(計算時間: 0.015秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 12101 到 12200 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
The chemical dynamics and kinetics of small radicals Part I Kopin Liu, Albert Wagner World Scientific
Found ations of quantum chromodynamics T. Muta World Scientific
Physiology or medicine 1981-1990 editor,Jan Lindsten World Scientific
Spectroscopy with coherent radiation Norman F. Ramsey World Scientific
A career in theoretical physics P. W. Anderson World Scientific
Continuous symmetries, lie algebras, differential equations and computer algebra Willi-Hans Steeb World Scientific
A brief history of light and those that lit the way Richard J. Weiss World Scientific
Introduction to nonlinear dynamics for physicists Henry D. I. Abarbanel, M. I. Rabinovich, M. M. Sushchik World Scientific
Novel Aspects of electron-molecule collisions Kurt H. Becker World Scientific
Hydraulic machinery and cavitation H. Brekke World Scientific
Offshore structure modeling Subrata Kumar Chakrabarti World Scientific
Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on B Physics and cp violation T. E. Browder, F. A. Harris, S. Pakvasa World Scientific
Image processing for future high energy physics detectors V. Buzuloiu World Scientific
Synthetic coordination chemistry J. A. Davies World Scientific
Distributions, fourier transforms and some of their applications to physics Thomas Schucker World Scientific
Lectures on quantum theory Chris J. Isham Imerial College
Proceedings of the international school of subnuclear physics from superstring to present-day physics Antonino Zichichi World Scientific
Computational intelligence in software engineering W. Pedryca, J. F. Peters World Scientific
The chemical dynamics and kinetics of small radicals Part II Kopin Liu, Albert Wagner World Scientific
Lectures in particle physics Dan Green World Scientific
Third fuji international symposium on functional and logic programming Masahiko Sato, Yoshihito Yoyama World Scientific
Effective field approach to phase transitions and some applications to ferroelectrics Julio A. Gonzalo World Scientific
Quasimolecular modlling Donald Greenspan World Scientific
Dynamics of nonlinear and disordered systems G. Martinez-Mekler, T. H. Seligman World Scientific
Computational medicine, public health, and biotechnology Prat I building a man in the machine Matthew Witten World Scientific
Molecular nanostructures Hans Kuzmany World Scientific
Wavelets in physics Li-Zhi Fang, Robert L. Thews World Scientific
Motor vehicle dynamics Giancarlo Genta World Scientific
Non equilibrium phenomena in supercooled fluids, glasses and amorphous materials M. Giordano, D. Leporini, M. P. Tosi World Scientific
Geometry of matrices Zhe-Xian Wan World Scientific
The saga of the nerve growth factor Rita Levi-Montalcini World Scientific
The big bang and other explosions in nuclear and particle astrophysics David N. Schramm World Scientific
Selected scientific papers of sir rudolf peierls with commentary R. H. Dalitz, Sir Rudolf Peierls World Scientific
Selected papers of frederick sanger with commentaries Frederick Sanger, Margaret Dowding World Scientific
A portrait of the immune system Ivan Lefkovits World Scientific
Research on particle imaging detectors Georges Charpak World Scientific
Reason and imagination Derek H. R. Barton World Scientific
Discretely-coupled dynamical systems Vicente Perez-Munuzuri World Scientific
A first course in module theory M. E. Keating Imperial College
Moment functions in image analysis theory and applications R. Mukundan, K. R. Ramakrishnan World Scientific
Machine proofs in geometry Shang-Ching Chou, Xiao-Shan Gao, Jing-Zhong Zhang World Scientific
Magnetism and electronic correlations in local-moment systems M. Donath, P. A. Dowben, W. Nolting World Scientific
Physics in collision 17 Helen F. Heath World Scientific
The lure of modern science Bruce J. West, Bill Deering World Scientific
Proceedings of the international workshop P. Ciarlini World Scientific
Proceedings of the 1st Italian conference Sensors and microsystems C. Di Natale, A. D'amico World Scientific
Semigroups and applications John M. Howie, Nik Ruskuc World Scientific
Lectures in synergetics Volodymyr I. Sugakov World Scientific
Differential games of puruit Leon A. Petrosjan World Scientific
Structure and dynamics of nonlinear waves in fluids A. Mielke, K. Kirchgassner World Scientific
Computational medicine, public health, and biotechnology Prat I building a man in the machine Matthew Witten World Scientific
Crystalline beams and related issues D. M. Maletic, A. G. Ruggiero World Scientific
Waves and instabilities in plasmas Liu Chen World Scientific
Renormalization and geometry Jiang, Yunping World Scientific
High-level feedback control with neural networks Y. H. Kim, F. L. Lewis World Scientific
Language prototyping Arie van deursen, Jan Heering, Paul Klint,editors World Scientific
Stochastic analysis and mathematical physics anestoc'96 Rolando Rebolledo World Scientific
Nanoscience friction and rheology on the nanometer scale E. Meyer World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin, A. A. Villaeys, Y. Fujimura World Scientific
Mathematical methods for system theory F. Gentilli World Scientific
Physical properties of carbon nanotubes R. Saito, G. Dresselhaus, M. S. Dresselhaus World Scientific
Mathematical problems relating to the navier-stokes equation Giovanni Paolo Galdi World Scientific
From numbers to analysis Inder K. Rana World Scientific
Theories and experiences for real-time system development Teodor Rus, Charles rattray World Scientific
Superconducting accelerator magnets K.-H. Mess, P. Schmuser, S. Wolff World Scientific
Introduction to modern quantum optics Jin-Sheng Peng, Gao-Xiang Li World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies K. Goebel World Scientific
Lecture notes on the mathematical theory of the boltzmann equation N. Bellomo World Scientific
Economic management and transition towards a market economy Anthony T. H. Chin, Ng Hock Guan World Scientific
Fullerenes and fullerene nanostructures H. Kuzmany World Scientific
Mathematical problems in elasticity Remigio Russo World Scientific
Bone structure and remodeling A. Odgaard, H. Weinans World Scientific
Who shall live ? Victor R. Fuchs World Scientific
Computational methods and function theory 1994 Rosihan M. Ali, Stephan Ruscheweyh, Edward B. Saff World Scientific
Network scattering parameters R. Mavaddat World Scientific
Patterns, information and chaos in neruonal systems Bruce J. West World Scientific
International seminar on nuclear war and planetary emergencies 16th session K. Goebel World Scientific
Applications of nuclear microprobes in the life sciences Yvan Liabador, Philippe Moretto World Scientific
Order & non-order 秩序 Yoshihisa Ito World Scientific
Active network analysis Wai-Kai Chen World Scientific
Proceedings of the international symposium on QCD corrections and new physics Jiro Kodaira, Tetsuya Ongi, Ken Sasaki World Scientific
Electrocardiology'97 Ljuba Bacharova, Peter W. Macfarlane World Scientific
Topology and teichmuller spaces Sadayoshi Kojima World Scientific
Supercolliders and superdetectors W. A. Barletta, H. Leutz World Scientific
Problems and solutions on mechanics Lim Yung-kuo World Scientific
Lectures on the geometry of manifolds Liviu I Nicolaescu World Scientific
Particles and fields J. C. A. Barata, A. P. C. Malbouisson, S. F. Novaes World Scientific
Massive neutrinos in physics and astrophysics Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Palash B. Pal World Scientific
Advances in multi-photon processes and spectroscopy S. H. Lin, A. A. Villaeys, Y. Fujimura World Scientific
Theory of the navier-stokes equations J. G. Heywood World Scientific
Physics over easy Leonid V. Azaroff World Scientific
S Kameshwar C. Wali Imperial College
QCD, lightcone physics and hadron phenomenology Chueng-Ryong Ji, Dong-Pil Min World Scientific
Novel radiation sources using relativistic electrons P. Rullgusen, X. Artru, P. Dhez World Scientific
Fuzzy and uncertain object-wriented databases Rita De caluwe World Scientific
Modern methods for multidimensional dynamics computations in chemistry Donald L. Thompson World Scientific
Endophysics Otto E. Rossler World Scientific
Foundations of modern epr Gareth R. Eaton World Scientific
Water wave propagation over uneven bottoms Maarten W. Dingemans World Scientific
Synchrotron radiation sources Herman Winick World Scientific