(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 29730 筆資料,顯示第 4601 到 4700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
bone building cells 造骨細胞
bone canals 骨溝
bone cells 骨細胞
bone formation 骨形成
bone lamellar 骨板
bone like calcified cartilage 似骨鈣化軟骨
bone like tissue 似骨組織
bone marrow 骨髓
bone matrix 骨基質
bone mineral content 骨礦物質含量
bone scale 骨鱗
bone tissue 骨組織
bone woven 構成骨
bony capsule of swim bladder 鰾骨囊
bony labyrinth 骨迷器
bony layer 骨層
bony plates 骨板
bony ridges 骨脊
Boops boops (Linnaeus,1758) 牛眼鯛
Boops Cuvier,1814 牛眼鯛屬
Boops salpa (Linnaeus,1758) 叉牙牛眼鯛
Boopsoidea Castelnau,1861 擬牛眼鯛屬
Boopsoidea inornata Castelnau,1861 丑擬牛眼鯛
Boraras brigittae (Vogt,1978) 白氏泰波魚
Boraras Kottelat & Vidthayanon,1933 泰波魚屬
Boraras maculatus (Duncker,1904) 斑紋泰波魚
Boraras merah (Kottelat,1991) 小泰波魚
Boraras micros Kottelat & Vidthayanon,1993 三斑泰波魚
Boraras urophthalmoides (Kottelat,1991) 擬尾斑泰波魚
Boreogadus G?nther,1862 北鱈屬
Boreogadus saida (Lepechin,1774) 北鱈
Boridia Cuvier,1830 北血鯛屬
Boridia grossidens Cuvier,1830 北血鯛
Boroda francoi Roxas & Ablan,1940 法氏博羅?虎魚
Boroda Herre,1927 (=Oxyeleotris Bleeker,1874) 博羅?虎魚屬
Borophryne apogon Regan,1925 貪口樹鬚魚
Borophryne Regan,1925 貪口樹鬚魚屬
Borostomias elucens (Brauer,1906) 掠食巨口魚;掠食貪口星杉魚
Borostomias pacificus (Imai,1941) 太平洋掠食巨口魚
Borostomias Regan,1908 掠食巨口魚屬;貪口星杉魚屬
Bostockia Castelnau,1873 斷線肖鱸屬
Bostockia porosa Castelnau,1873 斷線肖鱸
Bostrichthys Dum?ril,1806 烏塘鱧屬
Callionymus flagris Jordan & Fowler,1903
Bostrichthys sinensis (Lac?p?de,1802) 烏塘鱧;中國塘鱧、烏魚
Bostrychus aricanus (Steindachner,1879) 非洲烏塘鱧;雲斑尖塘鱧
Bostrychus Lac?p?de,1801 烏塘鱧屬
Bostrychus sinensis Lac?p?de,1801 中華烏塘鱧
Bostrychus zonatus (Weber,1907) 帶烏塘鱧
Bothidae ?科;左鰈科
Bothinae ?亞科;左鰈亞科
Bothragonus Gill,1883 溝八角魚屬;穴八角魚屬
Bothragonus occidentalis Lindberg,1935 西溝八角魚
Bothragonus swanii (Steindachner,1876) 施氏溝八角魚;施氏穴八角魚
Bothriolepidae 溝鱗魚科(化石)
Bothrocara Bean,1890 長孔綿?屬
Bothrocara brunneum (Bean,1890)
Bothrocara mole Bean,1890
Bothrocara pusillum (Bean,1890)
Bothrocara remigerum Gilbert,1915
Bothrocara zesta Jordan & Fowler,1902
Bothrocarina microcephala (Schmidt,1938)
Bothrocarina nigrocaudata Suvorov,1935
Bothrocarina Suvorov,1935 棘鰻?屬;孔綿?屬
Bothus assimilis (G?nther,1862)
Bothus constellatus (Jordan,1889)
Bothus leopardinus (G?nther,1862)
Bothus maculiferus (Poey,1860)
Bothus mancus (Broussonet,1782); maimed flounder
Bothus myriaster (Temminck & Schlegel,1846); disc flounder
Bothus ocellatus (Agassiz,1831)
Bothus pantherinus R?ppell,1830-1; leopard flounder
Bothus Rafinesque,1810 ?屬;左鰈屬
Bothus robinsi Topp & Hoff,1972
Botia beauforti Smith,1931 斑鰭沙鰍
Botia berdmorei (Blyth,1860) 緬甸沙鰍
Botia Gray,1831 沙鰍屬
Botia histrionica Blyth,1860 伊洛瓦底沙鰍
Botia lucasbahi Fowler,1937 南方沙鰍
Botia macracanthus (Bleeker,1852) 皇冠沙鰍
Botia nigrolineata Kottelat & Chu,1987 黑線沙鰍
Botia pulchra Wu,1939 美麗沙鰍
Botia reevesae Chang,1944 寬體沙鰍
Botia robusta Wu,1939 壯體沙鰍
Botia rostrata G?nther,1868 突吻沙鰍
Botia supercillaris G?nther,1892 中華沙鰍
Botia tientaiensis Wu,1930 天台沙鰍
Botia xanthi (G?nther,1888) 宜昌沙鰍 ;黃沙鰍
Botia yunnanensis (Chen,1978) 雲南沙鰍
Botiinae 沙鰍亞科
bottle-shaped organs of Labeo 野鯪瓶形器
Boulengerella cuvieri (Spix & Agassiz,1829) 長吻鮑氏脂鯉
Boulengerella Eigenmann,1903 鮑氏脂鯉屬
Boulengerella lateristriga (Boulenger,1895) 側帶鮑氏脂鯉
Boulengerella lucius (Cuvier,1816) 巴西鮑氏脂鯉
Boulengerella maculata (Valenciennes,1850) 花斑鮑氏脂鯉
Boulengerella xyrekes Vari,1995 尾斑鮑氏脂鯉
Boulengerochromis knoepffleri Taverne & G?ry,1968 諾氏小鱗麗鯛
Boulengerochromis Pellegrin,1904 小鱗麗鯛屬
Boulenggeromyrus knoepffleri Taverne & G?ry,1968 鮑氏長頜魚