(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 6301 到 6400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
combined 合併的
combined adnexal tumor 合併附屬器瘤
combined anesthesia 合併麻醉
combined aphasia 混合性失語症
combined hemorrhoid 混合性痔瘡
combined immunodeficiency disease 多種免疫功能不全疾病
combined immunodeficiency syndrome 聯結性免疫缺乏症候群
combined nevus 合併痣
combustio 熱傷
comedo 粉刺
comedo carcinoma 粉刺癌
comedo nevus 粉刺痣
comedo(nes) 粉刺
comedocarcinoma 粉刺癌
Comel-Netherton syndrome(ichthyosis linearis cir-sumflexa) Comel-Netherton氏症候群(旋線狀魚鱗病)
cometal cell 彗星樣細胞
comfrey extract 紫草萃取液
comma degeneration 脊髓束間束變性
comma tract of Schultze 垂點狀徑
comminuted 搗碎的
comminuted fracture 粉碎骨折
commissura labiorum 唇連合
commissura labiorum oris 口角
commissural 連合的
commissural aphasia 接合處性失語症
commissural cell 連合細胞
commissural impetigo 融合性膿?病
commissural pit 連合凹
commom facial vein 面前靜脈
commom ligament of knee 膝總韌帶
common acne 單純痤瘡
common baldness 尋常禿髮
common bile duct 總膽管
common cardinal veins 總主靜脈
common carotid plexus 總頸動脈神經叢
common digital arterys of foot 蹠骨底側動脈
common digital veins of foot 趾總靜脈
common extensor muscle of digits 伸指總肌
common fibular nerve 腓總神經
common hepatic artery 肝總動脈
common hepatic duct 總肝管
common iliac artery 髂總動脈
common iliac vein 髂總靜脈
common interosseous artery 骨間總動脈
common ligament of Weber Weber氏總韌帶;膝總韌帶
common palmar digital arterys 指掌總動脈
common palmar digital nerve of median nerve 正中神經指掌側總神經
common palmar digital nerve of ulnar nerve 尺指神經掌側總神經
common pharyngobranchial duct 咽鰓總管
common plantar digital arterys 趾底總動脈
common plantar digital nerve of lateral plantar nerve 蹠外側底總神經
common plantar digital nerve of medial plantar nerve 蹠內側趾底總神經
common variable immuno-deficiency 尋常變異性免疫缺乏
common viteliine duct 總卵黃管
common volar digital arterys 指掌側總動脈
common wart 尋常疣
communicable 有傳染性的
communicable disease 傳染病
communicans 交通枝
communicating 溝通的
communicating hydrocele 交通性水囊
communication skill 溝通技巧
communis 普通的
community 社區
community health 社區衛生
community health care information system 社區健康照護資訊系統
community organization 社區組織
community public health system 社區公共衛生體系
community-oriented primary care 建議:社區導向基層醫療保健
compact bone 密質骨
compact edema 緻密水腫
compact powder 粉餅
comparative anatomy 比較解剖學
comparative dental anatomy 比較牙科解剖學;比較牙體形態學
comparator block 比較器
compartment 腔室
compartmental necrosis 間室性壞死
compartmentalization 細胞內之隔室化
compensated acidosis 代償性酸中毒
compensated alkalosis 代償性鹼中毒
compensatory 代償的
compensatory atrophy 代償性萎縮
compensatory circulation 補償循環
compensatory hyperhidrosis 代償性多汗症
compensatory hypertropy 代償性肥大
compensatory hypertropy of the heart 代償性心臟肥大
competitive inhibitor 競爭抑制物(劑)
complement 補體
complement fixation test 補體固定測試
complementary 補充的
complementary and alternative medicine 輔助及另類醫療
complementary cell 補充細胞
complementary emphysema 代償性氣腫
complete aphasia 完全失語症
complete block 完全房室阻斷
complete dislocation 完全脫位
complete fistula 全?管
complete fracture 完全骨折
complete heart block 心臟傳導完全阻斷
complete hernia 完全疝