(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 6401 到 6500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
complete inguinal hernia 腹股溝全疝
complex 複合的;情結;複徵症候群
complex aphthosis 口瘡綜合症
complex simple fracture 複合性單純骨折
compliance 順應性
complicated 併發的
complicated dislocation 併發脫位
complicated fracture 複雜骨折
complication 併發症
component of force 力與成份
Compositae 菊科
Compositae dermatitis 菊科皮膚炎
composite articulation 複關節
composition 組成
compound 複合的;複方化合物
compound aneurysm 複合動脈瘤
compound articulation 複關節
compound cyst 複合囊腫
compound dislocation 複雜性脫位
compound follicles 複合毛囊
compound fracture 複雜性骨折
compound granule cell 複合顆粒細胞
compound lens 複透鏡
compound medicine 複合劑
compounding 調合
compounds 重氮化合物
comprehensive geriatric assessment 周全性老年評估
comprehensiveness 周全性
comprehesiveness 周全性
compression 壓迫
compression anesthesia 壓迫麻醉
compression atrophy 壓迫性萎縮
compression bandage 壓迫繃帶
compression cough 厭迫性咳嗽
compression cyanosis 壓迫性發紺
compression fracture 壓迫性骨折
compression myelitis 壓迫性脊髓炎
compression syndrome 壓迫症候群
compression treatment 壓迫療法
compressor muscle of naris 鼻孔壓肌
compulsive 強迫的
compulsive habits 強迫性習慣
computed tomographic scan 電腦斷層掃描
comsumption coagulopathy 消耗性凝血病變
concanavalin A 刀豆球蛋白A
concave lens 凹透鏡
concavoconcave lens 雙凹透鏡
concavoconvex lens 凹凸透鏡
concealed hemorrhage 隱匿性出血
concealed hernia 隱性疝
concealed ulcer 隱蔽性潰瘍
concentric 同心的
concentric atrophy 同心性萎縮
concentric hypertrophy 同心性肥大
concentric perivascular myoma 同心性血管周圍肌瘤
conception 受孕
concha 甲;鼻甲
concha nasalis inferior 下海綿骨
concha nasalis suprema 最上鼻甲骨
concha sphenoidalis 蝶骨甲
conchoid bodies 殼樣小體
concomitant 伴發的
concomitant appendicitis 伴發性闌尾炎
concordance 一致性
concordance rate 一致率;同病率
concrete acne 結合性痤瘡
concurrent 同時的;並行的
concurrent infection 並行感染
concussion blindness 震盪性盲
concussion myelitis 震傷性脊髓炎
concussion myelopathy 震盪性脊髓病
concussion syndrome 腦震盪症候群
condensation 凝結
condenser 冷凝器
condensing lens 聚光透鏡
condensing osteitis 凝縮性骨炎
conditional disease 條件激發病
conditioned reflex 條件反射
condom chancre 保險套下疳
conduct disorder 行為規範障礙症
conducting artery 傳導動脈;大動脈幹
conduction 傳導
conduction anesthesia 傳導麻醉法
conduction aphasia 傳導性失語症
conduction bone 傳導骨
conductive discharge 傳導放電
Condy's fluid Condy氏液
condylar 髁的
condylar articulation 髁關節
condylar emissary vein 髁部導靜脈
condylar fracture 髁骨折
condylar implants 下顎關節髁狀突植體
condylar process 髁突
condyle dislocation 髁脫位
condyle of humerus 肱骨髁
condyle of jaw 顎髁
condyle of mandible 下顎髁
condyle of metacarpal bone 掌骨髁
condyle of scapula 肩胛外側髁