(計算時間: 0.018秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 14201 到 14300 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
筧橋英烈傳〔錄影資料〕 中影
八百壯士〔錄影資料〕 中影
青少年哪吒〔錄影資料〕 中影
喜宴〔錄影資料〕 中影
少女小漁〔錄影資料〕 中影
黃埔軍魂〔錄影資料〕 中影
汪洋中的一條船〔錄影資料〕 中影
光陰的故事〔錄影資料〕 中影
小畢的故事〔錄影資料〕 中影
兒子的大玩偶〔錄影資料〕 中影
龍的傳人〔錄影資料〕 中影
我的美麗與哀愁〔錄影資料〕 中影
梅花〔錄影資料〕 中影
推手〔錄影資料〕 中影
潛航四千米〔錄影資料〕 佐峰企業錄製 佐峰
錢塘江奇觀〔錄影資料〕 佐峰
美國太空發展系列 輝洪發行
飛向未來〔錄影資料〕 輝洪發行
海王子〔錄影資料〕 台元發行
美蘇太空演進史 輝洪發行
天下奇觀錢塘潮〔錄影資料〕 權威發行
空旅黃河五千里〔錄影資料〕 權威發行
喜馬拉雅山 權威發行
我們的島-災變系列 公共電視發行
地震〔錄影資料〕 協和國際
Powers of healing by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Mysterious creatures by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Spirit summonings by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Mystic places by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Cosmic connections by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Mind over matter by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
The UFO phenomenon by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Psychic voyages by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Visions and prophecies by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Ancient wisdom and secret sects by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Search for the soul by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Hauntings by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Psychic powers by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Transformations by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Phantom encounters by the editors of Time-Life books Time-Life Books
Sky and earth Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Our bodies Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Everyday life Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Nature Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Animal friends Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Things arounds us Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Flowers and trees Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Amazing facts Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Music and art Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Wheels and wings Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Dinosaurs Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Life in the water Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Geography and maps Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Insect world Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Simple experiments Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Wild animals Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Inventions and discoveries Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
How things work Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Science starter Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Famous places Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
The world we live in Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Things to do Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Ecology and environment Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Animals in action Time Life Asia Time Life Asia
Interactive science communication Veronica Johow UMI
The representation and interpretation of the image of science and scientists at a museum of natural history Dana Marie Riley UMI
The development of a model for a provincial science museum in Thailand to provide education in science and technology Uraivan Yamsaengsung UMI
The analysis of time data in Menninger, Margaret Tippi UMI
Design for interaction Brenda Sue Hasler Zaczek UMI
Comparisons of learnings from structured and nonstructured visits to a science exhibit Ca Nizales de Andrade UMI
A cross-age study of the relationship between conceptual understanding, free exploration of hands-on science center exhibits, and piagetian cognit Robert David Boram UMI
The effect of pre-activity instruction to parents on their questioning behavior and the learning outcomes of their children during a family science Andrea Virginia Anderson UMI
Electronic story-telling in an anthropology museun Glen Muschio UMI
Connections Melissa Lewis Spalding UMI
A study of adults' perceptions of learning in two science museums ^(Museums, Florida) Elva Sears Farrell UMI
Learning-associated behaviors in a science museum discovery space Dorothy Lozowsk Boisvert UMI
A responsive evaluation in two hampton roads museums Joan Fishman Hecht UMI
The effects of metacognitive skills training on hands-on learning from science objects Anne Elizabeth Donnelly UMI
A case study of stakeholder involvement in the evaluation of a museum's education programs Harvey Russel Carmichael UMI
Science centre education Hannu Sakari Salmi UMI
The preservation of a unique institution Charles Dewayne Machon UMI
An evaluation of an interactive computer exhibit in a museum setting Mary-Lynn Klevans UMI
Influences reported by adolescent museum demonstrators in the areas of communication skills, self-image, and approach to science Judith Irene Larsen UMI
A systematic approach to standardized documentation of musical instrument catalogues within the museum setting Randy Clay Dickerson UMI
The museum in the garden Kim J. Kleinman UMI
The new book of popular science Grolier Inc.
Index to the new book of popular science 1996 Grolier Inc.
Complete handyman encyclopedia by the editors of Science & Mechanics H. S. Stuttman Inc.
博物館學概論 中村編 源流社
新編博物館學 倉田公裕, 矢島國雄著 東京堂
博物館地域 岩井宏實編著 
 諸岡博熊著 創元社
寶島台灣 陳龍根總編輯 讀者文摘
彰化縣文化講座專輯 盧淑芬執行編輯 彰縣文化
清涼冰沙 張增鵬編著 唐代文化
鮮味果凍 張增鵬編著 唐代文化
國立自然科學博物館信史 秦裕傑著 自然科學博物館
大眾科學講座專輯 陳健仁等著 臺灣科學教育館