(計算時間: 0.012秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 11901 到 12000 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
Nobel lectures physiology or medicine 1922-1941 Nobel lectures World Scientific
Nobel lectures physiology or medicine 1942-1962 Nobel lectures World Scientific
Nobel lectures physiology or medicine 1963-1970 Nobel lectures World Scientific
Nobel lectures physiology or medicine 1991-1995 Nils Ringertz World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1922-1941 Nobel lectures, Gosta Ekspong,ed. World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1963-1970 Nobel lectures World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1971-1980 Stig Lundqvist World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1981-1990 Gosta Ekspong World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1991-1995 Gosta Ekspong World Scientific
Nobel lectures economic sciences 1981-1990 Karl-Goran Maler World Scientific
Nobel lectures economic sciences 1991-1995 Torsten Persson World Scientific
Nobel lectures economic sciences 1969-1980 Assar Lindbeck World Scientific
Nobel lectures literature 1968-1980 Sture allen World Scientific
Nobel lectures literature 1901-1967 Horst Frenz World Scientific
Nobel lectures literature 1981-1990 Sture Allen World Scientific
Nobel lectures literature 1991-1995 Sture Allen World Scientific
Nobel lectures peace 1971-1980 Irwin Abrams World Scientific
Nobel lectures chemistry 1981-1990 Bo G. Malmstrom World Scientific
Nobel lectures chemistry 1901-1921 World Scientific
Nobel lectures chemistry 1963-1970 Elsevier Publishing company World Scientific
Nobel lectures physics 1901-1921 World Scientific
Euclidean quantum gravity editor,G W. Gibbons, S. W. Hawking World Scientific
Spatial computing T. Caelli, Peng Lam, H. Bunke World Scientific
Hubbard model and anyon superconductivity A. P. Balachandran[et al] World Scientific
Applied crystallography editors,Henryk Morawiec, Danuta Stroz World Scientific
Active robot vision H. I. Christensen, K. W. Bowyer, H. Bunke World Scientific
CNN Leon O. Chua World Scientific
Parallel image analysis and processing K. Inoue World Scientific
Studies in pattern recognition H. Freeman World Scientific
String quantum gravity and physics at the planck energy scale N. Sanchez World Scientific
Selected papers, with commentary, of tony hilton royle skyrme Gerald E. Brown World Scientific
Collected papers of V M. F. Atiyah, M. S. Narasimhan World Scientific
Turbulence, strange attractors, and chaos David Ruelle World Scientific
Low power VLSI design and technology G. K. Yeap, F. K. Naim World Scientific
Progress in automatic signature verification Rejean Plamondon World Scientific
Spin glass theory and beyond Marc Mezard, Giorgio Parisi, Miguel Angel Virasoro World Scientific
Parallel image analysis L. S. Davis World Scientific
Principles of statistical inference Luigi Pace, Alessandra Salvan World Scientific
Waves and stability in continuous media ed by S.Rionero World Scientific
7th conference on waves and stability in continuous media Salvatore Rionero, Tommaso Ruggeri World Scientific
Computation of differential equations and dynamical systems eds,Kang Feng, Zhong-Ci Shi World Scientific
Compact synchrotron light sources Ernst Weihreter World Scientific
Beltrami fields in chiral media A. Lakhtakia World Scientific
Algebraic specification techniques and tools for software development Ingo Claben World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 5th session A. Zichichi World Scientific
Electromagnetic wave interactions Ardeshir Guran, Raj Mittra, Philip J. Moser World Scientific
The almighty chance Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. A. Ruzmaikin, D. D. Sokoloff World Scientific
Massive neutrinos in physics and astrophysics Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Palash B. Pai World Scientific
Knowledge-base assisted database retrieval systems Xu Wu, Tadao Ichikawa, Nick Cercone World Scientific
Chaos in laser-matter interactions Peter W. Milonni, M-L Shih, J. R. Ackerhalt World Scientific
Gauge theories R. Akhoury World Scientific
Laser spectroscopy and photo-chemistry on metal surfaces Part II Hai-Lung Dai, Wilson Ho World Scientific
Water treatment unit processes David G. Stevenson World Scientific
Contimuun mechanics via problems and exercises Part II Margarita E. Eglit, Dewey H. Hodges World Scientific
Computational analysis of one-dimensional cellular automata Burton H. Voorhees World Scientific
Perspectives on supersymmery Gordon L Kane World Scientific
International school of heavy ion pysics 3rd R. A. Broglia, P. Kienle, P. F. Bortignon World Scintific
Introduction to high power pulse technology S. T. Pai, Qi Zhang World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war 9th session M. Dardo, K. Goebel World Scientific
Applications of pade approximation theory in fluid dynamics Amilcare Pozzi World Scientific
Theory and application of quantum molecular dynamics John Zeng Hui Zhang World Scientific
Soft computing in remote sensing data analysis elisabetta Binaghi, Pietro Alessandro Brivio, Anna Rampini World Scientific
Charge sensitivity approach to electronic structure and chemical reactivity Roman F. Nalewajski, Jacek Korchowiec World Scientific
Jingshin theoretical physics symposium in honor of professor Ta-You Wu Jong-Ping Hsu, L. Hsu World Scientific
Fuzzy algorithms Zheru Chi, Hong Yan, Tuan Pham World Scientific
Water in biology, chemistry and physics G. Wilse Robinson World Scientific
Non equilibrium phenomena in supercooled fluids, glasses and amorphous materials M. Giordano, D. Leporini, M. P. Tosi World Scientific
Water waves generated by underwater explosion Bernard Le Mehaute, Shen Wang World Scientific
Topics in computational materials science C. Y. Fong World Scientific
1996 summer school in high energy physics and cosmology E. Gava World Scientific
Intelligent supervisory control Hang Wang, Derek Linkens World Scientific
Frontier of physics in fusion-relevant plasmas M. Fujiwara, Y. X. Wan World Scientific
Neural adaptive control technology Rafal Zbikowski, Kenneth J. Hunt World Scientific
1991 summer school in high energy physics and cosmology E. Gava World Scientific
Generic object recognition using form & function Louise Stark, Kevin Bowyer World Scientific
Renormalisation in area-preserving maps R. S. MacKay World Scientific
Elements of non-relativistic quantum mechanics Luis Sobrino World Scientific
Intelligent assembly systems M. H. Lee, J. J. Rowland World Scientific
The treatment of collective coordinates in many-body systems D. R. Bes, J. Kurchan World Scientific
International symposium on new facet of spin giant resonances in nuclei H. Sakai, H. Okamura, T. Wakasa World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies 21st session K. Goebel, A. Zichichi World Scientific
International congerence on differential equations lisboa 1995 L. Magalhaes, C. Rocha, L. Sanchez World Scientific
An introduction to special relativity and its applications F. N. H. Robinson World Scientific
Kalman filter method in the analysis of vibrations due to water waves Piotr Wilde, Andrzej Kozakiewicz World Scientific
Applications of noncovariant gauges in the algebraic renormalization procedure A. Boresch World Scientific
An introduction to the theory of spin glasses and enural networks Viktor Dotsenko World Scientific
Trajectories and rays A. Ranfagni World Scientific
Chaos and nonlinear mechanics Tomasz Kapitaniak, John Brindley World Scientific
The neumann commmpendium F. Brody, T. Vamos World Scientific
A mathematician and his mathematical work S. Y. Ching, P. Li, G. Tian World Scientific
Speaking technically Sinclair Goodlad Imperial College
Laser spectroscopy XIII internationaloy conference Zhi-jiang Wang, Zhi-ming Zhang, Yu-zhu Wang World Scientific
Photonic, electronic and atomic collisions Friedrich Aumayr, Hannspeter Winter World Scientific
1995 summer school in high energy physics and cosmology E. Gava World Scientific
Artificial and natural perception C. Di Natale, A. D'Amico, F. Davide World Scientific
International conference on computational intelligence and multimedia applications 1998 Henry Selvaraj, Brijesh Verma World Scientific
Perspectives on higgs physics II Gordon L. Kane World Scientific
Chao in mesoscopic systems Giulio Casati, Hilda A. Cerdeira World Scientific
Structure and transport properties in organized polymeric materials E. Chiellini, M. Giordano, D. Leporini World Scientific
Teaching undergraduate mathematics Bob Burn, John Appleby, Philip Maher World Scientific