(計算時間: 0.032秒, 共找到 28901 筆資料,顯示第 25501 到 25600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
stator blade ring 靜葉環
stator coil bar 定子線棒
stator cooling water conductivity cell 定子冷卻水電導率計
stator core 定子鐵心
stator core and frame vibration 定子鐵心及機座振動
stator core fault detection, ELCD 定子鐵心故障探測
stator core loss and temperature rise test 定子鐵心損失及溫度上升試驗
stator core/frame vibration monitor 定子鐵心機座振動監測器
stator current 定子電流
stator end winding vibration monitor 定子繞組端部振動監測器
stator ground fault protection 定子接地保護
stator impedance 定子阻抗
stator of condenser 電容器定片
stator over-current for a short time 定子短時過電流
stator slot [partial discharge] coupler 定子槽部份放電監測器
stator winding 定子繞組
stator winding insulation failure 定子繞組絕緣故障
stator [winding] resistance 定子(繞組)電阻
status monitoring of process equipment 處理設備狀態監視
status register 狀態暫存器
stay block 拉樁
stay insulator 拉線絕緣器
stay neutron 盤桓中子
stay tightener 拉線緊線器
stay-pole 撐桿
steady load 穩定負載
steady state availability 穩態可用度
steady state characteristics of load 靜態負載特性
steady state component 穩態分量;穩態成分
steady state instability of a power system 電力系統靜態不穩定性
steady state of a power system 電力系統穩態
steady state performance 定態性能
steady state short-circuit current 穩態短路電流
steady state stability of a power system 電力系統定態穩定度
steady state stability of synchronous generator 同步發電機定態穩定度
steady state unavailability 穩態不可用度
steam admission nozzle governing 進汽噴嘴調節
steam admission throttle governing 進汽節流調節
steam and power conversion system 蒸汽和電力轉換系統
steam and water pipe fittings 汽水管道附件
steam and water piping 汽水管道
steam and/or water injection 蒸汽和/或水的噴注
steam binding 汽塞
steam boiler; steam generator 蒸汽鍋爐
steam chest 蒸汽室
steam cooled roof superheater 蒸汽冷卻頂棚過熱器
steam cooled wall superheater 蒸汽冷卻牆過熱器
steam discharge control 蒸汽排放控制
steam distributing gear 配汽機構
steam dryness; steam quality 蒸汽乾度
steam exhaust chamber 排汽室;排汽缸
steam flow excited vibration 汽流渦動;蒸汽激振
steam generator tube rupture accident 蒸汽產生器管破裂事故
steam injection gas turbine 注蒸汽氣輪機
steam line blowing 蒸汽吹管
steam moisture 蒸汽濕度
steam parameter 蒸汽參數
steam power generating units 蒸汽動力發電機組
steam purging with oxygen 蒸汽加氧吹洗
steam purification 蒸汽淨化
steam quality at minimum heat transfer coefficient 最小熱傳係數蒸汽品質
steam quality by mass 品質含汽率
steam quality by section 截面含汽率
steam quality by volume 容積含汽率
steam rate; specific steam consumption 汽輪機汽耗率
steam table 水蒸汽表
steam temperature control 汽溫控制
steam turbine admission part 汽輪機進汽部分
steam turbine by-pass system 汽輪機旁路系統
steam turbine control system 汽輪機控制系統
steam turbine cylinder 汽輪機汽缸
steam turbine for co-generation 汽電共生汽輪機
steam turbine governing system 汽輪機調速系統
steam turbine main body 汽輪機本體
steam turbine oil 汽輪機油
steam turbine oil system 汽輪機油系統
steam turbine protection system 汽輪機保護系統
steam turbine rotor 汽輪機轉子
steam turbine speed governor 汽輪機調速器
steam turbine stage loss 汽輪機級內損失
steam turbine thermodynamic system; steam turbine thermal power system 汽輪機熱力系統
steam turbine-driven feedwater pump 汽輪機驅動給水泵
steam washing 蒸汽清洗
steam whirl 汽流渦動;蒸汽激振
steam [static] bending stress 蒸汽靜彎應力
steam-air ratio 蒸汽空氣比
steam-cooled cyclone separator 汽冷旋風分離器
steam-gas power ratio 蒸燃功率比
steam-water separation 汽水分離
steam-water two phase flow 汽水兩相流
steel armoured cable 鋼甲電纜
steel diaphragm 鋼膜片
steel for generator retaining ring 發電機護環用鋼
steel for rotor 轉子用鋼
steel for stator core 定子鐵心用鋼
steel form; sheet steel form 鋼範本;鋼片形式
steel pole 鋼(製電)桿
steel reinforced aluminum wire 鋼心鋁線
steel reinforced concrete pole 鋼筋混凝土桿
steel sheet piling cofferdam 鋼板樁圍堰