(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 24601 到 24700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
suspensory ligament of axilla 腋窩懸韌帶
suspensory ligament of breast 乳房懸韌帶
suspensory ligament of eyeball 眼球懸韌帶
suspensory ligament of lens 晶狀體懸韌帶
suspensory ligament of thyroid gland 甲狀腺懸韌帶
suspensory muscle of duodenum 十二指腸提肌
Sutton's nevus(lenkoderma acquisitum centrifugum) (halo naevus) 舒通氏痣(遠心性後天性白斑) (白暈痣)
Sutton's ulcer 舒通氏潰瘍
sutura 縫;骨縫
sutural bones 縫間骨
sutural ligament 縫韌帶
suture 縫;縫合
suture needle 縫針
suture tension 減壓縫法
swab 擦拭
swabbing anesthesia 拭麻醉
swallow bug 燕子臭蟲
swallowing 嚥;吞嚥
swarm 群集
swarm cell 游走細胞
sweat duct 汗腺管
sweat foramen 汗孔
sweating sickness 汗熱病
swedged needle 帶縫線針
Swediaur's disease Swediaur氏病
sweet clover disease 甜苜蓿病
Sweet's syndrome(acute febrile neutrophilic derma-tosis) 舒威特氏症候群(急性發熱性嗜中性球增生皮膚病)
sweing needle 縫合針
swell 腫脹
swelling 腫脹
swimmer's ear 游泳耳炎
swimmer's itch 游泳癢病
swimming pool granuloma 游泳池肉芽腫
swine erysipelas 豬丹毒
swine influenza 豬流行感冒
swineherd's disease 豬飼養員病
swing bed 搖床
Swiss-cheese hyperplasia 瑞士乾酪樣增殖
sycosis 鬚瘡
Sydenham's chorea Sydenham氏舞蹈症
Sydenham's cough Sydenham氏咳嗽
syllabaris spasmodica 口吃
syllabic blindness 音節失辨症
sylvian vein 大腦中靜脈
symmetrical dyschromatosis of the extremities(Acropig-mentation of Dohi) 四肢對稱性色素沉著異常症(土肥肢端色素沉著症)
symmetrical progressive leucopathy 對稱性進行性白斑症
sympathetic 交感神經的;同情的
sympathetic atrophy 交感性萎縮
sympathetic block 交感神經阻斷麻醉
sympathetic cell 交感神經細胞
sympathetic chains 交感神經鏈
sympathetic formative cell 成形交感細胞
sympathetic innervation 交感神經支配
sympathetic nerve 交感神經
sympathetic ophthalmia 交感性眼炎
sympathetic system 交感神經系統
sympathic 同情的;交感的
sympathicotrope 親交感神經
sympathicotrophic cell 親交感神經細胞
sympathicotropic 親交感神經的
sympathicus 交感神經系統
sympathochromaffin 交感神經嗜鉻細胞的
sympathochromaffin cell 交感神經嗜鉻細胞
symptom 症狀
symptom complex 綜合症狀
symptomatic 症狀的
symptomatic alopecia 症狀性禿髮
symptomatic asthma 症狀性氣喘
symptomatic dermatographism 症狀性皮膚劃痕症
symptomatic disease 症候性病
symptomatic hyperhydrosis 症狀性多汗症
symptomatic porphyria 症狀性?咯紫質沉著病
symptomatic psychosis 症候性精神病
symptomatic ulcer 症狀性潰瘍
symptomless 無症狀的
symptomless infection 無症狀性傳染
syncytial 融合細胞的
syncytial cell 融合體細胞
syndactylia 併指(趾)畸形
syndactyly with ectodermal dysplasia 併指(趾)畸形伴外胚層發育不良
syndrome 症候群
syndrome of alkalosis 鹼中毒症候群
syndrome of Babinski-Nageotte Babinski-Nageotte二氏症候群
syndrome of Benedict Benedict氏症候群
syndrome of cauda equina 馬尾症候群
syndrome of cerbral peduncle 大腦腳症候群
syndrome of cerebellopontine angle 小腦腦橋角症候群
syndrome of Cestan-Chenais Cestan-Chenais二氏症候群
syndrome of corpus striatum 紋狀體症候群
syndrome of crocodile tears 假哭性症候群;鱷魚淚症候群
syndrome of D?jerine-Roussy D?jerine-Roussy二氏症候群
syndrome of globus pallidus 蒼白球症候群
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿素分泌不當症候群
syndrome of nucleus ambiguus 疑核症候群
syndrome of retroparotid space 腮腺後隙症候群
syndrome of sea-blue histiocyte 海藍組織細胞症候群
syndrome of Weber Weber氏症候群
synergic muscle 協同肌
synergistic 協同的
synergistic anesthesia 協同感覺缺失