Sheets (2466)
  • 102年13歲以上國人規律運動率-依年齡別分 (12) 資料來源:教育部體育署運動城市調查。 Source:Sport City survey by Sports Administration, Ministry of Education.
  • 102年13歲以上國人規律運動率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:教育部體育署運動城市調查。 Source:Sport City survey by Sports Administration, Ministry of Education.
  • 102年18歲以上人口每日吸菸率-依年齡別分 (6) 資料來源:本署國人吸菸行為調查(ASBS)。 備註:1. 每日吸菸率定義:曾經吸菸5包菸以上,且最近一個月每天吸菸者。 2. 除「有效樣本數」外,其餘百分比皆經加權調整。 3. 以2000年台灣地區人口加權調整。 Source:Taiwan Adult Smoking Behavior Survey by HPA. 1. Daily Smoking: Who has smoked more than 100 cigarettes (five packs) and smoked everyday in past 30 days. 2. All percentage were weighted. 3. Figures were standardized based on 2000 Taiwan population.
  • 102年18歲以上人口每日吸菸率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署國人吸菸行為調查(ASBS)。 備註:1. 每日吸菸率定義:曾經吸菸5包菸以上,且最近一個月每天吸菸者。 2. 除「有效樣本數」外,其餘百分比皆經加權調整。 3. 以2000年台灣地區人口加權調整。 Source:Taiwan Adult Smoking Behavior Survey by HPA. 1. Daily Smoking: Who has smoked more than 100 cigarettes (five packs) and smoked everyday in past 30 days. 2. All percentage were weighted. 3. Figures were standardized based on 2000 Taiwan population.
  • 102年18歲以上人口目前吸菸率-依年齡別分 (22) 資料來源:本署國人吸菸行為調查(ASBS)。 備註:1. 每日吸菸率定義:曾經吸菸5包菸以上,且最近一個月每天吸菸者。 2. 除「有效樣本數」外,其餘百分比皆經加權調整。 3. 以2000年台灣地區人口加權調整。 Source:Taiwan Adult Smoking Behavior Survey by HPA. 1. Daily Smoking: Who has smoked more than 100 cigarettes (five packs) and smoked everyday in past 30 days. 2. All percentage were weighted. 3. Figures were standardized based on 2000 Taiwan population.
  • 102年18歲以上人口目前吸菸率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署國人吸菸行為調查(ASBS)。 備註:1. 每日吸菸率定義:曾經吸菸5包菸以上,且最近一個月每天吸菸者。 2. 除「有效樣本數」外,其餘百分比皆經加權調整。 3. 以2000年台灣地區人口加權調整。 Source:Taiwan Adult Smoking Behavior Survey by HPA. 1. Daily Smoking: Who has smoked more than 100 cigarettes (five packs) and smoked everyday in past 30 days. 2. All percentage were weighted. 3. Figures were standardized based on 2000 Taiwan population.
  • 102年18歲以上人口目前嚼檳榔率-依年齡別分 (5) 資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查及國人吸菸行為調查。 Source:Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Adult Smoking Behavior Survey.
  • 102年18歲以上人口目前嚼檳榔率-依縣市別分 (20) 資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查及國人吸菸行為調查。 Source:Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Adult Smoking Behavior Survey.
  • 102年18歲以上人口過去一個月喝超過1個標準杯率-依年齡別分 (5) 資料來源:本署國民健康訪問調查 (NHIS)。 備註:1. WHO標準杯定義:1標準杯(one standard drink)=13克純酒精量純酒精量(公克)=容器容量(毫升) x 數量(杯、瓶、罐等) x 對應酒精濃度(%) x 0.79(酒精密度)。 2. 分析結果經加權調整具全國及縣市代表性。 Source:National Health Interview Survey. Note:1. Drinkers are whom had drunk more than one standard drink in past month. A standard drink is equal to 13 grams of pure alcohol, which is the amount of pure alcohol found in drinks. 2. All percentages were weighted with national and city-county representative results.
  • 102年18歲以上人口過去一個月喝超過1個標準杯率-依縣市別分 (20) 資料來源:本署國民健康訪問調查 (NHIS)。 備註:1. WHO標準杯定義:1標準杯(one standard drink)=13克純酒精量純酒精量(公克)=容器容量(毫升) x 數量(杯、瓶、罐等) x 對應酒精濃度(%) x 0.79(酒精密度)。 2. 分析結果經加權調整具全國及縣市代表性。 Source:National Health Interview Survey. Note:1. Drinkers are whom had drunk more than one standard drink in past month. A standard drink is equal to 13 grams of pure alcohol, which is the amount of pure alcohol found in drinks. 2. All percentages were weighted with national and city-county representative results.