma 毛髮錯構瘤
pilar neurocristic hamartoma 毛髮神經塉性錯構瘤
pilar sheath acanthoma 毛鞘棘皮瘤
pilar tumor of the scalp 頭皮毛髮瘤
pilar type of basal cell epithelioma 毛髮形基底細胞上皮瘤
pilaris 毛的
pili annulati 環毛
pili bifurcati 雙叉毛
pili incarnati 內嵌毛
pili multigemini 多生毛
pili pseud-annulati 假環毛
pili torti 扭曲毛
pili trianguli 三角毛
pili trianguli et canaliculi 三角及管狀毛
piliary complex carcinoma 毛髮複合癌
piliferous cyst 藏毛囊腫
pill 丸;丸劑
pill-rolling 滾丸動作
pill-rolling tremor 滾丸震顫
pillar 柱;支柱
pillar cell 柱狀細胞
pillion 暫用假腿
pillion fracture 機車後座骨折;股骨下端骨折
pillow splint 枕頭夾板
pilo-syringo-sebaceous nevus 毛囊汗管皮脂腺痣
pilocystic 囊狀含毛的