(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 28901 筆資料,顯示第 20801 到 20900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
positive locking 強制聯鎖
positive material transfer 正向材料轉移
positive mechanical action 正向機械動作
positive mode(connected in the-) 正向模式(連接於)
positive modulation 正調變
positive negative action 正負作用
positive opening operation 肯定斷開操作
positive phase sequence 正相序,順相序
positive phase sequence current 正(相)序電流
positive phase sequence relay 正(相)序電驛(器)
positive phase sequence votlage 正(相)序電壓
positive plate 正極板,陽極板
positive potential 正電位
positive pressure flow field 正壓流場
positive primary photoelectric current 陽原光電流,正原光電流
positive real function 正實函數
positive semidefinitness 正半確定值
positive sequence 正(相)序
positive sequence component 正序分量
positive sequence impedance 正序阻抗
positive sequence network 正序網路
positive sequence reactance 正序電抗
positive sequence resistance 正序電阻
positive sequence short-circuit current 正序短路電流
positive temperature coefficient 正溫度係數
positive terminal 正極柱
positive transmission 正傳輸
positive [electric] charge 正電荷
positive `and` gate 正及閘
positive `or` gate 正或閘
positive-sequence polyphase system 正序多相系統
positron 正電子,陽電子
possibility 可能性
possible sunshine duration [at a particular location] [在特定地點的]可能的日照時間
post acceleration 後段加速
post arc current 弧後電流
post disturbance review 事故追憶
post insulator 支柱絕緣礙子
post insulator stack 支柱絕緣子疊柱
post insulator unit 支柱絕緣子元件
post-alloy diffused transister 後鎔擴散電晶體
post-alloy diffusion technique 後鎔擴散技術
post-edit 後編排
post-emphasis 後(置)強調
post-injection voltage 後注電壓
post-installation review 裝畢檢查
post-irradiation examination 輻照後檢驗
post-mortem 事後分析
post-mortem dump 事後傾卸
post-mortem routine 事後分析常式
post-pay station 先接後付電話站
post-synaptic potential 後神經結電勢
post-trip logging 追憶列印
post-write disturb pulse 寫後擾亂脈波
postage stamp method 郵票法
posterior chamber 後房
posteriori entropy 後定熵
posting machine 過賬機
postulated initiating event 假設始發事件
postweld heat treatment 焊後熱處理
pot end, stop end, insulating cap 絕緣罩
pot life 適用期
pot type furnace 坩堝式爐
potassium cathode 鉀陰極
potassium channel 鉀通道
potassium conductance 鉀電導
potassium current 鉀電流
potassium equilibrium potential 鉀平衡電勢
potato peeler 馬鈴薯削皮器
potential alpha energy of short lived decay products 短壽命衰變產物的α潛能
potential barrier 電位障
potential barrier width 電位障寬
potential coil 電壓線圈
potential device 電位裝置
potential divider 分位器
potential dividing ring 分壓環
potential drop (difference) 電位降
potential electric hazard 電氣潛伏故障
potential equation 位方程式,勢方程式
potential flow 勢流
potential gradient 電位梯度
potential grading 均壓
potential hazard 潛在危險
potential hill 電位山
potential hydropower resources; potential water power resources 水能蘊藏量;水能資源蘊藏量
potential of earthing connection 接地連接電位
potential profile 位能圖形
potential regulator (voltage regulator) 電壓調整器(調壓器)
potential scattering 位能散射
potential source rectifier excitation 電位源整流器激磁
potential threshold 位能臨限
potential zero 零電位
potentially inadequate state [of an electric power system] 電力系統的潛在不充裕狀態
potentially unstable state [of an electric power system] 電力系統的潛在不穩定狀態
potentiometer function generator 電位計函數產生器
potentiometer loading error 電位計負載誤差
potentiometer multiplier 電位計乘法器
potertial energy 位能
pothead (cable) 電纜頭
Potier reactance 保梯電抗