(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 11701 到 11800 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
Transport theory of inhomogeneous fluids Liudmila A. Pozhar World Scientific
Proceedings of the congerence on advances in comutational mathematics H. P. Dikshit, C. A. Micchelli World Scientific
The photon's magnetic field Myron W. Evans World Scientific
Automatic generation of neural network architecture using evolutionary computation E. Vonk, L. C. Jain, R. P. Johnson World Scientific
Attractors of quasiperidically forced systems Tomasz Kapitaniak, Jerzy Wojewoda World Scientific
Global Controllability and stabilization of nonlinear systems S. Nikitin World Scientific
Low x physics F. Barreiro, L. Labarga, J. del Peso World Scientific
String theory in curved space times N. Sanchez World Scientific
Lie theory and its applications in physics H.-d Doebner, V. K. Dobrev, J. Hilgert World Scientific
Nonlinear cooperative phenom Matsson, L. World Scientific
Dynamics of complex fluids M. J. Adams World Scientific
Genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic systems Elie Sanchez, Takanori Shibata, Lotfi A. Zadeh World Scientific
Spin in gravity P. G. Bergmann World Scientific
Meso-optics L. M. Soroko World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies A. Zichichi World Scientific
Recent advances in density functional methods Delano P. Chong World Scientific
Macroscopic quantum cogerence E. Sassaroli World Scientific
Elements of microwave networks Carmine Vittoria World Scientific
The photomagneton and quantum field theory A. A. Hasanein, M. W. Evans World Scientific
Fluid physics Manuel G. Velarde, Christo I. Christov World Scientific
Physical models and laboratory techniques in coastal engineering Steven A. Hughes World Scientific
Nuclear reaction data and nuclear reactors A. Gandini, G. Reffo World Scientific
Quantum wells A. Shik World Scientific
Discrete models of fluid dynamics A. S. Alves World Scientific
Crystal growth for beginners Ivan V. Markov World Scientific
Selected topics on the general properties of quantrm field theory F. Strocchi World Scientific
Advances in tissue banking II G. O. Phillips World Scientific
A scientist speaks out Glenn T. Seaborg World Scientific
Nontopological solitons Lawrence Wilets World Scientific
Firing ceramics G. Bickley Remmey Jr World Scientific
Fractional statistics and quantum theory Avinash Khare World Scientific
Parallel implementations of backpropagation neural networks on transputers P. Saratchandran, N. Sundararajan, Shou King Foo World Scientific
Proceedings of the first international symposium on physical, chemical and biological properties of stable water [IETM] clusters S. Y. Lo, B. Bonavida World Scientific
Hadron colliders at the highest energy and luminosity Alessandro G. Ruggiero World Scientific
Proceedings of international conference on scientific computation Tony Chan, Zhong-Ci Shi World Scientific
Recent trends in mobile robots Yuan F. Zheng World Scientific
The physics of quantum well infrared photodetectors K. K. Choi World Scientific
Mechanics of coastal sediment transport Jorgen Fredsoe, Rolf Deigaard World Scientific
Nonlinar dynamics in particle accelerators Rui Dilao, Rui Alves-Pires World Scientific
The rainbow and the worm Mae-Wan Ho World Scientific
Workshop on physics and experiments with linear colliders I Akiya Miyamoto World Scientific
Physical theory in biology Charles J. Lumsden, Wendy A. Brandts, Lynn EH Trainor World Scientific
Textbook of occupational medicine practice J. Jeyaratnam, David Koh World Scientific
Modelling and planning for sensor based intelligent robot systems Horst Bunke, Takeo Kanade, Hartmut Noltemeier World Scientific
Advances in tissue banking I G. O. Phillips World Scientific
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics F. Hoyle, Jayant V. Narlikar World Scientific
Recent advances in coupled-cluster methods Rodney J. Bartlett World Scientific
Particles and the universe A. Astbury World Scientific
History and science of knots J. C. Turner, P. van de Griend World Scientific
On the way to understanding the time phenomenon A. P. Levich World Scientific
Mechanics of mixtures K. R. Rajagopal, L. Tao World Scientific
Neural networks Jong-Hoon Oh, Chulan Kwon, Sungzoon Cho World Scientific
Amorphous carbon S. R. P. Silva World Scientific
Construction and analysis of transition systems with MEC Andre Arnold, Didier Begay, Paul Crubille World Scientific
Entropic spacetime theory Jack Armel World Scientific
Cafeobj report Razvan Diaconescu, Kokichi Futatsugi World Scientific
Fourth paris cosmology colloqutum H. J. De Vega, N. Sanchez World Scientific
Chinese remainder theorem C. Ding, D. Pei, A. Salomaa World Scientific
China's political economy Wang Gungwu, John Wong World Scienrific
High accuracy non-centered compact difference schemes for fluid dynamics applications Anderi I. Tolstykh World Scientific
Regression and time series model selection Allan D. R. McQuarrie, Chih-Ling Tsai World Scientific
Quantum mechanics Leslie E. Ballentine World Scientific
Introduction to quantum groups M. Chaichian, A. Demichev World Scientific
Advanced topics in myltivariate approximation F. Fontanella, K. Jetter, P. J. Laurent World Scientific
From supersymmetry to the origin of space-time Antonino Zichichi World Scientific
Chaos and complexity in nonlinear electronic circuits Maciej J. Ogorzatek World Scientific
Green's functions for solid state physicists S. Doniach, E. H. Sondheimer World Scientific
Water wave mechanics for engineers and scientists Robert G. Dean, Robert A. Dalrymple World Scientific
Number theory with applications W. C. Winnie Li World Scientific
Applied quantum mechanics Richard K. Osborn World Scientific
Introduction to quantum field theory S. J. Chang World Scientific
Knots and applications Louis H. Kauffman World Scientific
Chemical pathology RN. Walmsley, HJ. Cain World Scientific
Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers Geoff Stephenson World Scientific
Fundamentals of solid state electronics Chil-Tang Sah World Scientific
Proceedings of the sixth asian logic conference C. T. Chong World Scientific
Clinical nephrology Woo Keng Thye World Scientific
An outline of scientific writing Jen Tsi Yang World Scientific
25th international cosmic ray conference M. S. Potgieter World Scientific
Advances in coastal and ocean engineering Philip L.-F. Liu World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spetroscopy S. H. Lin World Scientific
The search for terrestrial intelligence M. Taube, K. Leenders World Scientific
The structure and properties of oxide melts Yoshio Waseda, James M. Toguri World Scientific
Some aspects of polaron theory N. N. Bogolubov, N. N. Bogolubov Jr. World Scientific
Genetic algorithms and robotics Yuval Davidor World Scientific
State of the art in digital mammograpgic image analysis K. W. Bowyer, S. Astley World Scientific
Relativistic aspects of nuclear physics T. Kodama World Scientific
The black hole 25 years after Claudio Teitelboim, Jorge Zanelli World Scientific
International school of heavy ion physics Ricardo A. Broglia, P. Gregers Hansen World Scientific
Quantum mechanical irreversibility and measurement P. Grigolini World Scientific
The schemata of the stars E. A. Paschos, P. Sotiroudis World Scientific
The langevin equation W. T. Coffey, Yu P. Kalmykov, J. T. Waldron World Scientific
Fractal physiology and chaos in medicine Bruce J. West World Scientific
Special relativity Ulrich E. Schroder World Scientific
Introduction to organ transplantaion Nadey S. Hakim Imperial college
Nonlinear kinetic theory and mathematical aspects of gyperbolic systems Vinicio C. Boffi, Franco Bampi, Giuseppe Toscani World Scientific
Infinite groups and group rings J. M. Corson World Scientific
Fundamental and applied pressure analysis T. S. Daltaban, C. G. Wall Imperial College
Thermodynamics and kinetic theory Witold Kosinski World Scientific
Rough surfaces Tom R. Thomas Imperial College