(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 23101 到 23200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
sexual cell 生殖細胞;性細胞
sexual incontinence 性慾無度;性慾未節制
sexual life 性生活
sexual orientation disturbance 性傾向紊亂
sexual shock 性交後休克
sexual swelling 生殖突
sexually transmitted 性行為傳染
sexually transmitted disease 性病
S?zary cell S?zary氏細胞
Sezary erythroderma 西紮利紅皮症
Sezary reticulosis syndrome Sezary氏網狀細胞增生症候群
Sezary syndrome Sezary氏症候群
Sezary's syndrome(malignanr reticular cell hyperpl-astic erythroderma) 西紮利氏症候群(惡性網狀細胞增生性紅皮症)
Shabbir's syndrome(laryngo-onycho-cutaneous synd.) 薩比爾氏症候群(喉─甲─皮症候群)
shadow cell 幽靈細胞;幻影細胞
shagreen 鯊皮
shagreen patch 鯊皮樣斑
shake lotions 搖混乳液
shaking palsy 震顫麻痺
sham movement vertigo 旋轉性眩暈
shampoos 洗髮精
shank bone 脛骨
shape 形狀
sharp dissection 銳器解剖
sharp pain 銳痛
shave excision 刮除術
sheath muscle 肌鞘
sheath tumor 腦膜鞘瘤
Sheehan's syndrome Sheehan氏症候群
Sheehan's syndrome(postpartum hypopituitarism) 席漢氏症候群
Sheehan-Simmond disease 席漢-西蒙氏病(產後腦垂體機能減退症)
sheep nostril fly 羊鼻蠅
sheep-dung stool 羊糞樣便
sheet 床單;表格;片狀
Shekelton's aneurysm Shekelton氏動脈瘤;剝離性動脈瘤
shell-nail syndrome 殼形甲症候群
Shellac 蟲膠
shelter 隱避所
shelter foot 避難足
Shepherd's fracture Shepherd氏骨折
Shigella dysenteriae 痢疾桿菌
shin bone 脛骨
shin spots 脛部斑
shingles 帶狀?疹
Shishito disease Shishito氏病
shock 休克
shock lung 休克肺
shocking injection 致休克注射
shoes dermatitis 鞋皮膚炎
Shope papilloma Shope氏乳頭狀瘤;兔乳頭狀瘤
short adductor muscle 內收短肌
short anconeus muscle 短肘後肌
short bone 短骨
short extensor muscle of great toe 伸拇趾短肌
short extensor muscle of thumb 伸拇指短肌
short extensor muscle of toe 伸趾短肌
short fibular muscle 腓骨短肌
short flexor muscle of great toe 屈拇趾短肌
short flexor muscle of little finger 屈小指短肌
short flexor muscle of little toe 屈小趾短肌
short flexor muscle of thumb 屈拇指短肌
short flexor muscle of toe 屈趾短肌
short gastric veins 胃短靜脈
short levator muscle of rib 提肋短肌
short palmar muscle 短掌肌
short peroneal muscle 腓骨短肌
short rotator muscle 迴旋短肌
shoulder blade 肩胛
shoulder girdle 肩帶
shoulder girdle syndrome 肩胛帶症候群
shoulder of blade endosseous implant 刃形骨內植體之肩台
shoulder-hand syndrome 肩手症候群
shoulder-strap resonance 肩部扣響
shuffle foot 拖曳足
Shulman's syndrome(eosinophilic fasciitis) 夏爾曼氏症候群(嗜伊紅球性肌膜炎)
shunt 分流
shunt cyanosis 分流性發紺
shuttlemaker's disease 梭工病
sialometaplasia 涎腺化生
sialorrhea 流涎
Sibson's aponeurosis Sibson氏腱膜
Sicard's syndrome Sicard氏症候群
Siccardi's syndrome 西卡爾氏症候群
sick building syndrome 大廈不良症候群
sick cell syndrome 病態細胞症候群
sickle cell 鐮狀細胞
sickle cell anemia 鐮狀細胞性貧血
siderotic 鐵質沉著的
Siemen's syndrome 西門氏症候群(水?性魚鱗病)
Siemens' syndrome Siemens氏症候群
Siemens-Halske cell 鎌狀細胞
sieve bone 篩骨
sieve graft 篩狀移植物
sigh 歎氣