(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 28901 筆資料,顯示第 24601 到 24700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
simulaneous processing operating system 西普樂絲(同時處理)作業系統
simulation 模擬,仿真
simulative network 模擬網路
simulator for thermal power plant 火力電廠模擬器
simultaneous access 並行出入
simultaneous color system 同時顯色制
simultaneous computer 並行計算機
simultaneous lobing tracking 多瓣追蹤
simultaneous telegraph and telephone 共線報話
simultaneous transmission and reception 同時收發
sine 正弦
sine electrometer 正弦靜電計
sine squarred pulse 正弦平方脈波
sine wave 正弦波
sine-consine condenser 正弦餘弦電容器
singing point 振鳴點
singing point equivalent 振鳴點當量
singing spark 樂音電花
singing suppressor 振鳴遏止器
single -pole single -throw 單極單投
single button microphone 單鈕微音器
single circuit 單路
single container washing and extracting machine 單槽洗衣機
single control 單控制
single control receiver 單控接收機
single core 單心
single core cable 單心電纜
single cotton covered 單層紗包
single crystal 單晶,單晶體
single crystalline silicon solar cell 單晶矽太陽能電池
single current key 單流(電)鍵
single current system 單流制
single failure criterion 單一故障準則
single feeder; radial feeder 單饋線
single filter reception 單濾波接收法
single fluid 單流體
single fluid theory 單流體理論
single head-receiver 單耳收話器
single layer 單層
single needle system 單針制
single needle telegraph set 單針電報機
single operation 單向作業
single operator arc welding machine 單頭電銲機
single operator power source 單頭(銲接)電源
single phase 單相
single phase a.c. 單相交流
single phase automatic reclosing 單相自動復閉
single phase induction motor 單相感應電動機
single phase system 單相制
single phase three limb core 單相外鐵式鐵心;單相單柱旁軛式鐵心
single polarization fiber 單偏極光纖
single pole disconnector 單極隔離開關
single pole receiver 單極收話器
single pole switch 單極開關
single precision 單精(密)度
single punch 單打孔
single reentrant 單重入
single reentrant winding 單重入繞阻
single regulation 單調節
single scattering 單向散射
single shot reclosing 一次重合閘
single silk covered 單(層)絲包
single silk covered wire 單(層)絲包線
single stage diffusion unit 單階擴散裝置
single stage process 單階方法
single stage pump-turbine 單級可逆式水輪機
single stage storage pump 單級式蓄能泵
single states 單重態
single stroke multivibrator 單衝多諧振動器
single supply 單電源供電
single sweep operation 單次掃描
single throw contact 單投接觸
single throw switch 單投開關
single track recorder 單軌錄音機
single track territory 單軌區
single tramway-type equipment 輕軌電車設備
single unit symmetry 單元(首尾)對稱性
single valve unit 單閥單元
single way 單路
single way connection 單向連接
single wire 單線
single [lift] lock 單級船閘
single-block bidding; continuous bidding 單段報價;連續報價
single-bus configuration 單母線配置
single-buyer 單一購買者模式
single-column disconnector 單柱式隔離開關
single-ended 單端型
single-junction vacuum thermopile 單接合真空熱電堆,單接合溫差電堆
single-line (one-line)diagram 單線圖
single-line-to-ground fault 一線接地故障
single-manning 單人駕駛
single-part bidding 單部投標
single-point information 單點資訊
single-pole double-throw 單極雙投
single-shaft gas turbine 單軸氣渦輪機
single-shaft type combined cycle unit 單軸式複循環機組
single-stroke bell 單擊電鈴
single-throw 單投
single-tuned circuit 單調諧電路
single-wire feed 單線饋電