(計算時間: 0.018秒, 共找到 69541 筆資料,顯示第 13001 到 13100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
composite resistor 複合電阻器
composite rotor 複合轉子
composite set 組合裝置
composite sheet 複合板
composite signal 混合信號
composite stranded wire 複合多股絞線
composite synchronizing signal 複合同步信號
composite tone 合成音
composite twisted wire 複合絞線
composite vector 複合向量
composite wave 複合波
composite wave filter 合成波濾波器
composite winding 合成繞組
composite wire 複合線
composite working 收發混合運行
composition 合成,組成,成分,合成物
composition material 合成材料
composition of forces 力的合成
composition of vectors 向量的合成
composition phasors 相量的合成
compositron 高速顯字管
compound 複繞[的],複[勵]的(電機的),化合物,絕緣混合物,絕緣膏,電纜膏,合成的,組合的,複合的,混合的
compound adjustment 複合調整
compound atom 複合原子
compound brush 複合電刷
compound cable 複合電纜
compound circuit 複合電路
compound compressor 複合壓縮機
compound dynamo 複激式電機
compound excitation 複激式激磁
compound exciter 複激式激磁機
compound field 複激磁場
compound filled 填膏,填充化合物
compound filled bushing 填膏套管
compound function 複合函數
compound gauge 複合計量器
compound generator 複激式發電機
compound harmonic function 複合諧波函數,複調和函數
compound horn 複合喇叭,高低音喇叭
compound insulation 複合絕緣
compound magnet 複合磁鐵
compound matrice 複合矩陣
compound mica 合成雲母,粉雲母
compound motor 複合電動機
compound particle 複合粒子
compound pressure and vacuum gauge 複合壓力和真空計量表
compound rectifier excitation 複合整流器式激磁
compound relay 複合繼電器
compound semiconductor 化合物半導體,複合半導體
compound signal 複信號
compound statement 複合語句
compound steam turbine 複式汽輪機
compound stranding 複絞
compound stress 綜合應力
compound transformer 複繞式變壓器
compound turbine 複式渦輪機
compound type bushing 填充物式套管
compound winding 複激繞組
compound wire 複合線
compound-filled 複合填充
compound-filled bushing 絕緣膏填充套管
compound-wound 複繞式
compound-wound dynamo 複激發電機
compound-wound generator 複激發電機
compound-wound motor 複激電動機
compound-wound relay 複繞繼電器
compounding 複激、複合
compounding coil 複激線圈,複繞線圈
compounding curve (of generator) [發電機的]綜合特性曲線(在額定電壓不變的條件下,勵磁電流隨負載變化而變化曲線)
compounding effect 複激作用
compounding lightning arrester 複式避雷器
comprehend 理解,了解,包括,綜合
comprehensive 有理解力的
comprehensive test 全面試驗
compress 壓縮
compressed air 壓縮空氣
compressed air brake 壓縮空氣制動器,氣閘
compressed air capacitor 壓縮空氣電容器
compressed air circuit breaker 壓縮空氣斷路器
compressed air line 壓縮空氣管道
compressed air luminaire 充氣燈具
compressed air station 壓縮空氣站
compressed gas 壓縮氣體
compressed gas insulatin 壓縮氣體絕緣
compressed gas, contamination in 壓縮氣體中的雜質
compressed gas, insulated system 絕緣系統的壓縮氣體
compressed gas, mixtures 混和壓縮氣體
compressed gas, strength of 壓縮氣體強度
compressed ignition 壓縮點火
compressed iron-core coil 壓粉鐵心線圈
compressed plywood 壓縮膠合板
compressed-iron power core 壓粉鐵心
compressed-nitrogen condenser 壓縮氮氣冷凝器
compressibility 可壓縮性,壓縮係數
compressible MHD flow 可壓縮磁流體
compressinal vibratin 壓縮
compression 壓縮,壓力
compression -creep test 壓縮蠕變試驗
compression cable 壓[力充]氣電纜
compression casting 壓鑄