(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 28901 筆資料,顯示第 19801 到 19900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
percent ratio correction 百分數比率校正
percentage 百分率
percentage differential relay 比率差動電驛
percentage error 百分數誤差
percentage loss 損失百分比
percentage of braiding coverage 編織覆蓋率
percentage of instrument undergone periodical calibration 儀器週期校準百分率
percentage of instrument with allowable accuracy 儀表可允許準確度百分率
percentage of trunking 中繼百分比
perception 感覺器,辨認器
perceptron 辨認器
percussive sound 震聲
perfect code 完整碼
perfect modulation 完全調變
perforated (paper)tape 打孔紙帶
perforated electrode 多孔電極
perforated-tape retransmitter 打孔帶轉發機
perforating telegraph 打孔電報機
perforation rate 打孔率
perforator 打孔機
perforator slip 打孔機紙條
performance 性能
performance acceptance test 性能驗收試驗
performance chart 性能圖(表)
performance criterion of insulation 絕緣性能指標
performance curve 性能曲線
performance curve; hill diagram 水輪機綜合特性曲線
performance evluation 性能評價
performance factor 性能因數
performance index 性能指數
performance of metal 金屬性能
performance of precipitator 集塵器性能
performance period 性能週期
performance requirement 性能要求
performance requirement for reactor fuel 反應器燃料性能需求
performance test 性能測試
performance test of units 機組性能試驗
perhapsatron 磁縮裝置
perigee 近地點
perihelion 近日點
period hours 週期時數
period of construction finishing 完建期
period of oscillation (vibration period) 振盪週期
period staggering 週期錯調
periodic and/or random deviation 週期和/或隨機偏移
periodic component 週期分量
pH value pH 值
periodic component of short-circuit current 短路電流週期分量
periodic conditions 週期狀態
periodic current 週期電流
periodic deviation 週期偏差
periodic electromagnetic wave 週期電磁波
periodic galvanometer 擺動檢流計
periodic inspection 定期檢查
periodic logging 定時列印
periodic operating test of steam turbine 汽輪機定期運轉試驗
periodic quantity 週期量
periodic sampling 週期抽樣
periodic test 定期測試
periodic test of nuclear power plant 核電廠定期試驗
periodic vibration 週期振動
periodic voltage 週期電壓
periodical blowdown 定期排汙
periodicity 週期性
peripheral equipment 外圍設備
peripheral joint of arch dam 拱壩周邊接頭
peripheral transfer 外圍轉移
permalloy 高導磁合金,高(導)磁鎳鋼
permanent connection point for live working 帶電作業永久連接點
permanent current 永久電流
permanent error 永久誤差
permanent fault 永久故障
permanent magnet 永久磁鐵
permanent magnet generator 永磁發電機
permanent magnet machine 永磁電機
permanent magnet moving-coil instrument 永久磁鐵動圈儀表
permanent magnet synchronous motor 永磁同步電動機
permanent magnetic ferrite 永磁鐵氧體
permanent magnetic material 永磁材料
permanent magnetism 永久磁(性)
permanent nuclear facility shutdown 核設施永久關機
permanent outage 永久性停電
permanent split capacitor 永久分相電容器
permanent split capacitor motor, capacitor start and run motor 電容運轉電動機
permanent storage 永久儲存器
permanent supplementary artificial lighting [in interiors] (室內的)晝光補充照明
permanent-magnet loudspeaker 永磁式揚聲器
permeability 導磁係數,導磁率
permeability rise factor 磁導率上升因數
permeability tuning 導磁率調諧,導磁係數調諧
permeable rate 透水率
permeameter 磁導計
permeance matrix 磁導矩陣
permissible loading of transmission lines 輸送線容許負載
permissible number of starting times for generator 發電機允許起動次數
permissible operation with frequency and voltage deviated from rated value 允許的頻率和電壓偏離額定值運轉
permissible stress 允許應力
permissible temperature 容許溫度
permissible temperature rise 容許溫升
permissible unbalanced loading operation of synchronous machine 同步電機允許不平衡負載運轉