(計算時間: 0.012秒, 共找到 28901 筆資料,顯示第 22301 到 22400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
random current 隨機電流
random current capacitance 隨機電流容量
random deviation 隨機偏差
random disturbance 隨機騷擾
random input 隨機輸入
random interlaced scanning 隨機間條掃描
random number 機遇數,隨機數
random number generator 機遇數產生器
random processing 隨機處理
random separation 隨機分隔
random variation 隨機變動;隨機波動
random vibration 隨機振動
random walk mehtod 隨機漫步法
range acceleration 距離加速度
range circuit 測距電路
range derivative 距離微分
range error 距離誤差
range extrapolation 距離外推法
range factor 量限因數
range hood 抽油煙機
range indicator 距離指示器
range marker 距離指標
range of application 適用範圍
range of audibility 可聞範圍
range of the controlled variable 受控變數範圍
range of the disturbance variable 擾動變數範圍
range of the final controlled variable 最終受控變數範圍
range of the manipulated variable 操縱變數範圍
range of the reference variable 參考變量範圍
range only radar 測距雷達
range rate 距離變率
range resolution 距離分解度
range scope 距離示波器
range sidelobe suppression 距離旁瓣遏止
range sweep 距離拂掠
range tone 距離音調
range-changing device 量限轉換器
range-height indicator 距(離)高(度)指示器
range-mark circuit 距離標誌電路
range-step generator 距離階波發生器(雷達)
rank of switch 開關等級
rapid access storage 高速出入儲存器
rapid discharge rate capacity 快速放電率容量
rapid operating gate 快速閘門
rapidity of relay protection 繼電器保護快速性
rapidly saturable current transformer 快速飽和比流器
rapsodie (法國之一種)快滋生反應器
rare earth permanent magnet 稀土永久磁鐵
ratchet wheel 棘輪
rate center 額定中心
rate effect 時率效應
rate growth technique 時率成長技術
rate gyro 時率迴轉儀
rate of abrasion 磨損率
rate of air circulation 空氣循環率
rate of change 變化率
rate of change protection 變化率保護
rate of change relay 變化率繼電器
rate of component control 分率控制
rate of diffusion 擴散率
rate of disintegration 蛻變率
rate of dissolution 分離率
rate of fission 分裂率
rate of geothermal utilization 地熱利用率
rate of house power 廠用電率
rate of information loss 資訊丟失率
rate of occurrence of closing without proper command 誤合閘故障率
rate of occurrence of opening without proper command 誤合閘故障率
rate of occurrence of short-circuit events 短路故障率
rate of occurrence of voltage changes 電壓變化發生率
rate of pre-assembled pieces in boiler erection 鍋爐安裝組合率
rate of pressure rise 升壓速度
rate of radioactive decay 放射衰變率
rate of railway car inspection 鐵路車箱檢查率
rate of reaction 反應率
rate of rise of transient recovery voltage, RRRV 暫態恢復電壓上升率
rate of rise of TRV 瞬態恢復電壓上升率
rate of rise suppressor 上升率抑制器
rate of washing ability 洗淨比
Rateau turbine 壓力多級衝動式汽輪機
rated burden of instrument transformer 儀器用變比器額定負載
rated charging period 額定充電時間
rated consumption of water 額定用水量
rated continuous thermal current 額定連續熱電流
rated control voltage 額定控制電壓
rated cooking presure 額定蒸煮壓力
rated current 額定電流
rated current and rated time for grounding and short-circuiting equipment 接地和短路裝置的額定電流和額定時間
rated current transformation ratio 額定電流變換比
rated current-carrying capacity 額定載流量
rated d.c. output current 額定直流輸出電流
rated d.c. output voltage 額定直流輸出電壓
rated data test 額定資料測定
rated electrical power 額定電功率
rated field current 額定磁場電流
rated field voltage 額定磁場電壓
rated form factor 額定波形因數
rated freezing capacity 額定冷凍能力
rated head; characteristic head 額定水頭
rated heat capacity 額定熱容量