(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 29730 筆資料,顯示第 27601 到 27700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Thamnaconus degeni (Regan,1903) 德氏馬面魨
Thamnaconus fajardoi Smith,1953 斑點馬面魨
Thamnaconus fijiensis Hutchins & Matsuura,1984 斐濟馬面魨
Thamnaconus hypargyreus Cope,1871;英:lesser spotted file fish 黃鰭馬面魨;圓腹短角單棘魨、圓腹單棘魨
Thamnaconus modestoides (Barnard,1927);英:modest file fish 擬綠鰭馬面魨;擬短角單棘魨
Thamnaconus modestus (G?nther,1877);英:file fish 馬面魨;短角單棘魨
Thamnaconus septentrionalis (G?nther,1874);英:drab file fish 綠鰭馬面魨;七帶短角單棘魨、七帶單棘魨
Thamnaconus Smith,1949 馬面魨屬;短角單棘魨屬、單棘魨屬
Thamnaconus striatus (Kotthaus,1979) 條紋馬面魨
Thamnaconus tessellatus (G?nther,1880);英:many-spotted file fish 密點馬面魨;密斑單棘魨
Thaumatichthys pagidostomus Smith & Radcliffe,1912 奇??
Thaumatichthys Smith,1912 奇??屬
Thayeria boehlkei Weitzman,1957 搏氏企鵝魚
Thayeria Eigenmann,1908 企鵝魚屬
Thayeria obligua Eigenmann,1908 企鵝魚
Thayeria sanctaemariae Ladiges,1951 聖企鵝魚;聖母魚
theca interna of primary follicle 初卵泡內膜
theca of egg follicle 卵泡鞘
thecodont tooth 槽牙
Thecopterus aleuticus Smith,1904 套鰭杜父魚
Thecopterus Smith,1904 套鰭杜父魚屬
Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas,1814);英:Alaska Pollock,Pollock,wall eye Pollock 狹鱈;明太魚
Theragra finnmarchica Koefoed,1956 挪威狹鱈
Theragra Lucas,1898 狹鱈屬
Theraps G?nther,1862 馴麗鯛屬
Theraps irregularis G?nther,1862 危地馬拉馴麗鯛
Theraps wesseli Miller,1996 韋氏馴麗鯛
Thermarces andersoni Rosenblatt & Cohen,1986 安氏暖綿?
Thermarces cerberus Rosenblatt & Cohen,1986 墨西哥暖綿?
Thermarces Rosenblatt & Cohen,1986 暖綿?屬
thermoreceptors 溫度感受器
thick-spindle shape 厚紡綞形
thigmotaxis 趨觸性
third eye 第三眼
third fin pair 第三鰭對
third ventricle 第三心室
Thoburnia Jordan & Snyder,1917 紹布亞口魚屬
Thoburnia rhothoecus (Thoburn,1896) 紹布亞口魚
thoracic position 胸位
Thoracocharax Fowler,1907 大胸斧魚屬
Thoracocharax securis (Filippi,1853) 大胸斧魚
Thoracocharax stellatus (Kner,1858) 星大胸斧魚
Thoracochromis buysi (Penrith,1970) 拜氏胸麗鯛
Thoracochromis Greenwood,1979 胸麗鯛屬
thorns 棘刺
Thorogobius angolensis (Norman,1935) 安哥拉猛?虎魚
Thorogobius ephippiatus (Lowe,1839) 猛?虎魚
Thorogobius macrolepis (Kolombatovic,1891) 大鱗猛?虎魚
Thorogobius Miller,1969 猛?虎魚屬
Thorogobius rofeni Miller,1988 羅氏猛?虎魚
Thorophos Bruun,1931 猛光魚屬
Thorophos euryops Bruun,1931 猛光魚
Thrattidion noctivagus Roberts,1972 小細鯡
Thrattidion Roberts,1972 小細鯡屬
thread cell 端絲細胞
thread-like secretion 絲狀分泌
three-chambered swim bladder 三鰾室
Threpterius chalceus Scott,1954 大鱗胸絲【魚翁】
Threpterius maculosus Richardson,1850;英:silver spot 白點胸絲【魚翁】
Threpterius Richardson,1850 胸絲【魚翁】屬
threshold 閾值,臨界
Thrissa Cuvier,1816(=Thrissocles,Thryssa) 鰶屬;稜鯷屬
Thrissina baelama (Forssk?l,1775) 稜鯷;平胸劍鰶
Thrissina dussumieri (Valenciennes,1848);英:anchovy,Dussumer’s anchovy 杜氏稜鯷;杜氏劍鰶
Thrissina hamiltoni (Gray,1832);英:deep-bodied anchovy,Hamilton’s anchovy 漢氏稜鯷;哈氏劍鰶、突鼻仔
Thrissina Jordan & Seale,1925(=Thryssa Cuvier,1829) 稜鯷屬
Thrissina kammlensis (Bleeker,1849);英:red nose anchovy 赤鼻稜鯷;干麥爾劍鰶
Thrissina korean (Kishinouye,1907);英:Korean anchovy 韓國稜鯷
Thrissina macropa (Kishinouye,1907);英:big-eye anchovy 大稜鯷
Thrissina mystax (Bloch & Schneider,1801);英:mustached anchovy 中頷稜鯷;鬚劍鰶
Thrissina purava (Hamilton,1822);英:short-horn anchovy 著稜鯷;斜頜稜鯷
Thrissina setirostris (Broussonet,1782);英:long jaw anchovy 長頷稜鯷;髭劍鰶、髭吻劍鰶
Thrissina vitrirostris (Gilchrist & Thompson,1837);英:orange mouth glass nose 黃吻稜鯷
Thrissobrycon B?hlke,1953 齧鯛屬;鰶齧脂鯉屬
Thrissobrycon pectinifer B?hlke,1953 齧鯛
throat 喉頭
throat bones 喉骨
throat cavity 喉腔
throat region 喉區
throat sacs 喉囊
throat teeth 喉齒
thromboblasts 凝血細胞
thrombocytes 血栓細胞
thrombosis 血栓
Thryssa adelae (Rutter,1897);英:swatow thryssa 汕頭稜鯷;汕頭銀帶鰶
Thryssa aestuaria (Ogilby,1910) 澳洲稜鯷
Thryssa baelama (Forssk?l,1775);英:Baelama thryssa 貝拉稜鯷;平胸劍鰶
Thryssa brevicauda Roberts,1978 短尾稜鯷
Thryssa chefuensis (G?nther,1874);英:Chefu anchovy,Chefoo thryssa 煙台稜鯷;芝蕪綾鯷、芝蕪劍鰶
Thryssa Cuvier,1829 稜鯷屬;劍鰶屬
Thryssa dayi Wongratana,1983 戴氏稜鯷
Thryssa dussumieri (Valenciennes,1848);英:Dussumier’s anchovy 杜氏稜鯷;杜氏綾鯷
Thryssa encrasicholoides (Bleeker,1852) 印尼稜鯷
Thryssa gautamiensis Babu Rao,1971 印度洋稜鯷
Thryssa hamiltonii (Gray,1835);英:Hamilton’s anchovy 漢氏稜鯷;哈氏劍鰶
Thryssa kammalensis (Bleeker,1849);英:red nose anchovy 赤鼻稜鯷
Thryssa kammalensoides Wongratana,1983 擬赤鼻稜鯷
Thryssa malabarica (Bloch,1795) 馬拉巴稜鯷
Thryssa marasriae Wongratana,1987 北澳洲稜鯷