(計算時間: 0.019秒, 共找到 39264 筆資料,顯示第 8401 到 8500 筆)
書名 作者 版本 出版社
濤聲試問 林仙龍著 高市文化
日出海天清 林清強著 高市文化
枝頭上的烏鴉 王玉佩著 高市文化
了屘仔子 古能豪著 高市文化
歡喜 周梅春著 高市文化
看天田 周梅春著 高市文化
喇叭精靈 李錦珠著 高市文化
小玩家大陸行 陳梅英著 高雄市立中正文化中心
文學隨筆 彭瑞金著 高雄市立中正文化中心
陶裡乾坤日月長 鄭燿男, 邱麒麟, 林昭地編輯 高市文化
臺灣早期手繪陶碗集珍 李文能著 高市文化
台灣老地圖 格斯. 冉福立(Kees Zandvliet)著 英文漢聲
中國印刷史論叢 許瀛鑑主編 中國印刷
Museums and popular culture edited by Kevin Moore Great Britain
Museum Registration Methods edited by Dorothy H. Dudley, Irma Bezold Wilkinson Maple press Company
Technological Literacy and the Curriculum edited by John Beynon, Hughie Mackay The Falmer
Technology Education in School and Industry edited by Dietrich Blandow Springer Verlag
Museum Languages edited by Gaynor Kavanagh Leicester University
Introduction to museum Work edited by G. Ellis Burcaw Altamira
Museum visitor studies in the 90s edited by Sandra Bicknell, Graham Farmelo Science Museum
Guide to environmental protection of collections edited by Barbara Appelbaum Sound View
Conservation concerns edited by Konstanze Bachmann Cooper Hewitt
Caring for collections edited by Suan J. Brandes America Association of Museums
Mies edited by Todd Happer, Bonnie Cook Roe Henriquez Studio
Registrars on record edited by Mary Case American Association of Museums
An introduction to materials edited by Patrick J. Boylan Great Britain
Cleaning edited by Patrick J. Boylan Great Britain
Adhesives and Coatings edited by Patrick J. Boylan Great Britain
The passbook series passbooks for career opportunities edited by Museum Attendant National Learing Corporation
Metropolitan museum journal edited by Kevin Avery The Stinehour
Creative puzzles of the worl Delft, Pieter Van ; Botermans, Jack Key Curriculum
Hands on hypermedia and interactivity in museums edited by David Bearman Archives & Museum Informatics
The California state environmental education guide edited by Carolie Sly, Leslie Comnes, Celia Cuomo The United States of America
The passbook series passbooks for career opportunities edited by Museum Curator National Learning Corporation
The Museum Transformed edited by Constance Hernodon 外文書
New visions for independent Museums in the UK edited by T. C. Middleton
A guide to museum pest control edited by Lynda A. Zycherman, J. Richard Schrock
Facts & Artefacts edited by Stuart A Holm
Computational learning theory and natural learnign systems edited by Russell Greiner, Thomas Petsche, Stephen Jose' Hanson 外文書
Museums & Galleries Commission 1992 photography by Robynne Limoges
Information and library services edited by John Myers
The survey edited by Michael Corfield, Suzanne Keene, Stephen Hackney
Treasures for the people edited by Peter Brears, Stuart Davies
Museum and art gallery lighting United States
1997 guide to museum studies and training ing United States edited by Roxana Adams Series America Association of Museums
Bethnam green museum of childhood edited by Amthony Burton
Preparing a guide to your library and information service edited by Sylvia P Webb Association for Information Management
Electronic environmental monitoring in museums edited by R. E. Child
Effective financial planning for library and information services edited by Sylvia P Webb Association for Information Maagement
Insect pests in museums edited by David Pinniger Archetype
The care & conservation of palaeontolgical material edited by Chris Collins
Preservation of electronic formats & electronic formats for preservation edited by Janice Mohlhenrich Highsmith Press
The history of photography edited by Susan Weiley United States
Conservation of glass edited by Andrew Oddy
Matting and hinging of works of art on paper compiled by Merrily A. Smith The Consultant Press
Care and identification of 19th century photographic prints edited by Joan C. Matochik United States
Storage of natural history collections edited by Carolyn L. Rose SPNHC
Standards in the museum care of biological collections 1992 edited by Crispin Paine
MDA museum codes december 1993
MDA occasional paper,19 edited by Stuart A Holm
Spectrum edited by Alice Grant The Museum Documentation Association
Museums Yearbook 1995/96 edited by Sheena Barbour
Museums & Galleries Commission edited by James Shurmer
Public View edited by Corinne Bellow
Serials management edited by Margaret E. Graham, Fiona Buettel Aslib
Givic Realism edited by Peter G. Rowe United States
Time in History edited by G. J. Whitrow Oxford University Press
Storage of natural collections edited by Carolyn L. Rose, Catharine A. Hawks, Hugh H. Genoways SPNHC
Preservation of library & archival materials edited by Sherelyn Ogden American Association of Museums
Conservation concerns edited by Konstanze Bachmann Smithsonian Institution Press
The care of fine books edited by Jane Greenfield Lyons & Burford
Curatorial care of works of art on paper edited by Anne F. Clapp Lyons & Burford
Conservation of plastics edited by John Morgan
Managing archives and archival institutions edited by James Gregory Bradsher The University of Chicago Press
Materials for conservation edited by C. V. Horie
The permanence and care of color photographs edited by Henry Wilhelm
竹林隱士貓熊 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
黑猩猩朝夕相處二十年 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
非洲之獅夜晚出擊 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
納密比沙漠的生命奧秘 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
熱帶雨林無限生機 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
大猩猩是人類的朋友 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
浪跡荒野的大灰熊 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
短吻鱷的王國 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
茫茫深海尋鐵達尼 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
飽經劫難的聖城 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
海底古船尋寶記 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
肉眼看不見的世界 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
電腦科技的大功臣 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
百年來的探險英雄 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
巨鯨 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
北極熊雪地徘徊 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
澳洲動物探秘 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
非洲象最後的伊甸園 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
犀牛的哀歌 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
壯麗的美國國家公園 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
火車之戀 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
育空之旅 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
爬蟲類與兩生類 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化
俾斯麥戰鑑 年代文化策畫製作 年代文化