(計算時間: 0.019秒, 共找到 69541 筆資料,顯示第 50801 到 50900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
psophometric electromagnetic force 聲電勢
psophometric potential difference 聲電位差
psophometric power 聲功率
psophometric voltage 聲電壓,聲電位差
psophometric weighting factor 聲電位差權衡因數
psychological effect 心理效應
PTC-resistor 正溫係數電阻器
public address system 播講系統,播講裝置
public message service (PMS) 公用訊息服務
public network 公眾網路
public supply license 公用供電執照
public switched network 公用交換網路
public telephone 公用電話
public telephone station 公用電話站
publicly-owned utility 公營公用事業者
pull box 拉線盒
pull in torque 引入轉矩
pull out power 脫出功率
pull out torque 脫出轉矩
pull switch 拉線開關
pulley 滑車,滑輪
pulley block 滑車組
pulley figure 曳移度
pulsating current 脈衝電流
pulsating load 脈衝負載
pulsating rotating field 脈動旋轉磁場
pulse 脈波,脈衝
pulse amplification 脈波放大
pulse amplifier 脈波放大器
pulse amplitude 脈波幅
pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) 脈波振幅調變
pulse amplitude sampling 脈波振幅抽樣
pulse code modulation (PCM) 脈(波)(電)碼調變
pulse code modulation code-decoder (PCM CODEC) 脈(波)碼調變編譯器
pulse compression 脈波壓縮
pulse current 脈波電流
pulse data network 脈波數據網路
pulse decay time 脈波衰減時間
pulse duration 脈(波)寬(度)
pulse duration modulation (PDM) 脈(波)寬(度)調變
pulse echo meter 脈波回波計,電搏回波計
pulse former 脈波形成器
pulse function 脈波函數
pulse generator 脈波產生器
pulse group 脈波群
pulse integration 脈波積分
pulse length 脈(波)寬(度)
pulse length modulation (PLM) 脈(波)寬(度)調變
pulse modulation (PM) 脈波調變
pulse normalization 脈波正常化
pulse per second (PPS) 每秒脈波數
pulse phase modulation (PPM) 脈波相位調變
pulse position indicator (PPI) 波位指示器,脈波位置指示器
pulse position modulation (PPM) 脈波位置調變
pulse radar 脈波雷達
pulse recurrence frequency (PRF) 脈波迴復頻率
pulse recurrence period 脈波迴復週期
pulse recurrence rate (PRR) 脈波迴復率
pulse regeneration 脈波再生
pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 脈波迴復頻率
pulse repetition period 脈波迴復週期
pulse repetition rate (PRR) 脈波迴復率
pulse reshaping 脈波再整形
pulse rise time 脈波上升時間
pulse selector 脈波選擇器
pulse shaper 脈波整形器
pulse shaping curcuit 脈波整形電路
pulse spectrum 脈波譜
pulse standardization 脈波標準化
pulse string 脈波串
pulse time modulation (PTM) 脈波時間調變
pulse train 脈波列
pulse transfer function 脈波轉換函數
pulse transformer 脈波變量器
pulse transmitter 脈波發射機
pulse width 脈(波)寬(度)
pulse width modulation (PWM) 脈(波)寬(度)調變
pulse-forming network 脈波形成網路
pulse-frequency modulation (RFM) 脈(波)頻(率)調變
pulse-type correlator 脈波型關聯器
pulse-width control 脈(波)寬(度)控制
pulsed oscillator 脈波振盪器
pulser 脈波器
pulverised fuel firing 粉碴粉煤燃燒
pulverised fuel firing dry
pulverised fuel firing with dry ash removal 乾灰除去
pulverised fuel firing with slagging ash removal 熔碴粉煤燃燒
pulverising 磨碎、減小粒度
pulverizer 磨粉機
pump frequency 泵頻(率)
pump house 泵房
pump power 泵功率
pump solar thermal 太陽熱泵
pump station 泵站
pump turbine 水泵水輪機,兩用水輪機
pumped storage 抽蓄發電
pumped storage index 抽蓄指數
pumped storage plant 抽蓄發電廠
pumped storage power station 抽蓄發電廠