(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 27175 筆資料,顯示第 7701 到 7800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
dentin-pulp 牙本質-牙髓
dentin-Pulp complex 牙骨質髓症候群
dentinal 牙本質的
dentinal bridge 牙本質橋
dentinal canal 牙本質管
dentinal cell 齒質細胞
dentinal debris 牙本質碎屑
dentinal dysplasia 牙本質發育不全
dentinal fiber 牙本質纖維
dentinal fluid 牙本質液
dentinal liquor 牙本質液
dentinal perikymata 牙本質橫紋
dentinal sclerosis 牙本質硬化
dentinal sheath 牙本質鞘
dentinal tubule 牙本質小管
dentinalgia 牙本質痛
dentine 牙本質
dentine bridge 牙骨質橋
dentine cell 齒質細胞
dentinification 牙質形成
dentinitis 牙質炎
dentinocemental junction 牙本質牙骨質交界
dentinoenamel junction 牙本質牙釉質交界
dentinoenamel membrane 牙本質牙釉質膜
dentinogenesis 牙本質形成
dentinogenesis imperfecta 牙本質形成不良
dentinogenic 牙質發生
dentinogenic fiber 牙質發生纖維
dentinogenic fibers 牙本質原纖維
dentinoid 類牙本質
dentinoid tumor 齒質瘤
dentinopulpal complex 牙本質牙髓複合體
dentistry 牙科學
dentition 牙齒
dentium stridor 磨牙聲
dento-alveolar osteitis 齒槽的骨炎
dento-oculocutaneous syndrome 齒─眼─皮膚症候群
dentocemental 牙本質牙骨質的
dentoenamel junction 牙本質牙釉質交界
dentroid 樹枝狀的
denture 義齒;假牙
denture balance 托牙平衡
denture hyperplasia 齒列增生
denture hypertrophy 齒列肥大
denture retention 假牙位置保留
denture sore 托牙瘡
denture sore mouth 托牙口瘡
Denuce's ligament Denuce氏韌帶
denuded 裸露的
deodorant 除臭劑
deoxyribonuclease 脫氧核醣核酸?
dependant 依賴的
dependant drainage 就下引流法
dependent 依賴
dependent beat 扶助脈動
depigmented 脫色的
depilation 脫毛
depletion 空竭;缺乏
depletion syndrome 物質缺失性症候群
deposit 沉積;沉澱
deposition 沈著;沈積
depot insulin 積存胰島素
depot phenomenon 庫房現象
depressed 凹陷的;憂鬱的
depressed fracture 凹陷骨折
depression 凹陷;憂鬱
depression of cataract 內障壓下術
depression of cataract depression 白內障壓下術
depression of spirits 抑鬱
depressive 抑鬱的
depressive hallucination 抑鬱性幻覺
depressive psychosis 抑鬱性精神病
depressive syndrome 憂鬱症候群
depressor muscle of angle of mouth 降口角肌
depressor muscle of lower lip 降下唇肌
depressor muscle of septum of nose 鼻中隔降肌
deprivation disease 營養素缺乏病
depth of respiration 呼吸之深度
Depuy splint Depuy氏夾板
Dercum's disease 竇根氏病
derivative circulation 衍生性循環
derivedalbumin 白蛋白衍生物
derma-fat-fascia graft 皮脂肪筋膜移植物
Dermacentor 刺皮壁蝨屬
dermadrome 皮徵
dermal 皮的;真皮的
dermal and intravascular fasciitis 真皮及血管內筋膜炎
dermal backflow 真皮回流
dermal bone 皮內骨
dermal cylindroma 真皮圓柱瘤
dermal duct tumor 真皮管狀瘤
dermal graft 真皮移植物
dermal hair papilla 真皮毛乳突
dermal hematopoiesis 真皮造血
dermal hypoplasia 真皮發育不良
dermal melanocyte hamartoma 真皮黑色素細胞錯構瘤
dermal melanocytoma 真皮黑色素細胞瘤
dermal muscle 皮肌
dermal papilla 真皮乳頭
dermatalgia 皮痛