(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 3401 到 3500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Bartholin's foramen Bartholin氏孔
Bartholin's gland 巴多林氏腺(前庭大腺)
Bartholin-Patau syndrome Bartholin-Patau氏症候群(唇裂及眼畸形)
bartholinitis 前庭大腺炎
Barton's bandage Barton繃帶
Bartonella 巴爾通體屬
Bartonella bacilliformis 桿菌樣巴爾通體
bartonelliasis 巴爾通體病
basal anesthesia 基本麻醉
basal body 基體
basal bone 基骨
basal cell 基細胞
basal cell carcinoma 基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,adamantinoid 釉質樣基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,adenoid 腺樣基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,clear cell 明亮細胞基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,infundibulocytic 漏斗部囊腫性基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,keratotic 角化性基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,nodulocystic 結節囊腫性基底細胞癌
basal cell carcinoma,reticulated 網狀基底細胞癌
basal cell epithelioma 基底細胞上皮瘤
basal cell epithelioma with sebaceous differentiation 具皮脂腺分化的基底細胞上皮瘤
basal cell hyperplasia 基底細胞增生
basal cell nevus 基底細胞痣;基底細胞母斑
basal cell nevus syndrome 基底細胞母斑症候群
basal cell nevus syndrome(Gorlin) 基底細胞痣症候群
basal cell papilloma 基底細胞乳突瘤
basal diet 基礎飲食
basal ganglion 基底神經節
basal lamina 基底層
basal layer 基底層
basal metabolism 基礎代謝
basal plasma membrane 基底漿質膜
basal skull fracture 顱底骨折
basal squamous cell epithelioma 基底鱗狀細胞上皮瘤
basal vein 底靜脈
basalioma 基底細胞瘤
basaloid cell 基底樣細胞
basaloid follicular hamartoma 基底細胞樣毛囊錯構瘤
Basan syndrome(Basan type wctodermal sysplasia) 巴森氏外胚層發育不全症候群
base of lung 肺底
base oil 基礎油
base pair 鹼基對
baseball shoulder 棒球肩病
based 底的
Basedow's disease 巴塞多氏病;凸眼性甲狀腺腫
basement 基部
basement membrane 基底膜
basement membrane antigen 基底膜抗原
basement membrane epithelium 上皮基底膜
basement membrane zone 基底膜區
basic activities of daily living (BADLs) 基本的日常生活活動功能 Basic Activities of Daily Living
basic anesthesia 基礎麻醉
basic degeneration 嗜鹼性變性
basic diet 鹼性飲食
basic dye 鹽基性染料
basic fibroblast growth factor 鹼性纖維母細胞生長因子
basic foods 鹼性食品
basic nuclear protein 鹼基核蛋白
basic salt 鹽基性鹽
basic stain 鹽基性染料
basidigital bone 掌骨
basidiobolomycosis 蛙糞黴菌病
Basidiobolus 蛙糞黴菌屬
Basidiobolus haptosporus 固孢蛙糞黴菌
Basidiobolus meristosporus 裂孢蛙糞黴菌
Basidiobolus ranarum 蛙糞黴菌
Basidiomycetes 擔子菌綱
basidiospore 擔子孢子
basifacial 面根的
basihyal bone 舌骨體
basil 羅勒
basilar artery 基底動脈
basilar groove 基底溝
basilar groove of occipital bone 枕骨基底溝
basilar groove of sphenoid bone 蝶骨基底溝
basilar membrane 基底膜
basilar plexus 腦底靜脈叢
basilar process 枕骨底部;底突
basilar suture 底縫
basilic vein 肱內靜脈
basipresphenoid bone 底前蝶骨
basisphenoid bone 底蝶骨
basivertebral veins 椎體靜脈
basket cell 籃狀細胞
basket-weave pattern 籃網狀型
baso-squamous cell acanthoma 基底鱗狀細胞棘皮瘤
basophil 嗜鹼性球
basophil chemotactic factor 嗜鹼性球趨化因子
basophilia 嗜鹼性球增多症
basophilic 嗜鹼性
basophilic adenoma 嗜鹼細胞腺瘤
basophilic band cell 嗜鹼性桿細胞
basophilic cell 嗜鹼細胞
basophilic degeneration 嗜鹼性退化
basophilic erythroblast 嗜鹼性母紅血球
basophilic granulocyte 嗜鹼性顆粒球
basophilic leukocytosis 嗜鹼性白血球增多
basophilic myelocyte 嗜鹼性骨髓細胞