Sheets (2466)
  • 102年1到4歲死亡率-依縣市別分 (20) 資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 Source:Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  • 102年30-69歲婦女最近三年內接受子宮頸癌篩檢率-依年齡別分 (8) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫。 備註:申報檢查人數(身分證字號和出生年月日相同者算同1人),若個案在3年內曾作抹片2次以上,取其抹片閱片結果最嚴重且最早採檢時間者。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Note:Cervical cancer screening rate: Percentage of women aged 30 or over reporting a pap smear in the past 3 years.
  • 102年30-69歲婦女最近三年內接受子宮頸癌篩檢率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫。 備註:申報檢查人數(身分證字號和出生年月日相同者算同1人),若個案在3年內曾作抹片2次以上,取其抹片閱片結果最嚴重且最早採檢時間者。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Note:Cervical cancer screening rate: Percentage of women aged 30 or over reporting a pap smear in the past 3 years.
  • 102年30-70歲主要非傳染病標準化死亡率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:1. 衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 2. 內政部戶政司年底人口資料。 備註:1. 年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 2. 標準化死亡率係以2000-2025年W.H.O.世界人口年齡結構為基準。 3. 死因分類碼參考WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C。 Source:1. Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 2. Year-end population data by Department of Household registration, Ministry of the interior. Note:1. Mid-year population is calculated by year-end population. 2. Based on 2000-2025 W.H.O. World Standard Population. 3. Classification of deaths according to WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C.
  • 102年30-70歲女性主要非傳染病標準化死亡率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:1. 衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 2. 內政部戶政司年底人口資料。 備註:1. 年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 2. 標準化死亡率係以2000-2025年W.H.O.世界人口年齡結構為基準。 3. 死因分類碼參考WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C。 Source:1. Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 2. Year-end population data by Department of Household registration, Ministry of the interior. Note:1. Mid-year population is calculated by year-end population. 2. Based on 2000-2025 W.H.O. World Standard Population. 3. Classification of deaths according to WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C.
  • 102年30-70歲男性主要非傳染病標準化死亡率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:1. 衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 2. 內政部戶政司年底人口資料。 備註:1. 年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 2. 標準化死亡率係以2000-2025年W.H.O.世界人口年齡結構為基準。 3. 死因分類碼參考WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C。 Source:1. Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 2. Year-end population data by Department of Household registration, Ministry of the interior. Note:1. Mid-year population is calculated by year-end population. 2. Based on 2000-2025 W.H.O. World Standard Population. 3. Classification of deaths according to WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C.
  • 102年30-70歲非傳染病之死亡機率-依主要死因別分 (4) 資料來源:1. 衛生福利部統計處死因登記檔。 2. 內政部戶政司年底人口資料。 備註:1. 參照WHO Draft comprehensive global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases定義計算。 2. 年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。 3. 死因分類碼參考WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C。 Source:1. Death certificate data by Department of Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 2. Year-end population data by Department of Household registration, Ministry of the interior. Note:1. Calculation of unconditional probability of dying was based on the definition of WHO Draft comprehensive global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. 2. Mid-year population was calculated by year-end population. 3. Classification of deaths according to WHO The global burden of disease: 2004 update_Annex C.
  • 102年45-69歲婦女最近兩年內接受乳癌篩檢率-依年齡別分 (5) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過乳癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月45-69歲婦女人口數。2.2004年7月起,全面提供50-69歲婦女2年1次乳房攝影篩檢,2009年11月17日起,擴大服務對象為45-69歲。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Breast cancer screening rate: Percentage of women aged 45-69 reporting a mammography in the past 2 years. 2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated breast cancer screening into preventive health care Note:2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated breast cancer screening into preventive health care services for women aged 50-69 since July 2004, and it expanded the scope to include women aged 45-49 in 2.November 2009.
  • 102年45-69歲婦女最近兩年內接受乳癌篩檢率-依縣市別分 (22) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過乳癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月45-69歲婦女人口數。2.2004年7月起,全面提供50-69歲婦女2年1次乳房攝影篩檢,2009年11月17日起,擴大服務對象為45-69歲。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Breast cancer screening rate: Percentage of women aged 45-69 reporting a mammography in the past 2 years. 2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated breast cancer screening into preventive health care Note:2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated breast cancer screening into preventive health care services for women aged 50-69 since July 2004, and it expanded the scope to include women aged 45-49 in 2.November 2009.
  • 102年50-69歲民眾最近兩年內接受大腸癌篩檢率-依年齡別分 (4) 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過大腸癌篩檢人數 / 當年12月50-69歲人口數。 2.2010年起,全面提供50-69歲民眾2年1次糞便潛血檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Colorectal cancer screening rate: Percentage of people aged 50-69 reporting at Least 1 iFOBT in the past 2 years. Note:2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated colorectal cancer screening into preventive health care services for people aged 50-69 with at least 1 iFOBT within the past 2 years.