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書名 作者 版本 出版社
大白鯊 年代影視事業股份有限公司策劃製作 年代文化
美女與野獸 年代影視事業股份有限公司策劃製作 年代文化
北極王國 年代影視事業股份有限公司策劃製作 年代文化
教學目標與評鑑 Pobert J. Kibler等著 高雄復文
行政管理論文選輯 銓敘部主編 銓敘部
人生的智慧 王邦雄著 幼獅
教育計畫與評鑑 鄭崇趁著 心理
決策與人生 林基源著 遠流
教育評鑑 中國教育學會主編 師大書苑
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin, A. A. Villaeys, Y. Fujimura World Scientific
Shadows of the circle Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen World Scientific
Advances in coastal and ocean engineering Philip L.-F. Liu World Scientific
Gauge fields, knots and gravity John Baez, Javier P. Muniain World Scientific
Mathematical models and methods of localized interaction theory Bunimovich, Dubinskii World Scientific
Enumath 97 Hans Georg Bock World Scientific
Diagnostic measurements in LSI/VLSI integrated circuits production Andrzej Jakubowski, Wieslaw Marciniak, Henryk M. Przewlocki World Scientific
Problems and solutions on quantum mechanics Yung-Kuo Lim World Scientific
Degress of freedom Alan D. M. Rayner Imperial College
Fission and properties of neutron-rich nuclei J. H. Hamilton, A. V. Ramayya World Scientific
Mathematical methods in sample surveys Howard G. Tucker World Scientific
Transport, chaos and plasma physics 2 S. Benkadda, F. Doveil, Y. Elskens World Scientific
Thermophysical properties of fluids Marc J. Assael, J. P. Martin Trusler, Thomas F. Tsolakis Imperial College
Stability, structures and chaos in nonlinear synchroniaztion nerworks A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, M.I. Rabinovich World Scientific
Hybrid intelligent engineering systems L. C. Jain, R. K. Jain World Scientific
The fokker-planck equation for stochastic dynamical systems and its explicit steady state solutions C. Soize World Scientific
From superstrings to ther real superworld Antonino Zichichi World Scientific
Proceedings of the congerences on matrices and graphs Sergio Camiz, Silvana Stefani World Scientific
Quantum Probability Communications R. L. Hudson World Scientific
Approximate solutions of operator equations Mingjun Chen, Zhongying Chen, Granrong Chen World scientific
Green, brown, and probability Kai Lai Chung World Scientific
Orthogonal functions in systems and control Kanti B. Datta, B. M. Mohan World Scientific
Concepts in solids P.W. Anerson World Scientific
A concise introcuction to calculus W. Y. Hsiang World Scientific
A theory of latticed plates and shells G. I. Pshenichnov World Scientific
Groups, rings and galois theory Victor P. Snaith World Scientific
Narrow gap semiconductors S. C. Shen World Scientific
Geometry of PDES and mechanics Agostino Prastaro World Scientific
Vacuum and vacua the physics of nothing Antonino Zichichi World Scientific
Proceedings of the XVII RCNP international symposium on innovative computational methods in nuclear many-body problems H. Horiuchi World Scientific
Analysis on infinite-dimensional lie groups and algebras Herbert Heyer, Jean Marion World Scientific
Dynamical mechanical systems under random impulses Radoslaw Iwankiewicz World Scientific
Low-dimensional quantum field theories for condensed matter physicists S. lundqvist, G. Morandi, Yu Lu World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war W. S. Newman, S. Stipcich World Scientific
From superstrings to supergravity M. J. Duff, S. Ferrara, R. R. Khuri World Scientific
Foreign exchange option symmetry Valery A. Kholodnyi, John F. Price World Scientific
Hawking on the big bang and black holes Stephen Hawking World Scientific
Simple views on condensed matter Pierre-Gilles de Gennes World Scientific
Applied symbolic dynamics and chaos Bai-Lin Hao, Wei-Mou Zheng World Scientific
20th century physics essays and recollections Giovanni Battimelli, Giovanni Paoloni World Scientific
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos Hie-Yae Moon World Scientific
Computer vision, models and inspection A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin World Scientific
Advances in mathematical codelling of composite materials Konstantin Z. Markov World Scientific
Statistical mechanics Shang-Keng Ma World Scientific
Computational methods in quantum chemistry Ahmed A Hasanein, Myron W. Evans World Scientific
Obstacle avoidance in multi-robot systems Mark A. C. Gill, Albert Y. Zomaya World Scientific
Monolithic refractories Subrata Banerjee World Scientific
International congerence on physics since parity symmetry breaking Fan Wang World Scientific
Dislocation based fracture mechanics Johannes Weertman World Scientific
Hopf bifurcation analysis Jorge L. Moiola, Guanrong Chen World Scientific
Approximate kalman filtering Guanrong Chen World Scientific
Delta N. S. K. Hellerstein World Scientific
Calorimetry in high energy physics Elliott Cheu World Scientific
Proceedings of the 10th anniversary hts workshop on physics, materials and applications B. batlogg World Scientific
Inverse semigroups Mark V. Lawson World Scientific
Radon and thoron in the human environment Akira Katase, Michikuni Shimo World Scientific
Comparative approaches to medical reasoning M. E. Cohen, D. L. Hudson World Scientific
Statistics of knots and entangled random walks S. K. Nechaev World Scientific
Knots and physics Louis H. Kauffman World Scientific
Group invariance in statistical inference Narayan C. Giri World Scientific
Asia in the twenty-first century Paula K. Chow, Gregory C. Chow World Scientific
Random walks of infinitely many particles Pal Revesz World Scientific
Fuzzy-logic-based programming Chin-Liang Chang World Scientific
Chaos and structures in nonlinear plasmas W. Horton, Y-H Ichikawa World Scientific
Elementary stochastic calculus Thomas Mikosch World Scientific
The pattern book Clifford A. Pickover World Scientific
Quantum theory of many-variable systems and fields B. Sakita World Scientific
Proceedings of the 6th international congerence on quasicrytals S. Takeuchi, T. Fujiwara World Scientific
Structure of liquid srystal phases P. S. Pershan World Scientific
Encounters in nonlinear optics Nicolaas Bloembergen World Scientific
Simple views on condensed matter Pierre-Gilles de Gennes World Scientific
Statistical physics experiments, theories and computer simulations M. Tokuyama, I. Oppenheim World Scientific
Lepton physics at cern and frascati Nicola Cabibbo World Scientific
Encounters magnetic resonances Nicolaas Bloembergen World Scientific
The collected works of lars onsager P. C. Hemmer, H. Holden, S. Kjelstrup Ratkje World Scientific
Complexity and chaos N. B. Abraham World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies A. Zichichi World Scientific
Local stabilizability of nonlinear control systems Andrea Bacciotti World Scientific
COSMO-97 Leszek Roszkowski World Scientific
Hydraulic Machinery and cavitation H. Brekke World Scientific
Ocean disposal of wastewater I. R. Wood, D. L. Wilkinson World Scientific
Progress in statistical physics Wokyung Sung World Scientific
Strings '95 I. Bars World Scientific
Lie theory and its applications in physics II H.-D. Doebner, V. K. Dobrev, J. Hilgert World Scientific
GaAS detectors and electronics for high-energy physics C. del Papa, P. G. Pelfer, K. Smith World Scientific
Integrable systems and algebraic geometry M.-H. Saito, Y. Shimizu, K. Ueno World Scientific
Fuzzy logic control advances in methodology Claudio Bonivento, Cesare Fantuzzi, Riccardo Rovatti World Scientific
Recent advances in elasticity, viscoelasticity and inelasticity K. R. Rajagopal World Scientific
Nonlinear dynamics in human behavior W. Sulis, A. Combs World Scientific
Advances guided vehicles Stephen Cameron, Penelope Probert World Scientific
Cellular robotics and micro robotic systems T. Fukuda, T. Ueyama World Scientific