(計算時間: 0.008秒, 共找到 29730 筆資料,顯示第 501 到 600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock,1977 橫帶凸?虎魚;橫帶連膜?虎魚
Stonogobiops medon Hoese & Randall,1982 中間凸?虎魚;中間連膜?虎魚
Stonogobiops nematodes Hoese & Randall,1982 絲鰭凸?虎魚;絲鰭連膜?虎魚
Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock,1977 凸?虎魚屬;連膜?虎魚屬
Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Hoese & Randall,1982 黃吻凸?虎魚;黃吻連膜?虎魚
storage gland 貯藏腺
Storrsia Dawson,1982 斯通?屬
Storrsia olsoni Dawson,1982 斯通?
stout-spindle-shpaed cells 鈍紡綞形細胞
Strangomera bentincki (Norman,1936) 貝氏智利鯡
Strangomera Whitehead,1965 智利鯡屬
stratum argenteum 銀層
stratum circulare 循環層
stratum compactum of integument 皮緻密層
stratum compactum of intestine 腸緻密層
stratum corneum 角質層
stratum fibrosum retinae 網膜纖維層
stratum ganglionare n. optici 視神經節層
Symphurus jenynsi Evermann & Kendall,1906 焦氏無線鰨
Symphurus leei Jordan & Bollman,1890 李氏無線鰨
Symphurus marginatus (Goode & Bean,1886) 緣無線鰨
Symphurus marmoratus Fowler,1934 雲斑無線鰨
Symphurus melanurus Clark,1936 黑無線鰨
Symphurus melasmatotheca Munroe & Nizinski,1990 黑點無線鰨
Symphurus nebulosus (Goode & Bean,1883);英:freckled tongue fish 雲斑無線鰨
Symphurus normani Chabanaud,1950 諾氏無線鰨
Symphurus novemfasciatus Shen & Lin,1984;英:nine-banded tongue fish 九線無線鰨;九帶無線鰨
Symphurus oligomerus Mahadeva & Munroe,1990 無線鰨
Symphurus orientalis (Bleeker,1879);英:oriental tongue fish 東方無線鰨;東方鞋底魚
Symphurus paitensis Hildebrand,1946 小頭無線鰨
Symphurus pelicanus Ginsburg,1951;英:long tail tongue fish 長尾無線鰨
Symphurus plagiusa (Linnaeus,1766);英:black cheek tongue fish 黑頰無線鰨
Symphurus prolatinaris Munroe,Nizinski & Mahadeva,1991 柔無線鰨
Symphurus pusillus (Goode & Bean,1885);英:northern tongue fish 北方無線鰨
Symphurus Rafinesque,1810 無線鰨屬
Symphurus rhytisma B?hlke,1961 斑痣無線鰨
Symphurus sechurae Hildebrand,1946 塞氏無線鰨
Symphurus strictus Gilbert,1905;英:strict tongue fish 多鰭無線鰨
Symphurus undatus Gilbert,1905 波紋無線鰨
Symphurus undecimplerus Munroe & Nizinski,1990 浪花無線鰨
Symphurus urospilus (Ginsburg,1951);英:spot tail tongue fish 尾斑無線鰨
Symphurus varius Garman,1899 雜色無線鰨
Symphurus williamsi Jordan & Cuvier,1895 威氏無線鰨
Symphysanodon berryi Anderson,1970;英:slope bass 伯氏癒牙鮨;伯氏合鰾齒笛鯛
Symphysanodon Bleeker,1878 癒牙鮨屬;片山花鯛屬、合鰾齒笛鯛屬
Symphysanodon katayamai (Anderson,1970) 片山癒牙鮨;片山花鯛、合鰾齒笛鯛
Symphysanodon maunaloae Anderson,1970 貝勞癒牙鮨;貝勞合鰾齒笛鯛
Symphysanodon typus Bleeker,1878 癒牙鮨;合鰾齒笛鯛
Symphysanodontidae(=Acropomatidae) 癒牙鮨科
symphysis 聯合,膜連
Symphysodon aequifasciata aequifasciata (Pellegrin,1904) 綠七彩神仙麗鯛;綠盤麗鯛
Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi Schultz,1960 棕七彩神仙麗鯛;褐盤麗鯛
Symphysodon aequifasciata heraldi Schultz,1960 藍七彩神仙麗鯛;藍盤麗鯛
Symphysodon discus Heckel,1840;英:discus,disc cichlid 五彩神仙麗鯛;盤麗鯛
Symphysodon Heckel,1840 彩色神仙麗鯛屬;盤麗鯛屬
symplectic 續骨
symplectico-hyomandibular joint 續骨-舌頷骨關節
symplesiomorphy 共同祖徵
Sympterygia bonapartii M?ller & Henle,1841 同鰭鰩
Sympterygia M?ller & Henle,1837 同鰭鰩屬
Synagrops adeni Kotthaus,1970 艾氏尖牙鯛;艾氏尖牙鱸
Synagrops analis (Katayama,1957);英:large scale split fish 多棘尖牙鯛;多棘尖牙鱸
Synagrops argyrea (Gilbert & Gramer,1897) 尖牙鯛;銀口尖牙鱸
Synagrops bellus (Goode & Bean,1896);英:black mouth bass 黑口尖牙鯛;黑口尖牙鱸
Synagrops G?nther,1887 尖牙鯛屬;尖牙鱸屬
Synchiropus lateralis Richardson,1844;英:side striped dragonet 側達鰭【魚銜】;側斑連鰭【魚銜】
Synagrops japonicus (D?derlein,1883);英:black-mouth cardinal fish,Japanese split fin 日本尖牙鯛;尖齒鯛、光棘尖牙鱸、日本尖牙鱸
Synagrops macquariensis (Cuvier,1829) 馬貴尖牙鯛;馬貴尖牙鱸
Synagrops philippinensis (G?nther,1880);英:Philippine sharp tooth bass 菲律賓尖牙鯛;腹棘尖牙鱸
Synagrops pseudomicrolepis Schultz,1940 擬小鱗尖牙鯛;擬小鱗尖牙鱸
Synagrops serratospinosus Smith & Radcliff,1912 鋸棘尖牙鯛
Thymallinae;英:graylings 茴魚亞科
tooth pulp 齒髓
tooth radial canal 齒輻射管
tooth replacement 補換齒,代換齒
tooth root 齒根
tooth size 齒大小
tooth–bearing bones 齒關連骨
Tor brevifilis (Peters,1881) 短鰭結魚;瓣結魚
Tor douronensis (Valenciennes,1842) 大鱗結魚
Tor Gray,1834 結魚屬
Tor hemispinus Chen & Chu,1985 半刺結魚
Tor khudree khudree (Sykes,1839) 庫德里結魚
Tor khudree longispinnis (G?nther,1868) 長刺結魚
Tor mussullah (Sykes,1839) 馬休結魚
Tor putitora (Hamilton,1822) 黃鰭結魚
Tor qiaojiensis Wu,1977 橋街結魚
Tor sinensis Wu,1977 中國結魚
Tor tambroides (Bleeker,1854) 似野結魚
Tor tor (Hamilton,1822);英:mahseer 結魚
Tor yunnanensis (Wang,Zhuang & Gao,1982) 雲南結魚
Tor zonatus Lin,1935 葉結魚
Torictus edentulus (Alcock,1892) 多肌平頭魚
Torictus Parr,1951 多肌平頭魚屬
Torpedinidae;英:electric rays 電鰩科;電?科
Torpediniformes;英:electric rays 電鰩目;電?目
Torpedinoidei ;英:electric rays 電鰩亞目;電?亞目
Torpedo bauchotae Cadenat,Capape & Desoutter,1978 博喬電鰩
Torpedo californica Ayres,1855;英:Pacific electric ray 太平洋電鰩
Torpedo fuscomaculata Peters,1855 黑斑電鰩