(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 25801 到 25900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
tympanic swelling 鼓室隆起
tympanic vein 鼓室靜脈
tympanites 氣脹;鼓脹
tympanitic percussion resonance 鼓性叩響
tympanitic resonance 鼓響
tympanum 鼓室;鼓膜
tympany 鼓音
type 類型;型
type A behavior A型行為
type B behavior B型行為
typhoid 傷寒
typhoid fever 傷寒病飲食
typhoid meningitis 傷寒型腦膜炎
typhoid osteomyelitis 傷寒性骨髓炎
typhoid rib 傷寒肋病
typhoid septicemia 傷寒敗血病
typhopaludism 傷寒型瘧
typhus pellagrosus 蜀黍性傷寒
tyrosinase 酪胺酸?
tyrosinemia 酪胺酸血症
Tzanck cell Tzanck氏細胞
U-shaped palatal major connector U型?主連接體
ulcer 潰瘍
ulcerative 潰瘍性
ulcerative endocarditis 潰瘍性心內膜炎
ulcerative lichen planus 潰瘍性扁平苔蘚
ulcero-mutilating hemangiomatosis 潰瘍殘毀性血管瘤病
ulceromembranous 潰瘍性及膜性的
ulceromembranous gingivitis 潰瘍假膜性齦炎
ulceromembranous stomatitis 潰瘍膜性口炎
ulceromutilating acropathy 肢端殘毀性潰瘍
ulceronecrotic 潰瘍壞死的
ulcus 潰瘍
ulcus molle 軟下疳
ulcus necroticum mucosae oris 口腔黏膜壞死性潰瘍
ulcus vulvae acutum 急性女陰潰瘍
ulerythema acneiforme 痤瘡樣疤痕性紅斑
ulerythema ophryogenes 眉疤痕性紅斑
ulerythema sycosiforme 鬚瘡樣疤痕性紅斑
Ullrich-Fremery-Dohna syndrome Ullrich-Fremery-Dohna氏症候群
ulna 尺骨
ulnar 尺骨的
ulnar artery 尺動脈
ulnar bone 尺骨
ulnar carpal bone 尺側腕骨
ulnar carpal ligament 尺側腕韌帶
ulnar collateral ligament 尺側副韌帶
ulnar collateral ligament of carpus 尺腕側副韌帶
ulnar cutaneous vein 貴要靜脈
ulnar dorsal digital nerve 尺背指神經
ulnar fracture 尺骨骨折
ulnar lateral ligament of carpus 腕尺外側韌帶
ulnar nerve 尺神經
ulnar veins 尺靜脈
ultralente insulin 長效型胰島素鋅懸液
ultramicrosize griseofulvin 超微粒灰黃黴素
ultrasonic frequency 超音波頻率
ultrasonography 超音波檢查
umbilical 臍的
umbilical anus 臍肛
umbilical arteries 臍動脈
umbilical circulation 臍循環
umbilical cord 臍帶
umbilical cyst 臍帶囊腫
umbilical dressing 臍包紮
umbilical duct 臍管
umbilical fistula 臍?
umbilical omphalomesenteric duct polyp 臍部腸繫膜導管息肉
umbilical prolapse 臍帶脫垂
umbilical ring 臍環
umbilical souffle 臍帶雜音
umbilical vein 臍靜脈
umbrella iris 陽傘狀虹膜;虹膜膨起
unciform bone ?狀骨
uncinarial dermatitis ?蟲皮膚炎
uncinariasis ?蟲病
uncinate bone ?狀骨
uncombable hair syndrome 亂髮症候群
uncompensated acidosis 未代償性酸中毒
uncompensated alkalosis 缺代償性鹼中毒
unconsciousness 意識喪失
undecylenic acid 十一碳烯酸
undercorrection 矯正不足
underlying 潛在的
undermined 穿掘性的;潛行性
undifferentiated 未分化的
undifferentiated cell leukemia 胚細胞性白血病
undifferentiated lymphoma 未分化性淋巴瘤
undifferentiated mesenchymal cell 未分化間葉細胞
undigested stool 未消化糞
ungual 指(趾)甲的
unguis incarnatus 嵌甲症
unhealthy 不健康的
unhealthy ulcer 不良性潰瘍
unheated serum reagin(USR) test 不加熱血清反應素試驗
unidirectional block 單向性傳導阻滯
unifacet dislocation 外傷性脫位
unilateral 單側的
unilateral anesthesia 單側感覺缺失
unilateral facial atrophy 單側顏面萎縮