(計算時間: 0.021秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 11801 到 11900 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
Making its mark Geerd-R Hoffmann, Norbert Kreitz World Scientific
Serber says Robert Serber World Scientific
A concise guide to semigroups and evolution equations Aldo Belleni-Morante World Scientific
Intelligent image database systems S. K. Chang, E. Jungert, G. Tortora World Scientific
Advances in software engineeting and knowledge engineering Vincenzo Ambriola, Genoveffa Tortora World Scientific
Perspectives of polarons G. N. Chuev, V. D. Lakhno World Scientific
Ram-based neural networks James Austin World Scientific
The relations of particles Lev B. Okun World Scientific
Second order parabolic differential equations Gary M. Lieberman World Scientific
Electroweak symmetry breaking and new pgysics at the TEV scale Timothy L. Barklow World Scientific
Wavelets and multilevel approximation C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker World Scientific
Adsorption analysis Duong D. Do Imperial College
International seminar on the world-wide implications of nuclear war 1st session E. Etim, S. Stipcich Wrold Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 3rd session W. S. Newman, S. Stipcich Wrold Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 6th session S. Stipcich Wrodl Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 8th session M. Dardo World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 10th session K. Goebel Wrold Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 11th session K. Goebel World Scientific
The QCD vacuum, hadrons and the superdense matter E. V. Shuryak World Scientific
Molecular dynamics and spectroscopy by stimulated emission pumping Hai-Lung dai, Robert W. Field World Scientific
Introduction to preventive conservation[videorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Light and Lighting[videorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Relative Humidity and temperature[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Pollutants[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Integrated pest management[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Packing and transportation of museum objects[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Storage[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Protecting objects on exhibition[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Disaster contingency planning[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Closing a seasonal museum[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The condition report[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Handling museum objects[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of paintings[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of works on paper[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of Sculptures[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of metal objects[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of furniture[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of textiles[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
The care of museum objects[videorecorecording] Mady by Jacques Archambault,Lucie Blanchet Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Machine learning and perception check editors, Guido Tascini[et al] World Scientific
The analysis of comples nonlinear mechaninal systems Martin Lesser World Scientific
Riemannian geometry fiber bundles kaluza-klein theories and all that Robert Coquereaux, Arkadiusz Jadczyk World Scientific
A new vision of an old cluster A. Mazure World Scientific
Linear kinetic theory and particle transport in stochastic mixtures Gerald C. Pomraning World Scientific
Proceedings of the fisrt China-Japan seminar on numerical mathematics Zhong-Ci Shi, Teruo Ushijima World Scientific
Topics in bifurcation theory and applications Gerard looss, Moritz Adelmeyer World Scientific
Stochastically excited nonlinear ocean structures M. F. Shlesinger, T. Swean World Scientific
Dynamical chaos V. S. Anishchenko World Scientific
Problems and solutions on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics Yung-Kuo Lim World Scientific
Physics of clusters V. D. Lakhno, G. N. Chuev World Scientific
1933 summer school in high energy physics and comsmology E. Gava World Scientific
J-Aggregates T. Kobayashi World Scientific
Applied functional analysis and partial differential equations Milan Miklavcic World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 7th session A. Zichichi World Scientific
Fuzzy logic and intellgent technologies for nuclear science and industry Da Ruan World Scientific
Proton-antiproton collider physics G. Altarelli, L. Di Lella World Scientific
Finite semigroups and universal algebra Jorge Almeida World Scientific
Perturbative quantum chromodynamics Leditor,A.H. Mueller World Scientific
QCD spectral sum rules Stephan Narison World Scientific
Heavy flavours II editors,A. J. Buras, M. Lindner World Scientific
New trends in pattern formation in active nonlinear media V. Perez Villar World Scientific
Perspectives in human biology volume 1 Lincoln H. Schmitt, Leonard Freedman World Scientific
An algebraic approach to compiler design Augusto Sampaio World Scientific
Fuzzy topology Liu Ying-Ming, Luo Mao-Kang World Scientific
Sylow theory, formations and fitting classes in locally finite groups Martyn R. Dixon World Scientific
Introduction to the theory of weighted polynomial approximation H. N. Mhaskar World Scientific
Neural networks in financial engineering Apostolos-Paul N. Refenes World Scientific
Local stereology Eva B. vedel Jensen World Scientific
International association for pattern recognition workshop on document analysis systems editor,A. Lawrence Spitz, Andreas Dengel World Scientific
Applications of C++ programming Willi-Hans Steeb, Fritz Solms World Scientific
The fundamentals of aerosol dynamics C. S. Wen World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin, A. A. Villaeys, F. Y. Fujimura World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin World Scientific
Molecular bioelectronics Claudio Nicolini World Scientific
Quanta, logic and spacetime S. A. Selesnick World Scientific
Computer perceptual organization in computer vision Sudeep Sarkar, Kim L. Boyer World Scientific
Mathematical topics in nonlinear kinetic theory II N. Bellomo[et al] World Scientific
Broadband matching Wai-Kai Chen World Scientific
The landau theory of phase transitions Jean-Claude, Pierre, Jean-Claude Toledano World Scientific
Impossible minds Igor Aleksander World Scientific
Advances in mathematical population dynamics - molecules, cells and man O. Arino, D. Axelrod, M. Kimmel World Scientific
Problems and solutions on optics Lim Yung-kuo World Scientific
Scientific Highlights in memory of leon van hove,napoli,Italy,Cctober 25-26, 1991 editor F. Nicodemi World Scientific
Integrable models Ashok Das World Scientific
Proceedings of the International Workshop on New worlds in astroparticle physics Ana M. Mourao World Scientific
Salamfestschrift A. Ali, J. Ellis, S. Randjbar-daemi World Scientific
High energy electron-positron physics editor,A. Ali, P. Soding World Scientific
Non-crystalline and nanoscale materials J. Rivas, M. A. Lopez-Quintela World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies 18th session K. Goebel, A. Zichichi World Scientific
Calculus of variations, homogenization and continuum mehanics Guy Bouchitte, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Pierre Suquet World Scientific
Exotic properties of superfluid 3HE G. E. Volovik World Scientific
Laser spectroscopy and photo-chemistry on metal surfaces Part I Hai-Lung Dai, Wilson Ho World Scientific
Introduction to engineering electromagnetic Fields Korada Umashankar World Scientific
Electronic processes at solid surfaces E. llisca, K. Makoshi World Scientific
A Course on many-body theory applied to solid-state physics Charles P. Enz World Scientific
Fields medallists' lectures Sir Michael Atiyah, Daniel Iagolnitzer World Scientific
XVII International Symposiun on Lepton-photon interactions Albert De Roeck, Albrecht Wagner World Scientific
Femtochemistry Ahmed H. Zewail World Scientific
Nobel lectures physiology or medicine 1901-1921 Nobel lectures World Scientific