(計算時間: 0.012秒, 共找到 69541 筆資料,顯示第 1601 到 1700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
coal deposits 煤礦床
coal dust 煤粉
coal equivalent 煤當量
coal equivalent, standard 煤當量標準
coal equivalent, ton/tonne 噸煤當量
coal field 煤田
coal gas 煤氣
coal graded 分粒煤
coal handling equipment 輸煤設備,輸煤裝置
coal hard 硬煤
coal plough 犁煤機
coal pulverizer 磨煤機
coal screened 分粒煤
coal semi-bituminous 半煙煤
coal sized 分粒煤
coal soft 黑褐煤
coal solvent refined 溶劑精煉
coal sorted 淨煤
coal storage 儲煤量,儲煤,煤棧,煤倉
coal sub-bituminous 次煙煤
coal tar 煤焦油
coal treated 洗選煤
coal washed 已洗煤
coal washer 洗煤機
coal yard 煤場
coal-cutter motor 截煤機[用]電動機
coal-fired power plant 燃煤發電廠
coalesce 聚結,聚合,接合,組合
coalfield 煤田
coalignment 調整裝置,匹配裝置,校直裝置
coarse 粗的,粗糙的,未加工的,不精確的,近似的,鈍的
coarse adjustment 粗調[整]
coarse clearance fit 鬆轉配合
coarse compensation 粗補償
coarse control 粗控,粗調[節]
coarse fit 粗配合
coarse ness 粗度,粒度
coarse plate 厚板
coarse rack 疏攔污柵,粗格攔污柵
coarse regulation 粗調[節]
coarse synchronizing 粗同步
coarse tuning 粗調[諧]
coarse vacuum 低真空
coarse-adjusting rheostat 粗調變阻器
coarse-fine switch 粗調-細調開關
coarse-grained 粗粒的
coast 海岸[線],[慣性]滑行,跟蹤慣性
coastdown 減少,下降,惰行,[慣性]滑行
coasting 惰轉,惰行,滑行,滑翔
coasting regulator 滑行調節器,惰轉調節器
coasting surface 慣性表面
coasting torque 滑行轉矩,惰行轉矩
coat 外層,塗層,鍍層,塗上,包上,鍍,著色
code register 代碼寄存器
coefficient of inductive coupling 感應耦合係數
coefficient of leakage 洩漏係數
coefficient of losses 損耗係數
coefficient of luminous intensity (of a retroreflector) (復歸反射)光度係數
coefficient of magnetic dispersion 漏磁係數
coefficient of magnetic leakage 漏磁係數
coefficient of magnetization 磁化率,磁化係數
coefficient of modulation 調變係數
coefficient of mutual inductance 互感係數
coefficient of performance 性能係數,使用係數,效率
coefficient of phase displacemnet 相位移係數
coefficient of phase modulation 調相係數
coefficient of potential 電位係數(多導體)
coefficient of reflection 反射係數
coefficient of resistance 電阻係數,阻力係數
coefficient of retroreflected (of a plane retroreflective surface) 復歸反射係數
coefficient of retroreflected luminance (of a plane retroreflective surface) 復歸反射)輝度係數
coefficient of rigidity 剛性係數,剛度係數
coefficient of safety 安全係數
coefficient of self-inductance 自感係數
coefficient of self-induction 自感係數
coefficient of sound insulation 隔音係數
coefficient of stabilization 穩定係數,穩定率
coefficient of stiffness 剛性係數
coefficient of temperature 溫度係數
coefficient of thermal conductivity 導熱係數
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹係數
coefficient of thrust 推力係數
coefficient of transmission 傳輸係數
coefficient of utilization 利用係數,利用率
coefficient of utilization (of an installation, for a reference surface) 利用係數
coherer protector 避[聲]震器
cohesion 內聚性的,有粘著力的
cohesive energy 內聚能
cohesive force 凝聚力,內聚力,粘合力
coho 相干振盪器
coho oscillator 檢相振盪器
coil 線圈,圈
coil aerial 線圈形天線,環形天線
coil arrangement 線圈佈置
coil assembling apparatus 下線裝置,嵌線機
coil assembly 線圈組
coil axis 線圈軸線
coil temperature monitor 線圈溫度監測器
coil temperature-rise 線圈溫升
coil thermal equilibrium 線圈熱平衡