(計算時間: 0.020秒, 共找到 22463 筆資料,顯示第 4701 到 4800 筆)
Provider_type Provider_nameZh Provider_nameEn Provider_Id Route_type Route_nameZh Route_En Route_Id Route_status Route_seTime Route_sbTime Route_providerId Route_opED Route_opBD Route_destinationZh Route_destinationEn Route_departureZh Route_departureEn Route_TSI Route_SID Station_nameZh Station_nameEn Station_Id Station_ticketId Station_terminal Station_seqNo Station_routeId Station_pgp Station_longitude Station_latitude Station_districtId Station_address Station_goBack
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文三信義路口 Wensan & Xinyi Intersection 5096 0 8 101 0 121.37638 25.082567 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文化三路中山路口 Wunhua 3rd & Jhongshan Intersection 5098 0 9 101 0 121.37863 25.083218 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 春城麗池 Chuncheng Lichi 5099 0 10 101 0 121.3811 25.081617 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 中華電信 Zhonghua Telecom 5100 0 11 101 0 121.38505 25.07965 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 頭湖路口 Touhu Rd. Entrance 5101 0 12 101 0 121.38779 25.079117 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口農會 Linkou Farmers Association 5102 0 13 101 0 121.39052 25.078716 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 中正南路 Zhongzheng S. Rd. 11623 0 24 136 0 121.494316 25.058434 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 三和國中 Sanhe Junior High School 11612 0 13 136 0 121.489235 25.07525 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口 Bowa Bank 5103 0 14 101 0 121.3937 25.078484 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 醒吾科技大學 HsingWu University 5104 0 15 101 0 121.39675 25.077816 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 粉寮路 Fenliao Rd. 5105 0 16 101 0 121.395615 25.07585 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 新生街口 Xinsheng St. Intersection 5106 0 17 101 0 121.39333 25.076084 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 仁愛麗晶 Renai Lijing 5107 0 18 101 0 121.39075 25.0765 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口區公所 Linkou Dist. Office 5108 0 19 101 0 121.38828 25.0767 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 松柏蘆 Songbolu 5109 0 20 101 0 121.38492 25.075768 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 仁愛東湖路口 Renai & Donghu Intersection 5110 0 21 101 0 121.38225 25.074284 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口高中 Linkou High School 5111 0 22 101 0 121.37991 25.073534 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 運動公園 Sports Park 5112 0 23 101 0 121.376785 25.075016 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北新都 Taipei Sindou 5113 0 24 101 0 121.37525 25.07635 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 空間樂園 Kongjiian Park 5114 0 25 101 0 121.37257 25.075117 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 世貿芳鄰 Shihmao Fanglin 5115 0 26 101 0 121.370316 25.0732 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 忠孝路口 Zhongxiao Rd. Entrance 5116 0 27 101 0 121.36847 25.07165 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北麗都 Taipei Lidou 5117 0 28 101 0 121.36655 25.069916 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 安敦新世界 AnDun New World 5118 0 29 101 0 121.36467 25.067383 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 華夏大飯店 Highness Hotel 5119 0 30 101 0 121.36432 25.061266 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 醫學大樓 Medical Building 5120 0 31 101 0 121.36522 25.0595 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 長庚醫院 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 5121 0 32 101 0 121.36823 25.059616 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 重安街口 Chongan. St. Intersection 11624 0 25 136 0 121.49392 25.056334 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 高公局 Freeway Bureau 5122 0 33 101 0 121.4252 25.06695 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 昌平街口 Changping St. Intersection 5183 0 34 101 0 121.454636 25.059433 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 思源中央路口 Siyuan & Zhongyang Intersection 5123 0 35 101 0 121.45755 25.05875 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 頭前國中 Touqian Junior High School 5124 0 36 101 0 121.45972 25.054583 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 幸福路口 Xingfu Rd. Entrance 5125 0 37 101 0 121.45975 25.050066 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 仁義里 Renyi Village 5126 0 38 101 0 121.459816 25.0473 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 思源復興路口 Siyuan & Fuxing Intersection 5127 0 39 101 0 121.4598 25.04475 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北醫院 Taipei Hospital 5128 0 40 101 0 121.45983 25.042183 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 捷運頭前庄站(思源路) Siyuan Rd. Intersection 5129 0 41 101 0 121.46011 25.039484 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 捷運新埔站 MRT Xinpu Station 5130 0 42 101 0 121.46748 25.02335 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 致理技術學院 Chihlee Institute of Technology 5131 0 43 101 0 121.46658 25.02055 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 中山國中(此站不停靠) Zhongshan Junior High School 5132 0 44 101 0 121.464714 25.018316 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 板橋車站(文化路) New Banqiao Rail Station 5133 0 45 101 0 121.4622 25.015266 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 萬坪公園 Rayfeng Circle 5134 0 46 101 0 121.46015 25.0128 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 板橋區公所(捷運府中站) Banqiao Dist. Office(MRT Fuzhong Station) 5135 0 47 101 0 121.45872 25.01125 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 萬坪公園 Rayfeng Circle 5136 0 48 101 0 121.46111 25.013517 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 板橋公車站 Banqiao Bus stop 5137 0 49 101 0 121.462 25.013117 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 板橋車站(文化路) New Banqiao Rail Station 5138 0 50 101 0 121.46325 25.01635 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 中山國中(此站不停靠) Zhongshan Junior High School 5139 0 51 101 0 121.4656 25.0193 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 致理技術學院 Chihlee Institute of Technology 5140 0 52 101 0 121.467316 25.02165 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 板橋花市 Banqiao Flower Market 5141 0 53 101 0 121.46868 25.0224 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 捷運新埔站 MRT Xinpu Station 5142 0 54 101 0 121.4671 25.02535 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北醫院 Taipei Hospital 5144 0 55 101 0 121.46011 25.042883 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 思源復興路口 Siyuan & Fuxing Intersection 5145 0 56 101 0 121.46005 25.046383 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 幸福路口 Xingfu Rd. Entrance 5146 0 57 101 0 121.46005 25.051083 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 頭前國中 Touqian Junior High School 5147 0 58 101 0 121.4597 25.05665 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 高公局 Freeway Bureau 5148 0 59 101 0 121.42323 25.066717 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 長庚醫院 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 5150 0 60 101 0 121.36733 25.0592 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 醫學大樓 Medical Building 5151 0 61 101 0 121.36488 25.06025 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 華夏大飯店 Highness Hotel 5152 0 62 101 0 121.36425 25.06195 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 安敦新世界 AnDun New World 5153 0 63 101 0 121.365685 25.068768 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北麗都 Taipei Lidou 5154 0 64 101 0 121.36792 25.071016 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 忠孝路口 Zhongxiao Rd. Entrance 5155 0 65 101 0 121.36998 25.07275 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 世貿芳鄰 Shihmao Fanglin 5156 0 66 101 0 121.37205 25.074484 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 空間樂園 Kongjiian Park 5157 0 67 101 0 121.37397 25.076183 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 台北新都 Taipei Sindou 5158 0 68 101 0 121.376 25.075716 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 運動公園 Sports Park 5159 0 69 101 0 121.37942 25.0737 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口高中 Linkou High School 5160 0 70 101 0 121.38147 25.074017 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 麗寶之星 Libaozhixing Community 11625 0 26 136 0 121.49321 25.053822 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 仁愛東湖路口 Renai & Donghu Intersection 5161 0 71 101 0 121.38413 25.075016 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 松柏蘆 Songbolu 5162 0 72 101 0 121.386765 25.07665 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口區公所 Linkou Dist. Office 5163 0 73 101 0 121.38963 25.076633 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 仁愛麗晶 Renai Lijing 5164 0 74 101 0 121.39215 25.076283 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 新生街口 Xinsheng St. Intersection 5165 0 75 101 0 121.39484 25.07585 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 粉寮路 Fenliao Rd. 5166 0 76 101 0 121.39657 25.077017 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 醒吾科技大學 HsingWu University 5167 0 77 101 0 121.3952 25.078466 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口農會 Linkou Farmers Association 5168 0 78 101 0 121.3906 25.0788 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 林口農會二 Dinghao 5169 0 79 101 0 121.388885 25.079 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 頭湖路口 Touhu Rd. Entrance 5170 0 80 101 0 121.3867 25.079334 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 中華電信 Zhonghua Telecom 5171 0 81 101 0 121.383865 25.0804 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 春城麗池 Chuncheng Lichi 5172 0 82 101 0 121.37973 25.0826 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文化三路中山路口 Wunhua 3rd & Jhongshan Intersection 5173 0 83 101 0 121.37762 25.0838 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 森聯首席 Senlian seat of honor 5190 0 84 101 0 121.3765 25.082916 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文三信義路口 Wensan & Xinyi Intersection 5175 0 85 101 0 121.375336 25.0812 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 未來之光 Glory of the fature 5174 0 86 101 0 121.37323 25.078684 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 瑞士花園9 Ruishi Garden 5176 0 87 101 0 121.37162 25.076982 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 夢想之都 Simcity Societies 5184 0 88 101 0 121.369736 25.075516 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 扶輪公園 Rotary Park 5185 0 89 101 0 121.367714 25.0742 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文山忠孝路口 Wensan & Zhongxiao Intersection 5186 0 90 101 0 121.36565 25.074684 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 文化北路 WenHua N. Rd. 5187 0 91 101 0 121.36505 25.076767 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 920 101 1 100 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 啟智學校(家天下社區) Taipei School of Special Education(Jiatianxia Community) 5188 1 92 101 0 121.36675 25.07845 2 1
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 11600 0 1 136 0 121.48867 25.086733 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 新北高中 Sanchong Senior High School 11601 0 2 136 0 121.4904 25.088118 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 吉祥街口 Jisian Rd. Intersection 11602 0 3 136 0 121.489265 25.089783 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 自然公園 Natural Park 11603 0 4 136 0 121.48693 25.089317 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 五華街口 Wuhua St. Intersection 11604 0 5 136 0 121.48438 25.088367 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 集賢路 Jixian Rd. 11605 0 6 136 0 121.4825 25.086216 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 尼加拉瓜公園 Nicaragua Park 11606 0 7 136 0 121.48077 25.083416 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 捷運徐匯中學站(集賢路) MRT St. Ignatius High School(Jisian Rd.) 11607 0 8 136 0 121.47978 25.081417 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 徐匯中學 St. Ignatius High School 11608 0 9 136 0 121.481636 25.079283 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 幸福戲院 Xingfu Theater 11609 0 10 136 0 121.48347 25.078316 2 0
0 台北客運 100 0 926 136 1 100 新北高中 Fanziwei 分子尾 Fanziwei 建和新村 Jianhe New Village 11610 0 11 136 0 121.48483 25.077534 2 0