(計算時間: 0.016秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 12201 到 12300 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
Computational chemistry Jerzy Leszczynski World Scientific
Critical currents in superconductors for practical applications L. Zhou, H. W. Weber, E. W. Collings World Scientific
Advanced school on electroweak theory D. Espriu, A. Pich World Scientific
Theory & applications of image analysis P. Johansen, S. Olsen World Scientific
Symposium of north-eastern accelerator personnel Karl F. von Reden, Robert J. Schneider World Scientific
Neuromorphic systems Leslie S. Smith, Alister Hamilton World Scientific
A brief history of chinese medicine P. Y. Ho, F. P. Lisowski World Scientific
Advanced shcool on non-perturbative quantum field physics Manuel Asorey, Antonio dobado World Scientific
Index transforms S. B. Yakubovich World Scientific
Microstructures and structural defects in high-temperature superconductors Zhi-Xiog Cai, Yimei Zhu World Scientific
Intelligent control Harris, C. J. ; Moore, C. G. ; Brown, M. World Scientific
Distinctive techniques for organic synthesis Tse-Lok Ho World Scientific
Graph theory and its engineering applications Wai-Kai Chen World Scientific
Impulsive differential equations A. M. Samoilenko, N. A. Perestyuk World Scientific
International Workshop on Masses and mixings of quarks and leptons editor,Yoshio Koide World Scientific
Introduction to supersymmetry and supergravity Peter West World Scientific
DPF'96,the minneapolis meeting K. Heller, J. K. Nelson, D. Reeder World Scientific
Dpf'96 K. Heller, J. K. Nelson, D. Reeder World Scientific
Quantum mechanics, high energy physics and accelerators M. Bell, K. Gottfried, M. Veltman World Scientific
Generalizations of steinberg groups T. A. Fournelle, K. W. Weston World Scientific
Frequency-domain methods for nonlinear analysis G. A. Leonov, D. V. Ponomarenko, V. B. Smirnova World Scientific
Lectures on groups and vector spaces for physicists Chris J. Isham World Scientific
Microscopic theory of condensation in gases and plasma A. L. Itkin, E. G. Kolesnichenko World Scientific
Approximation and interpolation C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker World Scientific
Diamond N. S. Hellerstein World Scientific
Semigroups of matrices Jan Okninski World Scientific
Introduction to quantum computaion and information editors,Hoi-Kwong Lo, Sandu Popescu, Tim Spiller World Scientific
Newtonian electrodynamics Peter Graneau, Neal Graneau World Scientific
Proceedings of the Fifth International workshop on Compressible turbulent mixing R. Young, J. Glimm, B. Boston World Scientific
Statistical dynamics R. F. Streater Imperial College
Field theory Ashok Das World Scientific
Oscillations in planar dynamic systems Ronald E. Mickens World Scientific
Intelligent robotic planning systems Phillip C-Y. Sheu, Q. Xue World Scientific
Decision technologies for financial engineering Andreas S. Weigend, Yaser Abu-Mostafa, A.-Paul N. Refenes World Scientific
Membranes and other extendons Yuval Ne'eman, Elena Eizenberg World Scientific
Path integrals on group manifolds Wolfgang Tome World Scientific
Nonlinear dynamics in particle accelerators Rui dilao, Rui Alves-Pires World Scientific
Chaotic dynamics in hamiltonian systems Harry Dankowicz World Scientific
Propagation of waves in shear flows A. L. Fabrikant, Yu. A. Stepanyants World Scientific
Double layers Sendai Plasma Forum World Scientific
Physics of chaos in hamiltonian systems George M. Zaslavsky Imperial College
Perspectives on higgs physics Gordon L. Kane World Scientific
Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics partI Leonid P. Shilnikov World Scientific
Towards the millennium in astrophysics Maurice M. Shapiro, Rein Silberberg, John P. Wefel World Scientific
Experimental environments for computer vision and image processing H. I. Christensen, J. L. Crowley World Scientific
Lectures at knots'96 S. Suzuki World Scientific
New trends for hamiltonian systems and celestial mechanics Ernesto A. Lacomba, Jaume Llibre World Scientific
Nonlinear functional analysis and applications to differential equations A. Ambrosetti, K.-C. Chang, I. Ekeland World Scientific
Problems and solutions in mathematics Li Ta-Tsien World Scientific
Many-body theory of correlated fermion systems Jose M. Arias World Scientific
Modelling and simulation of robot manipulators Albert Y. zomaya World Scientific
The physics of massive neutrinos Boris Kayser World Scientific
Foundations and applications of possibility theory ed.Gert by de Cooman, Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre World Scientific
Quantum-like models and coherent effects R. Fedele, P. K. Shukla World Scientific
New trends in hera physics ed.by B. A. Kniehl, G. Kramer, A. Wagner World Scientific
Advances in kinetic theory and computing B. Perthame World Scientific
Quantum many-body systems in one dimension Zachary N. C. Ha World Scientific
Computational medicine, public health, and biotechnology Part IIbuilding a man in the machine Matthew Witten, Diana J. Vincent World Scientific
The method of maximum entropy Henryk Gzyl World Scientific
Stochastic models of tumor latency and their biostatistical applications A. Yu. Yakovlev, A. D. Tsodikov World Scientific
Path integrals, hyperbolic spaces, and selberg trace formulae C. Grosche World Scientific
China's tax reform options Trish Fulton, Jinyan Li, Dianqing Xu World Scientific
Advances in information storage systems B. Bhushan World Scientific
The savannah river accelerator project and complementary spallation neutron sources F. T. Avignone III, T. A. Gabriel World Scientific
Perspectives in human biology volume 3 Charles Oxnard, Denise Murphy World Scientific
Symmetry as a developmental principle in nature and art Werner Hahn World Scientific
Singularly perturbed evolution equations with applications to kinetic theory J. R. Mika, J. Banasiak World Scientific
Industrial applications of fuzzy technology in the world editors,Kaoru Hirota, Michio Sugeno World Scientific
On the way to understanding the time phenomenon A. P. Levich World Scientific
Finite element methods for integrodifferential equations Chen Chuanmiao, Shih Tsimin World Scientific
Picture interpretation a symbolic approach Sandy Dance, Terry Caelli, Zhi-Qiang Liu World Scientific
Gravitational wave experiments E. Coccia, G. Pizzella, F. Ronga World Scientific
Quantum effects in the mssm Joan Sola World Scientific
Building facades M. Y. L. Chew, C. W. Wong, L. H. Kang World Scientific
Water and environmental management design and construction of works M. D. F. Haigh, C. P. James Ellis Horwood
Principles of fire behavior James G. Quintiere Delmar Publishers
Engineering mechanics R. C. Hibbeler Prentice-Hall
Linear networks and systems Wai-Kai Chen World Scientific
Currency options and exchange rate economics editor,Zhaohui Chen World Scientific
Earthquake engineering Yu-Xian Hu, S-C. Liu, W. Dong E&FN Spon
Fuzzy logic and soft computing Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager, Lotfi A. Zadeh World Scientific
Frontires in reliability Asit P. Basu, Sujit K. Basu, Shyamaprasad Mukhopadhyay World Scientific
Nobel lectures in chemistry 1991-1995 Bo G. Malmstrom World Scientific
Dynamical systems editor,Ya G. Sinai World Scientific
Nobel lectures in peace 1981-1990 Tore Frangsmyr, Irwin Abrams World Scientific
Smooth invariant manifolds and normal forms I. U. Bronstein, A. Ya. Kopanskii World Scientific
Link proceedings 1991. 1992 Bert G. Hickman, Lawrence Klein World Scientific
Broken symmetry editor,T. Eguchi, K. Nishijima World Scientific
Frontier orbitals and reaction paths editor,Kenichi Fukui, Hiroshi Fujimoto World Scientific
Sir nevill mott N. F. Mott, A. S. Alexandrov World Scientific
Modern alchemy Glenn T. Seaborg World Scientific
Reflections on experimental science Martin L. Perl World Scientific
30 year of the landau institute Isaak M. Khalatnikov, Vladimir P. Mineev World Scientific
Selected works of hans a bethe with commentary Hans A. Bethe World Scientific
40 years in mathematical physics L. D. Faddeev World Scientific
Selected papers of abdus salam with commentary ed.by A.li World Scientific
Museum architecture Justin Henderson Rockport
Transport and logistics Don Benson, Ralph Bugg, Geoffrey Whitehead Woodhead-Faulker
Foundations of earth science Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck Prentice Hall
Global environmental change John J. Hidore Prentice-Hall