(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 7301 到 7400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cyst 囊腫
cyst of broad ligament 闊韌帶囊腫
cyst of mucous gland 黏液腺囊腫
cyst of palatine papilla ?乳頭囊腫
cyst of rete ovarii 卵巢網囊腫
cyst of salivary gland 唾液腺囊腫
cyst worm 囊蟲
cystadenoma 囊腺瘤
cystathionine 胱硫醚
cystathionine synthetase 胱瘤醚合成?
cystathionine β-synthase deficiency 胱硫醚β合成?缺乏
cysteine 半胱胺酸
cystic 囊狀的;膀胱的;膽囊的
cystic acne 囊性痤瘡
cystic adenoma 囊狀腺瘤
cystic artery 膽囊動脈
cystic cancer 囊狀癌
cystic chromomycosis 囊狀產色黴菌病
cystic colic 膀胱絞痛
cystic degeneration 囊腫變性
cystic duct 膽囊管
cystic fibroepithelioma of Pinkus 囊狀的比庫斯纖維上皮瘤
cystic form 囊形
cystic gall duct 膽囊管
cystic goiter 囊狀甲狀腺腫
cystic hernia 膀胱疝
cystic hygroma 囊狀水瘤
cystic hyperplasia of the breasts 乳房囊狀增生
cystic hyperplastia 囊狀增生
cystic medical necrosis 膀胱中層壞死
cystic myxoma 囊性黏液癌
cystic papilloma 囊狀乳突瘤
cystic plexus 膽囊神經叢
cystic teratoma 囊狀畸胎瘤
cystic tumor 囊性瘤
cystic vein 膽囊靜脈
cystic-glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium 子宮內膜囊腺狀增生
cysticercus 囊蟲
cysticocolic fistula 膽囊結腸?管
cysticoduodenal ligament 膽囊十二指腸韌帶
cystine 胱胺酸
cystinosis 胱胺酸病
cystogenic aneurysm 囊腫性動脈瘤
cystoid 囊狀的
cystoid degeneration 囊性化生
cystoma 包囊瘤
cystoscopic 膀胱鏡檢查的
cystoscopic ulcer 膀胱鏡性潰瘍
cystoscopy 膀胱鏡檢查
cytochrome 細胞色素
cytochrome cell 著色細胞
cytodiagnosis 細胞診斷法
cytoid bodies 細胞狀體
cytokines 細胞激素
cytolysis 細胞溶解
cytolysosome 細胞溶體
cytolytic blister 溶細胞的水?
cytomegalic 巨細胞的
cytomegalic inclusion disease 細胞肥大包涵體病
cytomegalic inclusion syndrome 細胞肥大包涵體症候群
cytomegalovirus mononucleosis 巨細胞病毒性單核白血球增多症
cytoplasm 細胞質
cytoskeletal filament 細胞骨架絲
cytoskeleton 細胞骨架
cytotoxic anaphylaxis 細胞毒性過敏反應
cytotoxicity 細胞毒性
cytotropic anaphylaxis 親細胞性過敏反應
d-δ-tocopherol d─δ─生育酚
Da Costa's syndrome DaCosta氏症候群
DaCosta's disease DaCosta氏病
dacron 達克龍
dacryocystitis 淚囊炎
dactinomycin 放線菌素
dactylitis 指(趾)炎
dactylolysis spontanea 自發性指(趾)脫落
Dakin's fluid Dakin氏液
Dalrymple's disease Dalrymple氏病
damage 傷害
dammar 丹馬樹脂
Dammar resin 丹馬樹脂
dancer's foot 舞蹈者足
dander 皮屑
dandruff 頭皮屑
dangle foot 懸擺足
Daniell cell Daniell氏細胞
Danielssen-Boeck disease Danielssen-Boeck二氏疾病
Danlos' disease Danlos氏病
Danlos's syndrome Danlos症候群
Dappen dish 丹平皿
dapsone 二胺苯?
Darier like epidermal nevus 達理埃氏病樣表皮母斑
Darier's disease 達理埃氏病
Darier's sign 達理埃氏徵象
dark disc (肌小板)暗板
darkfield microscopy 暗視野顯微鏡檢查
darkness nystagmus 黑暗性眼球震顫
Darling's disease 達林氏病
dartoic leiomyoma 陰囊肉膜平滑肌瘤
dartoic myoma 陰囊肉膜肌瘤
dartos muscle of scrotum 陰囊肉膜