(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 3301 到 3400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
bady talcum powder 嬰兒滑石粉
Bafverstedt's ichthyosis Bafverstedt氏魚鱗癬
Bagdad boil 巴格達癤
Bagdad button 巴格達癤
baid 無毛的
Baillarger's bands Baillarger氏帶
Baillarger's lines 放線間纖維叢
Baker's cyst Baker氏囊腫
bakers' eczema 揉面濕疹
bakers' itch 揉面癢病
balance 平衡
balanced anesthesia 協和麻醉法
balanced articulation 平衡關節
balanced diet 均衡飲食
balanced occlusion 齒平衡性咬合
balanitis 龜頭炎
balanitis circinata 環狀龜頭炎
balanitis circumscripta plasmacellularis 漿細胞限界龜頭炎
balanitis erosiva 糜爛性龜頭炎
balanitis gangrenosa 壞疽性龜頭炎
balanitis plasmocellularis 漿細胞性龜頭炎
balanoposthitis vulgaris 尋常性龜頭包皮炎
balanopostitis erosiva circinata 環狀糜爛性龜頭包皮炎
balantidial colitis 毛囊蟲性結腸炎
Balantidium 纖毛蟲屬
Balantidium coli 大腸纖毛蟲
bald 光禿的
Balkan splint Balkan夾板
ball 球狀體
ball myoma 球形肌瘤
ball-and-socket articulation 球窩關節
Ballet's disease Ballet氏病
Ballingall's disease Ballingall氏病
balloon cell 氣球樣細胞
balloon cyst 氣球樣囊腫
balloon dilatation 血管氣球擴張術
ballooning 氣脹法
ballooning degeneration 細胞腫脹變性
balm mint extract 香蜂草抽提液
Balme's cough Balme氏咳嗽
balneology 浴療學
balneophototherapy 沐浴光療法
balneotherapy 浴療法
baloon 氣球
balsam 香膏
balsam of Peru 祕魯香膏
Balters bionator 巴爾特氏生物功能矯正器
Bamberger's fluid Bamberger氏液
Bamberger-Marie disease Bamberger-Marie二氏病
bamboo hair 竹樣毛
bamboo-like inflammatory infiltrate 竹節狀發炎性浸潤
bamboo-like node 竹節樣結節
Bamle disease Bamle氏病
band cell 桿狀核細胞
band form 帶狀
band of Broca Broca氏帶
band of Reil Reil氏帶
band of Remak Remak氏帶
band of Tarinus Tarinus氏帶
bandage 繃帶
bandage winder 纏繃帶器
bandbox resonance 木板箱響
Bandeloux's bed Bandeloux氏墊
bands of Schreger Schreger氏帶
banjo traction splint 五弦琴狀牽引夾板
Bannayan-Zonana syndrome(macrocephaly with multiple lipomas and hemangiomas) Bannayan-Zonana氏症候群(巨腦症伴多發性脂肪瘤及血管瘤)
Banti's syndrome 脾性貧血
Banting's diet Banting氏食療
Baostrup's disease 吻合脊椎
bar 棒;槓
bar soap 塊狀皂
Baraitser syndrome(premature aging with short-stat-ure-and pigmented naevi) Baraitser氏症候群(早熟性老化伴身材矮小及色素痣)
barber's hair sinus 理髮師毛竇
barber's interdigital hair sinus 理髮師指尖毛竇
Barcoo rot 沙漠瘡
Bard-Pic syndrome Bard-Pic二氏症候群
Bardeleben's bandage Bardeleben氏繃帶
Bardet-Biedl syndrome Bardet-Biedl二氏症候群
Bardinet's ligament Bardinet氏韌帶
bare lymphocyte syndrome 裸淋巴球症候群
barium shock 鋇劑休克
barium sulfate 硫酸鋇
barking cough 吠狀咳嗽
Barkow's ligament Barkow氏韌帶
Barlow's disease Barlow氏病(幼兒壞血病)
barometer 氣壓計
Barr bodies 巴氏小體
Barraquer-Simon disease 巴拉奎-賽門氏病(進行性脂肪代謝障礙)
barrier 阻礙
barrier creams 隔離霜
Bart's syndrome(congenital localized absence of skin) Bart氏症候群(先天性皮膚局部缺失)
Bart-Pumphrey syndrome(Knuckle pads,leucon-ychia and deafness) Bart-Pumphrey氏症候群(指節小墊-白指甲及耳聾)
Barth's hernia Barth氏疝氣
Barthelemy's disease Barthelemy氏病
Bartholin's anus Bartholin氏前口{大腦導水管前口}
Bartholin's cyst Bartholin氏腺囊腫
Bartholin's duct 巴多林氏管